Would God Work By Capitalism Or Marxist Socialism?

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Although Marxism, especially in its Communist form, has been negatively perceived throughout history, liberation theologians, Gustavo Gutierrez and Leonardo Boff, have imagined God’s kingdom offers a preferential option for the poor by way of Neo-Marxist ideals. The corruption of Capitalism has provided lavish wealth for the middle and upper classes within the United States while enslaving the lower classes, and also the Latin and South American countries from which the U.S. obtains its imports. Gutierrez, witnessing this systemic abuse, cried out against Capitalism, calling for equality for all and a utopia where the lowest classes are the priority. Ultimately, Gutierrez and other liberation theologians acknowledge the Reformed understanding of God’s kingdom that is both present, but also still to come. …show more content…

The question arises: if God is to work through an existing political and educational philosophy, would God work through Capitalism or Marxist socialism? Christians understand that God’s plan for our world revolves around a theophany in which God is the ruler, but in the meantime, Christians are encouraged to be builders for God’s kingdom. Clearly, liberation theologians have decided that Neo-Marxism is the best route for current kingdom-bringing; especially, in light of the oppression by the United States against the marginalized. Here in the United States, Christians are split deciding between the Neo-Marxist presidential candidate and the Communist-like authoritarian