Cyberbullying: 3rd Leading Cause Of Death

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Alone, self conscious and depressed are all emotions that you experience when you are the victim of a cyberbullying situation. That needs to change. Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully someone. Cyberbullying is a dangerous situation that needs to end. First, it is a major problem that can end up taking lives. Also, it can be reduced and contained by technology. Lastly, schools are taking a more active role in controlling and putting an end to this situation. As I just mentioned, cyberbullying is a major problem in the world that can end up taking lives. It is the 3rd leading cause of death for people that are between the ages 10 and 24. This often leads to about 4,400 lives lost each year because of it. If just the …show more content…

Twitter and Facebook are taking measures on their sites to reduce cyberbullying (Jessica Mendoza, Christian Science Monitor). Facebook has launched a new page in the family safety center to help bring awareness about cyberbullying. It shows users specific action they can take to prevent and track the bullies. Twitter's help center gives you instructions on how to identify cyberbullying and how to handle it. In addition, there has been an app created called Stopit. Stopit allows kids to anonymously report bullies to preselected adults when they see bullying happening. Today over 83 school districts in 13 states use Stopit.
Most importantly, schools can help stop the problem of cyberbullying. One way they can help is to do what other schools have done and put specific policies in their schools to fight cyberbullying. These policies state clear consequences for not following the given rules and guidelines. It also gives specific steps for students to follow and to report any cyberbullying seen in their school (Things administrators can do article).
On the other hand many people say the easiest way to avoid being cyber bullied is to delete all of your social media accounts. However the internet is an outlet for painfully shy people to put themselves out there and make