X Reasons Your Business Should Start A Scholarship Fund This Year

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{RUSTWE} X Reasons Your Business Should Start a Scholarship Fund This Year
Donors all across the US are transforming lives and winning hearts with donations to various causes. Besides individual and non-profit donors, businesses can also get into the act, and for good reasons. According to an excerpt on Harrison County Community Foundation, corporate or business donors irrespective of their size or level of success can contribute to causes they care about. What really matters is having the right leadership and drive. The benefits of giving at the corporate level are numerous. Businesses can create charitable legacies, support causes they care about and set good examples for up-coming business leaders and enterprises.

One of the best ways business can support the community is providing scholarship to college students. According to the Time Magazine, colleges and University can help interested persons and organizations establish scholarship fund to assist would be benefactors. The office responsible usually acts by sending a gift agreement form supporting the establishment of such. For an endowment scholarship that benefits from interest accruing from initial gift offering, the amount required ranges from $10,000 to $25,000. The kitty can aptly support a $1,200 a year student scholarship. In 2015, the …show more content…

The scholarships can greatly impact the lives of the recipients, if the scholarship administrators make it easy for students to find, apply and receive the same. In spite of the challenges students endure on the road to obtaining college degree, the investment is worth every penny. For a quick perspective, college graduates earn more money on average compared to high school diploma holders. Some of the key considerations businesses need to keep in mind when establishing a college scholarship