Worm Lab

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I first saw the warm in the beaker on the bottom crawling around and balling up. Next, I used a pipet to suck one of the worms out. I put my worm on my plastic piece that was filled with spring water. The water was full enough to fill the container about half way. I put plenty of water so the worm would not dry up and die. Furthermore, I cut the worm in half after measuring it. The measurement calculated to be 5mm in the whole worm that first week. I kept my worm next to the other student organized so I would not forget where I put it.
I used the microscope to help cut the worm. I used a ruler with cm and converted it to millimeters. I measured under the microscope to get an approximate measurement.
I thought that it would grow back because of the example in class grew back. I initially thought they would grow back at a different time. I wanted just two segments initially to see what would happened. I thought the head would recover and grow faster than butt piece because I thought it might have more information stored in its brain and vital organs that would be closer to the animal.
After every week, the front half of the worm grew 5 mm a week. To be exact, the next week it grew 10mm, and then …show more content…

My smaller piece that was the bottom half of the initial piece cut grew much smaller than the top piece. I believed this happened because there was less information to transfer to rebuild the structure of the smaller worm segment, and most of the growing happen in the larger portion of the worm because it had more information and nutrition. If I would have cut the worm more symmetrical they may have grown about at the same rate. Also, the worm did not have a head at first, and it had to find other ways to breath and gain nutrients. It might have done this from the skin of the animal. The experiment was a success and help me understand how worms regenerate and function

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