Zie Magic Flute Performance Review

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The Milwaukee Opera Theatre put on the production of Zie Magic Flute by Mozart, one of the most famous operas in history. Directed by Jill-Ann Poloski, this version of the opera changed several aspects of the original opera to be understood by the American audience. Although there were a few flaws in the performance, overall the performance was done very well, therefore had only little flaws to correct. The volume of the performance was for the most part very loud. Although they did very in volume during the performance, they were overall very loud during the performance. However, the sound was also unbearably loud. The theatre was set up in a weird, circular way, so the stage was surrounding the audience and the instrumentals were in the center. Therefore, it had to be very loud due to the setup of the performance and the sound bouncing back from the circular walls. Overall, the volume of the performance was well-done as (for the set up the performers had), they could fluctuate in volume and never be annoyingly loud or soft. The people played their songs pretty …show more content…

I was surprised how well the flute and the cello balanced, however after thinking about it for a while, it makes sense because of the flutes soft yet high pitched sound against the cellos soft yet low pitched sound. However, the choir sometimes did not blend that well. In the beginning piece, a few chords they played were a little off, as they the soprano 1 part was a bit louder than the other part, defeating the purpose of having the harmony. To continue, the three spirits were not blended at all. Instead of hearing the three spirits, you heard two spirits and a man singing really loudly. The man was als not in tune, making him more likely to be heard. I thought the man should have been quieter and in tune. However overall, the everything else was perfectly blended

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