
Write A Narrative Essay About Moving From A Middle Class

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Being white, coming from a middle class family, being female, and only fifteen years old, I had to think really hard about the challenges that I have had to overcome. I could be writing about my parents divorce, my emotions (those I still haven’t overcame), or my mother’s struggle with her hearing, but I decided I wanted to make it more personal. I wanted to write about a challenge that truly affected me. That challenge is overcoming my fear of failing. The fear of letting my parents down and also disappointing my peers and teachers. Ever since the first grade, I have been in advanced English classes, also known as TD Reading. This already set me up to strive to be my best in all subjects I could be and I was only six years old. Looking …show more content…

Being the only first grader at Harding Elementary in TD Reading it was very difficult to make genuine friends. Either my classmates would want me to do their homework for the or they would pick on me and call me a “freak” or a “nerd”. I never let those names get to me, I was very proud of myself and how far I had come in such little time. Mrs. Zillig, my TD teacher seemed to enjoy having me in her class to discuss James and the Giant Peach and various other books. My sister Kenzy is another person who influenced me to be the best in all subjects I could, often watching her struggle with her studies was hard. When it was her eighth grade year in school, and I was in third grade, her grades started to decline, while mine skyrocketed. I was now placed into TD Math class with three other of my peers. The three all being boys made me feel a little bit out of place, but I soon adapted and started to bond with the boys. I often found myself helping Kenzy with her English and Algebra homework. I vividly remember her trying to pay me to fill out a worksheet on idioms because she was just learning them and we had …show more content…

But there was a twist this year, if someone wanted to take Honors English 9, they were required to take AP Human Geography. I dreaded what it would be like to have to sit in that classroom every sixth period for a whole year. Our teacher Mr. Pike seemed really cool at first and we were not as scared as we started out. Then the first test was passed out. We all studied really hard, but seventy percent of my class ended up failing that test. It wasn’t because we did not study; it was the fact that there were concepts on the test that we had not learned yet and ones that weren’t even in the book. After that we continued to receive tests and worksheets with material of all sorts on them. I spent many nights stressed out, studying for the tests and searching all over for the answer on worksheets. From then on I studied my heart out to at least get a passing grade in the class. When we took the final test I felt a giant weight be lifted off of my back. I had finished AP Human Geography with final grade of a B. I know what you are thinking “You didn’t even fail the class.” Yes, I know I did not actually fail the class. But the act of failing tests and having to study my heart out was what made me overcome my fear of failure. I had pushed my way through the rollercoaster of taking an AP class as a

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