Your Perspective On Cyberbullying

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1. What is your perspective on cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is the latest type of bullying where kids, teens and adults have use it to harm another person, cyber bullying is been used the most in social platforms by example facebook where people expose “comments, pictures, or videos” to offend other people. Sometimes this type of bullying is more aggressive then bullying because cyberbulling it has a massive reach and the victims get more affected thinking that now they are exposed to society eyes.
Victims to this actions of cyberbullying sometimes get to the point of taking their life and commit suicide, some States are taking messurements where a cyberbully can be charged with a felony for their actions. Also some schools have zero tolerance policy to cyberbullying …show more content…

Do you think these types of laws are necessary?
California has several laws against cyberbullying this is one of them that condems cyberbullying in schools:
- “AB 746, signed into law July, 2011. Language of the law includes student behaviors on social networking web sites: “Under existing law, bullying, including bullying committed by means of an electronic act, as defined, is a ground on which suspension or expulsion may be based. This bill would specify that an electronic act for purposes of the act in¬cludes a post on a social network Internet Web site.”” There are couple more of laws that attac cyberbulling by example AB 9 “Seth’s Law” Seth was a kid that was ciberbullied and in effect to that he committed suicide. This laws are necessary to punish people that think making fun of other person or making the other person feel bad for sexual or religion orientation, the law its really clear in this cases and schools with zero tolerance is helping those victims that sometimes feel lost or alone and that creates another problems into our society.
3. How has bullying changed since you were a