Book of Mormon Essays

  • The Book Of Mormon Analysis

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    Among the 15 million practicing Mormons, there are nearly 100,000 missionaries. Due to the recent stigmatization, Latter Day Saints are not as forthcoming about their faith. That being said, when asked they are more than willing to answer any questions. Missionaries around the world are working to spread the message of God through the Book of Mormon in hopes of baptizing more members and combatting the stereotypes that now surround the faith. One way that Mormons are making themselves known to the

  • The Jehovah's Witnesses Book Report

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    to him and told him that there was a book written on golden plates which contained the history of the first inhabitants of North America, as well as the “fullness of the everlasting Gospel” (LDS, 2012). Moroni also revealed that the book was personally “delivered by Jesus to the ancient inhabitants” (LDS, 2012). Moroni wrote in the sacred book one last time before burying it in the Hill Cumorah, where Joseph Smith eventually found it. Upon discovering the book of golden plates, Joseph Smith was also

  • The Mormon Mistakes

    907 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Mormon Mistakes Throughout history, religion has negatively affected its own members. This is especially true with the Mormon Church, a denomination of Christianity founded in the 1820s. This church like any other has helped better people 's lives in spiritual ways. However, there are people that are denied this betterment, people that are discriminated against, and people that are being lied to. This is a problem the church must take ownership of, and solve. Thus, the Mormon Church negatively

  • Mormon: The Women In The Book Of Mormon

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    When it comes to the Book of Mormon, there is a lot of information that is simply unknown. Many different aspects of life are left out, as well as names, quantity of people, and roles in society. One group of people that is consistently left out of description in The Book of Mormon is the women. Women are in every Book of Mormon story, they are just not always mentioned. The women are there; they help prepare for hard times, they raise up children, and they have testimonies and spiritual journeys

  • Book Of Mormon Essay

    472 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Book of Mormon has opened my understanding of God’s doing on a scholarly level. In past experience, I have only study the text to gain spiritual revelation. During this semester, my hope was to grasp the Book of Mormon on an academic level of interest. I wanted to simply know the teachings the book contained. Therefore, I accepted the invitation of a past professor to pick a place in the Book of Mormon where a Book of Mormon prophet examines another prophet’s words. He explained that doing so

  • Book Of Mormon Analysis

    695 Words  | 3 Pages

    that are backed up by the Book of Mormon, which makes it imperative that we have the Book of Mormon to study from. “The preservation of the plates and writings that make up the Book of Mormon is, in itself miraculous and is an indication of the direct involvement of God in the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. The reason is was preserved is to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ unto us.” Isaiah 29:11-14 states, “And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men

  • The Book Of Mormons Essay

    1585 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Book of Mormons was first published in 1830 by a man named Joseph Smith. Many critics have criticized Joseph Smith, and say that he fabricated the Book of Mormons. Joseph Smith claims that it is an ancient text. However it came to be, it has become a prominent belief system in many parts of the world. The Book of Mormons has a very interesting story from its origins to its content, religious significance, and history. Joseph Smith claims that he was seventeen years old when he had the prophecy

  • The Book Of Mormon Essay

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    The musical begins with an animated Disney-like illustration performed by the actors communicating some history on the religion of The Book of Mormon. Before attacking the entire summary and analysis of the musical, it would be a good time to make note that the creator for the production had intended for this musical to be a spectacle. Besides the point of addressing a religion in a humorous matter, they wanted the musical to have elements that are traditionally associated with Disney musicals and

  • Mormon Culture

    471 Words  | 2 Pages

    their history at Utah State. To put it directly Utah State is related to Mormon religion. What are Mormon? Mormon Is a religious believe and a cultural group which is related to Mormonism. The members of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) resembles the term Mormons because of their trust in the Book of Mormon. (Mormons. (n.d).Its present day history genuinely begins with the arrival of the Mormon pioneer Brigham Young in Salt Lake City. For a considerable number of years

  • The Mormon Culture

    708 Words  | 3 Pages

    Mormons are a group of people who practice Mormonism and represent the principle branch of the Church of Latter Day Saints (Heaton, 1992). The Mormon society is very communal and family traditions makeup a large part of the society’s norms. Geographically, the Mormon movement began with Joseph Smith in upstate New York in the 1820s but quickly moved to the Utah Territory in the mid-19th century and thus the center of Mormon culture resides in present day Utah (Heaton, 1992). Mormon culture and society

  • Summary: The Truth About Mormonism

    703 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Truth About Mormons and Utopianism In the mid 19th century reform movements took charge of American antebellum society as the nation attempted to further progress and individualize itself (Brinkley 269). The Utopian movement materialized in response to growing strife within the nation. In creating peaceful and enclosed communities that equally involved each person no matter their gender, Utopians sought to escape from the chaos of American society (Brinkley 273). However, not all members of the

  • Mormon Idealism Analysis

    801 Words  | 4 Pages

    Growing up in Mormon Utah, Atheists where hard to come by. In Salt Lake City, you will find a few scattered about college campuses and various coffee shops but in the suburbs of Layton where I grew up, it was almost impossible. In elementary school I believed in god, for me it was obvious. Why would so many people believe in a deity if he wasn’t there? He was as apparent in my life as my hero’s Santa Claws, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. My family was a part of a subcategory of Mormonism

  • Expository Essay: The Book Of Mormon

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    faith would be “dormant” according to the Book of Mormon. So called

  • The Role Of Jesus In The Book Of Mormon

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    Another testament of Jesus Christ There are some signs in the bible that point to the Book of Mormon. One has to be seeking the truth to find it. God puts up road signs, but we fail to read the directions. How many wives have pulled out the map only to hear their husband say “I know what I’m doing – I know this part of town like the back of my hand”. Jesus established that “in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established” (Matthew 18:16). He did not limit his witnesses

  • Comparing The Angel Moroni And The Book Of Mormon

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    restoration of the temples, the Angel Moroni, and the Book

  • Book Of Mormon History Vs History

    505 Words  | 3 Pages

    important, repeating itself, like it does, would be a disaster. There are many books in the history genre, but the one that portrays history best, is the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is a record from about 600 B.C. to 420 A.D., written by the Native Americans, The righteous people are mostly called Nephites, and the wicked are called Lamanites. Throughout the book there are

  • Analysis Of Joseph Bushman's Book Of Mormon

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    doesn’t it show any of the prophets in its story having more than one wife? In fact it condemns the idea of polygamy. If indeed plural wives are necessary to have the “fullness of the Gospel” why is this not indicated anywhere in the Bible or Book of Mormon? The story of Abraham and Jacob having plural wives clearly shows their wives were given to them by their first wife. In Joseph Smith’s case Emma was very bitter towards him in this regard, and as shown above actually denied he ever practiced

  • Religion And Happiness In The Book Of Mormon Alma

    1229 Words  | 5 Pages

    In the Book of Mormon Alma says in chapter 42 verse 26 “And thus God bringeth about his great and eternal purposes, which were prepared from the foundation of the world. And thus cometh about the salvation and the redemption of men, and also the destruction of misery.” Religion is the basis of morality which is the encouragement to live a virtuous life that will, in the end, bring about happiness. It is important to have a good sense of the doctrine and principles of religion. Religion brings about

  • Analysis Of The Book Of Mormon Girl By Joanna Brooks

    1304 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Book of Mormon Girl, is a memoir about the life of the protagonist, Joanna Brooks. Brooks gives us an insight into one of America's most captivating yet misunderstood religious traditions. From early on in her life, Joanna Brooks always understood that being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made her different form others. She knew that she was different but not in a bad way but rather in a special. Joanna brook’s memoir traces her faith journey beginning with her childhood

  • Rel 122: The Book Of Mormon Literacy Worksheet

    4778 Words  | 20 Pages

    Rel 122: The Book of Mormon Literacy Worksheet For each of the items listed below please write a brief explanation/definition for each item. If the item is a name of an individual please include as much information about the person as you can find including some examples of what this person did that was so important to the Book of Mormon. For a doctrine please include scriptural explanations and examples of that doctrine. Enjoy History of the Book of Mormon: Please include how this date