Elena Dementieva Essays

  • Essay Comparing Citizen And Baldwin's Notes Of A Native Son

    801 Words  | 4 Pages

    In Rankins book Citizen and Baldwin's Notes of a Native Son we learn that the books are about the racial differences of the past and present. We learn that in Notes of a Native Son it captures a view on the black life of a father and son at the peak of the civil rights movement. These harsh times allow Baldwin to wonder and doubling back to a state of grace. While in Citizen we learn that our experiences of race are often beginning in the unconsciousness and in the imagination and tangled in words

  • The Neighborhood Idiot By Jose Armo Analysis

    1241 Words  | 5 Pages

    Flawlessly expressed from former president Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort” (Brooks). In “El Tonto Del Barrio” or “The neighborhood Idiot” by Jose Armas, money enervated the joy and creativity of Romero, and because of this, his emotional freedom vanished under the financial mindset that got bestowed upon him by misguided influence. The underlying theme of money’s inability to create happiness

  • Personal Narrative Coyotito's Death

    524 Words  | 3 Pages

    The sun has not risen, Coyotito is still sleeping and my husband, Kino is sleeping as well. It is time to make breakfast for my family. Arising slowly, moving silently I move to the fireplace. The song of the family is in my head but this time is being shadow by the song of evil. Moving to the firestone and like the speed of light I move to the door. But before this I make sure Coyotito is still resting and makes no noise. Without thinking of anything else but the destruction this pearl will bring

  • Greg And Kinn Steinbeck Analysis

    508 Words  | 3 Pages

    What was important to Greg and Kino at first. What changes Kino’s and Greg’s importance. What is important and the end to Kino and Greg. The thesis is Greg change their life and the moral of the story. What was important to Greg and Kino at first. First, Kino and Juana are on the beach headed to find pearls and “he came to the canoe and touched the bow tenderly as he always did” (Steinbeck Pg.15). This shows that Kino values material possessions. This implies that non-material possessions

  • Similes In The Pearl

    316 Words  | 2 Pages

    My opinion of the book is that is a great book. To me personally, I really enjoyed this book. Words to describe this book is extraordinary, incredible, amazing, powerful, and the list goes on and on. This book is filled with similes, personification, characterization, and foreshadowing. Similes are used a lot in this book because they’re describing an object. In The Pearl, the similes are describing the pearl. On page 19, the similes are large as a seagull’s egg and perfect as the moon. Some personification

  • Examples Of Foreshadowing In The Pearl By John Steinbeck

    1045 Words  | 5 Pages

    The 1945 novella The Pearl by John Steinbeck is a story that contains many life lessons. The main characters, Kino, Juana, and Coyotito, go through an intense journey and suffer greatly in the end, all due to a pearl. Steinbeck uses the literary devices of personification and foreshadowing in his novella in order to show that being greedy will cause a person distress and bad luck. The events that the family goes through are prime examples of this and Steinbeck hopes that people learn from the novella

  • How Does Juana's Relationship Affect John Steinbeck

    741 Words  | 3 Pages

    In The Pearl, John Steinbeck uses the protagonists to show how their relationship changes throughout the book as they are challenged by events that occur. Juana has a typical husband relationship where he is the man of the house, and he is the person that is suppose to support the family. When women got married, the man is suppose to be the person that Coyotito is now hurt, but when they take him to the doctor, the doctor will not see him. Whenever Kino has to go find a pearl, because it's the

  • Pathetic Fallacy The Pearl

    871 Words  | 4 Pages

    The wind swirled, the skies turned black, and the trees whipped against the side of the gabled house where the infuriated girl yelled at her sister for stealing her favorite top…. Weather can be almost a character in literature. Whether positive and calm or dramatic and negative, it can hold up a mirror to human emotions; this is called pathetic fallacy. John Steinbeck's novel The Pearl takes place in La Paz, a town located next to the ocean and mountains. The novel follows the story of Kino, an

  • How Does Steinbeck Use A Motif Of Illusions And Symbols Of Greed

    505 Words  | 3 Pages

    ITC 1: By using a motif of illusions and symbolism of greed, Steinbeck conveys the central theme of The Pearl, that one can get carried away by their dreams and everyone must exercise caution when dreaming big, especially when dreaming about material things. ITC 1 Development 1: Steinbeck uses a motif of illusions and mirages to emphasize how dreams of wealth and material possessions can be tremendously deceiving. On page 43 of The Pearl, the omniscient narrator is describing the morning where Kino

  • Mood Of The Pearl By John Steinbeck

    285 Words  | 2 Pages

    The calm mood that Steinbeck portrays on page one of The Pearl is conveyed through the setting, plot elements and figurative language. The following quote is describing the setting. “Kino heard the little splash of morning waves on the bench. I was very good” (Steinbeck 1). Kino waking up, on the beach, enjoying the beautiful morning , unveils the reader his no-stress life style. Another element that helps setting the mood is the plot, the action that is described by the author. “Kino heard the

  • John Steinbeck Thesis

    608 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Pearl Everybody wants something of beauty, but in this story something beautiful tears a family apart. John Steinbeck, the famous American author, wrote the novela The Pearl. Kino was a poor man who was very pleased with his life, he practically had everything he wanted. As we walk with Kino in this story we will find out that one thing will change his entire life. Throughout the novel, what Kino views as important in life changes as he learns to cope with his inner demons. At the beginning

  • How Does Coyotito Change Throughout The Pearl

    788 Words  | 4 Pages

    The novel, “The Pearl”, written by John Steinbeck, traces the story of a man named Kino, his wife Juana, and his son Coyotito and how each of their lives begins to dramatically change after the finding of a large pearl at a small town in Mexico. Before the finding of the pearl, Kino and his family have feelings of family, warmth, and serendipity and although they are not rich they are able to live happily with one another. However, one day Coyotito gets attacked by a poisonous scorpion and Kino and

  • What Makes Coyotito Do In The Pearl Greed

    665 Words  | 3 Pages

    In John Steinbeck’s classic novella The Pearl, Kino is faced with hard decisions about a pearl he found while pearl diving, and is put to the ultimate test-- Kino has high hopes for the pearl but he has to figure out how to use it for good, instead of using it for bad. One lesson the story suggests is that greed can corrupt people, and from people’s greed comes actions that can’t be taken back and ends up hurting people in the process. In the beginning of the novella Coyotito is stung by

  • The Pearl Greed Quotes

    1150 Words  | 5 Pages

    ¨You don't need materials to find happiness.” This quote shows how people do not need materials and money to be happy with there life. In the novella The pearl by John Steinbeck, a poor fisherman finds a huge pearl after his baby boy gets stung by a scorpion. Initially Kino is going to pay for medicine for the baby boy named Coyotito, but as the story progresses Kino , the poor fisherman, begins to want more and more. But it is not only Kino who desires wealth and experiences greed. Through the

  • The Pearl Foreshadowing Analysis

    710 Words  | 3 Pages

    Foreshadowing was a major point in The Pearl. John Steinbeck wrote his book in a way of warning you that something is going to happen later in the book, but it is almost too subtle to figure out that he is foreshadowing. There are many ways John Steinbeck foreshadowed in this book for example: his son’s name, finding the pearl, and Juana being suspicious about the pearl. Kino’s name is Coyotito. If you were to look up what Coyotito means you would find that it translates to Little Coyote. Ironically

  • The Pearl Robotic-Esque Quotes

    847 Words  | 4 Pages

    A man named kino slowly turned from flesh and blood to machine and robotics. This occurred in “The Pearl” written by John Steinbeck where Kino, the main character, finds “the pearl of the world”. The enormous pearl makes thoughts about future success and wealth which then causes him to change from the once family man he was to a murderer. His son, Coyotito, and his wife, Juana, are both endangered by his foul decisions on what to do with the pearl. Juana warns him that the pearl was bringing evil

  • How Does Kino Throw The Pearl Back

    392 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck, ever since kino found the pearl he has noticed it brings bad luck, he keeps getting attacked for the pearl, and his family and neighbors realize the pearl is changing kinos personality. The ending of “The Pearl” would be different if Juana was able to convince kino t throw the pearl back into the water before the family leaves to go north. Thus, Kino should throw the pearl back because it brings bad luck, kino keeps on getting attacked, and kinos personality

  • The Pearl Dbq

    315 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Pearl was always an evil essence.There was never a use for it. It only brought evil to their family and everyone around them. The Pearl ruined the environments that it was meant to save and eventually turned the people in those environments corrupt. The Pearl even ruined and destroyed the main symbol of purity and hope. The reason that Kino and Juana went searching for something of value was because Coyotito needed to be healed by the doctor. Once they found the “wonderful” pearl there was no

  • The Pearl Movie Vs Book

    451 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kino’s love for his family may have been what tore his family apart. The Pearl, a book written by John Steinbeck, is about a poverty-stricken family. When the protagonist, Kino, finds the pearl of the world their lives are forever altered. Juana, Kino’s wife, immediately wanted to use the pearl to pay off the doctor to heal her son, Coyotito, but Kino believed he could do that and much more. As Kino and Juana continue on with the days before trying to sell the pearl the jealousy, lust, and anger

  • The Pearl Symbolism

    920 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the book The Pearl by John Steinbeck, many symbols were used. The most important symbol was the pearl. The pearl was very important to Kino. It is an opportunity for Kino to make his life better. But slowly throughout the book, the pearl starts to change, and Kino begins to realize the evil within it. The pearl is an example of how good things can sometimes bring evil with them. Kino lives in a poor Mexican town and when he finds the pearl, he thinks of all the good it can bring. He sees the