Workload In Natick High School

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As technology gets more and more integrated into classrooms around America, distractions become more and more relevant. Natick High School is a very technology heavy learning environment and distractions are an everyday occurrence in the classrooms. Natick High chooses to filter their internet, however, when sites or games do happen to slip through the filter, students take advantage and get so engaged, that their learning takes a hit. The workload in Natick High School can get very heavy, meaning if students get distracted with technology and miss the notes provided in class, their grades can really drop. Natick High School does a pretty good job filtering their internet, yet the negative effects of the non-filtered internet really show when …show more content…

During the school year, trends exist online too. When a student finds a game that isn’t filtered by the internet the whole grade begins to play too and they become more and more addicted. Students eventually play the game all class and their grade starts to take a hit, as a result of not paying attention during class. The Natick High School offers courses of different difficulty and when students miss information it can hurt them really bad if the course is fast moving. Natick High School can stop students from getting off task during class on their computers if they filter their internet. Each time students have found games and it has become a trend throughout the school, the school eventually blocks the site and students are left stranded, leaving them forced to get back on track with their education. If the internet was to be unfiltered, students would be able to play any game or go on any site whenever they wanted, meaning they wouldn’t be benefiting from a technology-heavy environment anymore since they are not learning as effectively. Therefore, because Natick High School is a technology-heavy learning environment, the school needs to filter their internet in order to ensure the effectiveness of learning online rather than paper. Many argue that a technology-based approach is more effective these days than a paper approach, however, the technology approach is pointless when students have no restrictions on what they do because the ratio of non-school related websites to important school work becomes too unbalanced. In this case, a paper approach would be more useful because students wouldn’t be able to go off task. However, Natick has committed to a technology based track, meaning it’s extremely important to utilize those millions of taxpayer dollars invested by using the technology to learn more efficiently, which is supposed to be