Women's Ministry Interview Paper

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I interview Beth McClain who is the Women’s Minister at Henderson Hills Baptist Church (HHBC) in Edmond, Oklahoma. We discussed several topics such as her spiritual journey, education and professional training, religious beliefs and women’s ministry. Beth told me that she was 26 years old and recognized the great sinner that she was. She had a prayer time by herself and the pastor at the church she attended walked her through the process of being saved. She had recognized her sin by going to church. Beth received a degree in elementary education were she learned about the child and parent. She also believes education in general gives us the ability to discipline and always be open to learning. Training that Beth receives for women’s ministry …show more content…

Beth believes her spiritual gifts that led her to be a womens minister include teaching, leadership and administration. She has been the womens minister at HHBC for 18 years and currently has a five year plan to change the way womens ministry functions. It includes moving from events to focusing on the individual women and their relationship with Christ. Over the years Beth has learned many things about womens ministry. They include to remember that there are always two sides to every story, women are some of the strongest people she knows and women in general need encouragement. She also realizes that her ministry has strengths and weaknesses. Some of the strengths include having women from all generations involved in the ministry and it is easy to come into the ministry and be a part of. Some of the weaknesses include busy women, being unable to minister to every women, not recognizing the value of senior adults and having clicks in the ministry. Another restraint on the womens ministry is a budget of $20,000 which Beth has to plan out herself. Fortunately, Beth does not have to do a lot of recruiting for the women’s ministry. If there is something she needs specific help with she will put it into the bulletin. Beth told me that she likes to spend most of her time ministering one on …show more content…

Most mentoring programs are based on Titus 2. There is even a mentoring program online by that name “ that provides all the resources you need in order to effectively mentor younger women… and its fully customizable by the mentor. (Titus2mentoringwomen) Titus 2:4 specifically says “and so train the young women to love their husbands and children.” Through mentoring an older women will share wisdom learned through life experiences and her walk with God to younger women. Ideally, this would be done on a one on one relationship. Some ideas for mentoring sessions include memorizing scripture, discussing important topics and reading a book together. Each women in the relationship should be able to commit to the mentoring process for at least 6 months. The Titus2mentoring program “requires a serious commitment of time , energy and accountability.” (Titus2mentoringwomen) It is based on the mentoring style of Jesus Christ were he mentored in small groups . He selected who he would teach and taught them what they needed to hear. “After equipping them he commanded them to impact the world with his teachings.” (Titus2mentoringwomen) We read this in Matthew 28:19 which we call the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy