Womens March Mission Statement

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Some people feel that “actions are stronger than words”. The womens march was a group of women who came together to march on washington d.c. after the event of donald trump being elected. These marches have been noted to be one of the largest marches to take place in history. As stated in source 1 “th march was expexted to draw crowds of several thousands.” the women feel that in order to be heard they must march, and not only stand up for whats rigght on that one day but for many more to come. Its mission statement emphasizes “joingin in diversity.” the march happened very peacfully but was there a change made? Yes, the womens march made a huge impact and was a success. The women who marched that day didnt only make a stand but also a statemnet. It boost other women and future women to want to take a stand for whats right, which is there rights. It was qn eye opener to show you might have to go the extra yard to make the touchdown. So how will we score? Will blacks march when they feel the need? Will women stop fighting with each other and come together? Will blacks stop killing each other on a regular basis but when a white man dose it, become agngry? …show more content…

In soucrc 2 a women states “its vert cigender, very white, very middle class.” she felt as if she didnt fit becuase she didnt fit the discription. Everyone was welcomed even Destiny herdon-de la rosa. She was removed from the offical womens march partners becasue she was against abortions. Even thought she was removed she still attended the womens march to make a stand she states “if somethng isnt for you, make it for you, carve your own