
Women In The House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros

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In the book, House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros discussed issues Latina women goes through in daily life. Cisneros talked about their conflicts and how they overcome it. They all represent a role in other people’s lives. Women have a role because they are strong, hard workers, and independent. Women represent strong people. They care and work to save money for their families. Women are expected to work as housewives, do house chores, as well as face abuse. Esperanza is lucky that she did not have abusive parents. Sally, Esperanza’s friend, had an abusive father and faced domestic abuse. Sally’s father hit her, resulting in her to keep quiet and to not talk about it to others. “But Sally doesn’t tell about that time he hit her with his hands just like a dog, she said, life if I was an animal. He thinks I’m going to run away like his sisters who made the family ashamed,” (Cisneros, 92). Sally’s father thought of her as if she was his sister who ran away. Women like Sally, went through abuse is strong for having to keep up with it. Another way women stay strong is the impact of death. Esperanza had to stay strong for her family when her grandfather died. She worked hard on being responsible for them. Women, in general, are hard workers following what they feel is right. …show more content…

The traditional role for women has little education and early marriage. Alicia was a girl who worked hard on her studies and kept up with house chores. “Alicia, who inherited her mama's rolling pin and sleepiness, is young and smart and studies for the first time at the university. Two trains and a bus, because she doesn't want to spend her whole life in a factory or behind a rolling pin,” (Cisneros, 32). Alicia’s mother past away giving Alicia her rolling pin. She has to do house chores for her father. Esperanza works to help her parents pay for school. Women have to work extra hard to exceed the traditional role. They become independent and find their own

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