Women Still Face A Great Wall Of Discrimination In China

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“Woman in china still face a great wall of discrimination in china” . The woman face discrimination in getting jobs, the way they look to decide if they are pretty enough for society. Furthermore if you are unmarried and 27 years old or older you are considered a “Leftover woman”. Even worse women are discriminated for being born a girl. Throughout China’s history women have been discriminated and still face discrimination and hardship. China has a one child policy and the policy is part of the family planning process because China has limited space and a growing population and to help reduce the population growth China set a rule to only one child per family. But baby girls are discriminated against in china because they aren't as worthy as baby boys because “traditional chinese values: considered daughters as a product that wouldn't make any profit because they didn't have the ability to work life …show more content…

The first thing women want is full lips, even tho most women in china are already have decently sized lips they want them bigger and fuller. In China instead of having palm readers they do face readers to predict your future and having bigger, fuller lips mean that you will live a happier fun loving life and it's said that lips give you good luck in life. Next the women must have white skin because back in ancient times darker skin was intertwined with being in poverty, because those who had darker skin usually worked in the rice plantations or in the fields. The wealthier folks stayed inside and when outside they stood in the shade because the whiter your skin was the wealthier you were. “In fact, Western standards of beauty once valued pale skin as well. The term “blue blood,” that is used to describe royalty was coined because royals spent so little time in the sun that their blue-hued veins were visible underneath their skin” (http://blog.tutorming.com/expats/chinese-standards-of-beauty.