World History: Similarities Between Mussolini And Adolf Hitler

810 Words4 Pages

Kannon Waggoner
Coach Arendall
World History
14 March 2023
Similarities between Mussolini and Hitler Report
Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler were both dictators over European countries in the early to mid 20th century. Both of these used similar tactics to come into power, they used promises of glory and expansion, of dominance over other countries. For example, Hitler used the extreme debt and depression of his country to gain control of the Nazi political party. He gave very convincing and inspiring speeches, which rallied the German people into action and he was elected into the presidency. Which he soon after named himself chancellor and dictator of Germany.
Benito Mussolini used tactics similar to Hitler. Originally, he was an editor …show more content…

They both used their charisma and charm to overthrow their respective governments. They both also commanded political police forces to subdue the populations of their countries. And they both committed terrible acts and crimes against humanity. They both lost power in or after WW2.

Works Cited
Michal. (2017, June 22). How did Adolf Hitler happen?: The National WWII Museum: New Orleans. The National WWII Museum | New Orleans. Retrieved March 14, 2023, from
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