Write An Essay On The Movie Se7ven

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Humankind lives in a world of crime and deviancy. We see crime on television, throughout newspapers, and some of us see it in our own backyards. Individuals are taught at a young age what is considered to be bad or good, and are also taught the various consequences of actions they may take. What may be classified as a crime in one society can be the complete opposite in another. We are also raised to understand that some punishments are less severe that others. There is a huge spectrum of deviancy and the ways it can occur via a person or group. Many beings are raised to believe in the black and white aspects of morality and crime. There is good and evil, good deeds and bad deeds, good people and bad people. We have been conditioned from a …show more content…

Anomie is a concept that continuously applies throughout the movie Se7ven in several different ways. It is a term that can be difficult to comprehend when looking at it as a whole. The term “anomie” was introduced by the well-known sociologist Émile Durkheim when he was studying the topic of suicide. In his studies, Durkheim believed that one particular type of suicide resulted from the classification of the social principles or standards that are necessary for regulating behavior and morals. After Durkheim coined the term, American sociologist Robert K. Merton began to study the foundations of anomie, finding it most prominent in those who lack an acceptable means of …show more content…

The two investigators understand that that is the case, but would like to understand why. The inconsistency between the moral behavior of people in their work organizations and their moral behavior outside work is recognized in practice and research. People at work are generally found to be less ethical than they are outside work. Consequently, efforts have been made to identify the factors that make good people do bad things, to distinguish their judgments and actions between their life at work and life outside work (E. Tsahuridu). The killer (John Doe, as they call him in the movie) helps us understand that he no longer has faith in humanity. He mentions how people interact and behave when he says “What sick ridiculous puppets we are / and what gross little stage we dance on / What fun we have dancing and fucking / Not a care in the world / Not knowing that we are nothing / We are not what was intended” (Se7en). As an audience, we are not exactly told as to why or how he became this way, we just know that there is no hope in restoring his faith in human potential. Normally, we would see the killer as being “evil” for the actions he took. Although in his eyes, he is doing a service to the world for getting rid of those setting society back. Upon analyzing the movie’s character’s a bit further, we can also conclude that Somerset, Morgan Freeman’s, character also

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