Zeno Of Citium: The Republic

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Zeno of Citium was born in 335 BC in a greek colony known as Kition but when latinized is called Citium. His father was a merchant named Mnaseas. Zeno studied in Athens. He studied under Polemo, Stiplo, and Crates. While he was studying under Stilpo he wrote his Republic. The Republic was a utopia, or paradise, for citizens who claim the universe as their home. Zeno also took the life of a merchant until he was 42 years of age and then he opened his own school. Zeno is best known for making the school Stoa and creating a philosophy called Stoics. His school was called the Stoa which means porch. Zeno did most of his teachings on that platform. He made his own philosophy called Stoics. He taught about wisdom and virtue. People thought