Women Spies During The Civil War

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As the author emphasizes, women were known as the eyes and ears of military leaders taking their secrets with them to the grave (“Women Spies of the Revolution” np). The role of a women spy was to help defend their country by providing their knowledge in situations that could be used to aid the leader and commander cause. This was a somewhat major role in countless wars due to the useful information that came out of it. Spies during times of war were known for their heroism. Essentially, world wars, along with any wars or battles in general, was simply military action of combat between areas (countries, nations, etc.) Overall, there are incredible stories about women spies as a whole during wars and how what seems like such a small portion …show more content…

These spies went undetected during the early phases of the war because they were expected to be part of such a dangerous role. To be a woman spy during this time period required bravery, determination, and strength. One of the many things they did to successfully help, was mainly gather important information about the enemy’s plan, troop size, fortifications and supplies on scraps of paper or fabric and sewed them into blouses nad petticoats or rolled them into their hair . As well as collecting private insite, they also were assigned to the smuggling of goods, mainly including morphine and ammunition or weapons. They would do so by attatching them to the frame of their hoop skirts or would also hide them in baskets, packages, and even dolls (Brooks np). On the other hand, many question why women had the oppurtunites to be spies in this time period when they had many other general restrictions. However, women were well fit for the job being due to the fact that they could be trusted and were not threatening to others (soldiers) in war. It is also true that women would have to volunteer for the job while a very few percentage of spies were recruited by spymasters. Typically in the Civil War women spies were young, white, and umarried. They also tend to be more attractive, charming, and intelligent which are all the necessary charcteristics when gathering all of the information from soldiers. Based off …show more content…

By reasearching, we learn how each war along with every women are the reason for the great successes, advancements, and victories that we as descendents, are left with today. The contribution and dedication is incredibly impressive. Not knowing if your life was going to end or not was just one of the many struggles that people had to go through daily. As described, “Everyone, even dignified ladies were involved in its progression” meaning every woman deserves recognition (Garder np). Women Sharing techniques is risky, therefore, many decided to keep them for themselves, or taking them “to the