
Kids Under 13 Should Not Be Allowed On Facebook

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”Can I get Facebook?”
“Are you 13?”
“Then you can’t get Facebook!”
Right now I am going to say & tell you fact about why kids under 13 should not be allowed to have & use Facebook. Kids under 13 should not be allowed on Facebook. You might be wondering why I don't like kids on Facebook. Well it is because they will be exposed to things, I don’t think their parents want them to see somethings people are posting and commenting could be very dangerous or inappropriate. For me I would let my child to get it when they are 18 because they are grown ups.

The official Facebook user age is 13. Children will be exposed to emotional pressure and public security they can’t yet handle. While a user can say anything they like about themselves, others can say anything they like about themselves, like they can change their age. Cyberbullying is a problem no one knows how to fix. Cyberbullying is when someone bullies you virtually. Children have always dealt with feuds and social isolation, but now those can happen publicly. …show more content…

According to a 1,007 person survey supported by microsoft research. Proponents of lifting facebook’s under 13 ban say letting young kids on Facebook with the help of adults would allow them to use the social network more safely. Many recent reports have highlighted just how difficult it is to enforce age restrictions on the internet. Facebook could show more than they should see at that

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