It all went dark down in the deep, mysterious ghetto. Young Krystyna, an 11 ½ year old girl, and Pavel Friedmann, a poet who died at a concentration camp in Auschwitz were both Holocaust victims who suffered from the consequences of being a Jew. Both, Krystyna Chiger and Pavel Friedmann both wanted freedom from the Germans and Nazis in Poland. This event happened during 1942. Pavel was sent or transferred to a concentration camp in Auschwitz, and Young Krystyna hid down in the sewers for 14 months hiding from the Nazis in Poland. Surprisingly, Krystyna survived the Holocaust in the sewers while 11 people died during their stay. Both the poem and personal narrative are very similar in numerous ways. To start, both of the text are about people who were in the Holocaust trying to survive. The butterfly in the poem was trying to survive in the ghetto while Krystyna and her family tried to survive in the sewers. Next, both the passages are relating to Jews and their struggle during the Holocaust. The butterfly is a symbol of all those who have died in Nazi concentration camps. Krystyna and her family are Jewish, so they hid in the sewers away from the Nazis. Finally, both texts are told or written by …show more content…
To begin, “The Butterfly” is a poem, and Krystyna’s Story is biographical fiction. A biographical fiction is a genre similar to historical fiction where the individual writes a story about their life and experiences. A poem is a form of writing that contains both speech and song. Moving on, the poem is about an animal and the biographical fiction is about a family. “The Butterfly” is about a butterfly in the ghetto. Krystyna’s story is about her family and their survival in the sewers. Lastly, the story is about a young girl who describes her specific hardships during the Holocaust. Meanwhile, The Butterfly represents one person’s emotions during the Holocaust and does not tell us about any specific