Why Do Women Oblige?

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Men, it's our fault too. The guilt is not just yours to bear. It is well agreed upon that rape is an act committed out of a degree of disrespect towards the fairer sex. It is also well agreed upon that we need to change these mindsets of men that drive them to commit such heinous crimes. So we come out in large numbers, men and women alike, we shout slogans, we taint our value system, we taint our state, and we throw stones. We demand change. We demand more stringent laws. We demand mindsets of men to change. We say, castrate them, hang them, imprison them for life, send them to the Taliban. We say, shout, protest and believe a lot of things. In general, we believe this- Men, you are the perpetrators and we, women, are the helpless victims. …show more content…

And we women oblige. We are talking in the context of a nation where temples like Sabari Malai don't allow entry of any woman after puberty because she is considered "unholy". And we women oblige. WHY do we women oblige? And its not just obliging these values. Most of us women actually BELIEVE in these values. Most mothers (note, mothers, not fathers) actively tell their daughters to not pray when they are menstrual. We women believe, oblige, and pass on to the next generation. I'm not denying that these values have a certain base, just like all values do. In the past when a women was menstrual, she was kept away from the kitchen because it is tiresome and women weren't to be burdened over what they were already suffering. As the years rolled by, these practices remained, but it became so that women started being considered unfit for kitchen work during these days. And the plague spread to the praying room, and from there to temples. But now that we know that somewhere along the road, these values got skewed, why do we still adopt this skewed yardstick? Why do we women still follow