Zucchinis Experiment

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Radiation on different plants could maybe be one of the ways to make plants grow faster. Maybe it could effect a zucchini plant differently than the many other types of plants. Zucchini plants are from the garden family of melons,pumpkins,cucumbers, and gourds.(reader) Electromagnetic radiation could cause a zucchini plant to either sprout faster or slower. This type of radiation comes from a microwave. There are different types of radation such as sunlight,xray,and more. Having different types of seeds grown by the class then the class can tell if radation really does help plants.
The hypothesis for this experiment of how will radiation affect seed growth is “ If plant seeds are exposed to microwave radiation then the growing process will increase.” My seeds(zucchini seeds)will be placed in three cells and cell number one will not be microwaved at all. Although cell number two and three will be microwaved. Cell number two is microwaved for fifteen seconds. While cell number three will be microwaved for thirty seconds. Whichever plant sprouts first will show the results of if radiation affected the plants or not.” Radiation is energy given off in the form of waves or tiny particles of matter.” (worldbook) …show more content…

Zucchinis have shiny green skin and resembles a cucumber. Radiation and plants, such as a zucchini plant, could either make a difference or not. “Radiation occurs whenever energy moves from one place to another.”(world book) First of all plants need sunlight to grow. Plants also need water to grow. For this experiment for all three cells i will pour 30ml of water over all cells. Radiation might be the solution to have plants grow faster without waiting forever for your plant to grow. Except you still need the water and sunlight. There are many different types of radiation. There is such radiation like, microwave,x ray,and sunlight