Women's Role In World War One Essay

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Throughout the course of World War One over 2,000 nurses from The Australian Army Nursing Service (AANS) severed overseas as nurses. Alongside Australian nurses working for other organisnistaions such as Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service (QAIMNS) and the red cross. They worked in hospitals, hospital ships and trains. They served in a range of different countries including Britain, India, France, Belgium, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Women serving as nurses were often motivated by “a sense of duty, a close connection to loved ones, serving overseas or a desire to have an adventure”. (Great War Nurses, n.d.) Women’s roles as nurses during World War One were highly significant as they helped the wounded and sick. Although they were so important they did not have the amount of appreciation than the soldiers did fighting. The nurses put in a lot of effort and worked very hard throughout the time of war and should 've got more credit for what they did. The amount of work that nurses undertook and what they had to go through is reflected in this letter written by Gertrude Doherty (a nurse who served in World War One writing to her cousin Muriel in …show more content…

Women had the role to influence and to encourage men to enlist. This was manly through propaganda, posters were designed and distributed around towns, which showed women with their arms around soldiers, feeling proud to be around family and friends who were enlisted. Some had romantic settings as the women looked out at an open window into nature as the soldiers marched passed off to war. Around the issue of conscription, women were involved in campaigning on both sides of the debate rather than just trying to get men to enlist. The techniques of propaganda and women became very popular throughout World War One although they did not seem too