Fernandes Guitars Essays

  • Fish Monologue

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    If you know absolutely nothing about fishing, then this introduction is for you. Bloodworms are invertebrate that can be found on mud flats, shellfish beds, marshes and other saltwater habitats. As an angler I find the bloodworm to be an excellent choice for baiting fish like croaker. The reason is that croaker loves blood and is easily attracted to it. The problem I usually had was that no matter how much I bled the croaker, could not get the fish as easily as I wanted to. So I discovered the perfect

  • Examples Of Childhood Memories

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    Memories can be as vivid as the day they occurred. In my opinion, this is truest when it comes to childhood memories. As a child, my parents, my younger siblings, and I went every summer to our cabin on Wabamun Lake, located in Fallis. These are where some of my fondest childhood memories occurred and remain with me to this very day. On these vacations, I spent time with my family, heard my moms memories, saw the town, explored nature, and enjoyed the quiet. Spending time with my family was my

  • Reflection On Dignity In Nursing

    1991 Words  | 8 Pages

    Introduction In this assignment I will explore a clinical experience where dignity was maintained and reflect on my practice. It is important to reflect in both personal and professional development. Reflection will allow me to recognise both good and bad practice and how I can improve as a person as well as professionally. For this assignment I will be writing in first person, as it is appropriate for a reflective essay. Hamil (1999) can be used to support this, in the essay. I will also use Gibbs

  • Cithara Research Paper

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    the sounding board, were broad and hollow, which helped the sound ring out. Since the cithara is rather heavy and had to be played standing up, it was provided with straps so the hands were free for playing. You could say a cithara was like an early guitar. Though beautiful, this instrument was only played by professionals, so

  • Muddy Waters Research Paper

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    Muddy waters, or McKinley Morganfield son of Ollie Morganfield and Bertha Jones was a well-known Blues Musician, guitarist born in Issaquena County, Mississippi. Waters father was a farmer who played the blues guitar and his mother sadly died when McKinley was only three years old. Upon his mother’s death McKinley was sent to live with his grandmother Delia Jones in Clarksdale, Mississippi. While living in Clarksdale with his grandmother, McKinley enjoyed playing in the mud it was then he was dubbed

  • Does Music Make A Difference In A Child's Life?

    851 Words  | 4 Pages

    Reinig,3 Owen Reinig Rachel Worthington English 101 8 Dec 2016 Can music make a difference in a child?s life? Does music affect how a child develops throughout the early stages of life? In 1991 a phrase was brought out, it was the ?Mozart effect.? This phrase was used to describe the effect of Mozart?s music on children. Everyone thought if they let their children listen to Mozart, they would become smarter. People believed in this so much that the governor of Georgia asked for money to be set

  • The History Of Mariachi Music

    271 Words  | 2 Pages

    steps forward and begins belting out the lyrics to a son, or traditional Mexican folksong. Meanwhile, a guitarron—a huge bass guitar—provides a steady rhythm, accented by the much smaller five-string vihuela. This is mariachi music! Mariachi music originated hundreds of years ago in colonial Mexico. The earliest groups consisted of string instruments such as violins, guitars, and a harp. These groups would provide entertainment solely for the local community. Different styles of the music, and the

  • Melissa Elledge: A Stage Dreamer

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    Castellar, who plays guitar and his fiancé, Crystalla Gonzalez, sings, has been busking on and off for 5 years. He is not a part of MUNY, this is not for lack of trying. Musicians who wish to be a part of MUNY have to undergo a competitive audition process. However, this hasn’t

  • Double Bass History

    283 Words  | 2 Pages

    The double bass is an evolving and complex instrument with a rich history. The history of the double bass dates back to 1516, when Gaspar da Salò invented an early version of the modern bass based on the gamba. His instrument had 3 strings and frets opposed to the modern fretless bass with 4 strings. The fourth string was added in the 20th century, with the strings E-A-D-G It is the only member of the modern bowed string instruments tuned in fourths. It can be played arco, with a bow or pizzicato

  • Mariachi Interview Research

    463 Words  | 2 Pages

    the Burbank High School Spanish teacher name Mr. Tito Proano. The reason I interview him about mariachi was because he writes and sing Spanish and English music’s and knows about mariachi music too. Instead of singing and writing songs, he plays guitar and drums. Also, he likes to Latin American, English, and rock and roll music. He talked about the mariachi history, root and instrument. He said that the mariachi begins in the 19th century and the root of mariachi music is that they celebrated

  • Business Pl Earthbound Guitar

    1873 Words  | 8 Pages

    Business Description The company will be a retail outlet for music equipment but it will mainly stock guitars. The outlet will also stock a wide variety of American classical and renaissance music equipment that is currently used in opera performances. Customers, most of whom require them in bulk, for home and office occasions, receive these deliveries upon special request. The vision of Earthbound Guitars is to become a national supplier of the sleekest and highest quality products at the national level

  • Jimi Hendrix Major Accomplishments

    897 Words  | 4 Pages

    Jimi Hendrix can be credited for molding the modern electric guitar sound into what it is today. Born as James Marshall Hendrix in Seattle in 1942, he had an extremely unstable childhood consisting of poverty and alcoholic parents. Jimi Hendrix escaped poverty in Seattle, left the army to play music. Although his mainstream career was only about 4 years, he uncovered the many possibilities of the electric guitar sound. Jimi Hendrix is one of the most important musicians in history, he arguably changed

  • The Successful Career Of Garth Brooks: Country Music

    563 Words  | 3 Pages

    While in college and playing sports he picked up the guitar and started playing. Not only playing sports but for extra money he sang in bars and clubs (Brooks). He started getting crowds and a little money so he took a recording deal and went to Nashville Tennessee in 1985 (“Contemporary Musicians”). This

  • Jim Chet Les Paul Essay

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    The Innovations of Les Paul Chet will always hold his place in musical history as one of the top 10 guitar virtuosos. He inspired many and his legacy will not be forgotten. However, where did Chet find the inspiration that led him to earn the long-standing title of “Mr. Guitar”? Chet’s half-brother, Jim was his first local idol. James was 12 years older and as a child, Chet listened to Jim play on Chicago’s WLS radio broadcasting system program, The National Barn Dance. From 1935 to 1939, Jim

  • Music During The Elizabethan Era

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    Music during the Elizabethan Era is extraordinarily different than it is now. The Elizabethan Era was during the time of Queen Elizabeth I 's reign. During the Elizabethan Era music was used for many things just like it is today. Music was also an important form of entertainment during this time. Music during the Elizabethan Era had several composers, used many instruments, styles, and is different compared today 's music. There are several famous composers during the Elizabethan Era such as John

  • The Winding Stream Analysis

    583 Words  | 3 Pages

    The video we chose to illustrate Country music is The Winding Stream: The Carters, the Cashes, and the course of Country Music. The film is accessible to students and can be easily found on Netflix. The UTSA library does not have the film on hand however you can make a request and they will get it for you. In this film the life of a Virginia family known as the Carter Family, is shown and how they made an impact on music by creating a folk band. The Winding Stream is not only a movie but is a

  • A Song Review Of The Song I Startin 'Something'

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    creepy door noise. My favorite was hearing the coyote howling. I believe song have a guitar, drum, saxophone and the synthesizer. At 0:40 was my favorite moments in this song. I don’t know how they made that sounds, but I love that sounds. This song is golden.

  • Jimi Hendrix: A Brief History Of The Conjunto Style

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    RCA/Ariola International, 1986” (Martinez, 2009). Listening to “La Cubmia De Cho,” one hears how Jordan plays the diatonic accordion in a cumbia, disco, and jazz genre (Rojas, 2011). While accompanied by the saxophone, bongos, drums, electric guitar, guitar, and percussionists the beat is still in a 2/4 beat, but there is almost no remnant of the polka

  • Lurie Bell Brothers Observation

    288 Words  | 2 Pages

    observed that was most in attendance were African Americans followed by Caucasians. The concert included a wide array of songs. My favorite song from the set was “Sweet Little Angel”. I love the sounds that the guitarist was able to make with the guitar. I could not keep myself from bobbing my head and really getting engrossed into the song. The instruments were poignant and well played

  • The Electric Guitar And Its Impact On Country Music

    310 Words  | 2 Pages

    The electric guitar helped transformed country music and blues in many ways. For starters, one of the first times we saw the use of an electric guitar was Leon McAuliffe played his in the 1939 's. At this time, this was still considered a novelty. It was great that we had risk takers him in that time who didn 't follow the norms, because if if weren 't for people like him, these things may have never taken off and music may have not progressed to the way we have come to know and love it today. This