Write An Essay About Hera

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Hello, I am Artemis, the goddess of wild things, the moon, hunts, the natural environment, and the protector of young woman. I have a twin brother named Apollo. He is the god of music, truth and prophecy, healing, the sun and light, plague, poetry, and more. Our mother is Leto, a titan. Hera, Zeus' wife, is a very jealous woman. So, she made Greece and every island to reject my mother Leto from giving birth. The island, Delos, betrayed Hera and allowed Leto to give birth on it. When my father, Zeus asked me what presents I wanted for my third birthday I responded without hesitation that I wanted six things: to be allowed to live without having to be distracted by love and marriage, a bow and arrow just like my brother's, a hunting costume and freedom from having to dress up like a lady, the job of bringing light into the world, sixty young nymphs to be my companions and to help care for my hunting dogs, and all the mountains on the earth to live …show more content…

So let me start of by telling you about one of my stories. You see, when the expedition had mustered at Aulis, Agamemnon, while at the chase, shot a stag and boasted that he surpassed me. What an idiot, does he really think that he’s better than me. I mean come on I’M the goddess of hunting. At this I was so angry that I sent stormy winds and prevented them from sailing any further. Calchas then told them of what I had done and told them sacrifice Iphigenia to me because he knew that they might stay there forever if I’m not pleased with them. This they attempt to do, sending Iphigenia for marriage with Achilles. I, however, snatched her away and transported her to the Tauroi, making her immortal, and put a stag in place of the girl upon the altar. People always ask me why I hate men, and this is one of the reasons. They’re so self centered and they think that they are the best at everything. I just can’t stand

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