High Essays

  • High Rodeo

    589 Words  | 3 Pages

    of the Jr. High National Finals Rodeo, due to the fact that it was her last year in Jr. High Rodeo. Skylar was her name and she rode horses all throughout her life. Furthermore, she connected with any horse she rode, but she connected with her barrel horse, Toeska, she would exercise and concatenation him on the barrels every day. Notwithstanding, her biggest goal was it to the Jr. High National Finals Rodeo in the barrel racing, her eighth grade year, which is her last year in Jr. High Rodeo. Finally

  • High School Stereotypes

    920 Words  | 4 Pages

    is a strong belief that those who do not graduate high school will be unable to positively contribute to society because they are not marketable. In 2012, about 750,000 students did not graduate from high school (Camera, 2015). While there are many factors that affect the culture of high school dropouts, the three that will be discussed in this paper are the factors, employment and work, mental health, and stereotypes. Factors Affecting the High School Dropout

  • Inequality In High Schools

    605 Words  | 3 Pages

    When I was a high school student, I noticed as the years went by, my high school performed worse and deteriorated academically. Flashing back on this, I question why my high school performs worse each year, and why are other schools improving in my area. This trend begins to have detrimental effects on the student’s education since it creates inequality in the quality of education students in my high school receive. The white flight phenomenon and residential segregation create the inequality on

  • Disparities In High School

    351 Words  | 2 Pages

    It was my first day at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ). I entered the building and silence rippled through the hall and hung in the air like heavy fog until a sharp whisper cut through. “It’s a black guy.” Those were the first four words I heard in high school and those four words have stuck with me for the past three and a half years. TJ is no stranger to the issue of race; race has been a dark stain on the history of my high school, most notably when it came under

  • High School Goals

    513 Words  | 3 Pages

    Throughout my high school career I have many goals that I hope to achieve. Some gravitate around student government, others are more simple and related to getting good grades. I also have various extracurricular goals such as to start some sort of small scale farm , growing herbs like mint and lemongrass, and learning to weld. Most of my goals, however, will take time and a good deal of work to succeed in. I also hope that I will be able to do other things such as work for people and earn a good

  • High School Volunteering

    905 Words  | 4 Pages

    Being in high school is time consuming. With some high schools adding community service as a requirement to graduate, it puts on more time for students. Yes, community service is good on college applications and it helps the environment and what not, but it should be optional. High school has enough requirements which includes certain classes that a student must take. Volunteering should not be mandatory because students already have enough responsibilities; they might have jobs, the need to be social

  • Softball In High School

    428 Words  | 2 Pages

    During my freshman year of high school, I decided I wanted to play a sport. I had been doing different activities, from dance to soccer to gymnastics, since I was in Kindergarten, but now I wanted to try something new. As spring tryouts came around, I thought softball sounded like a good choice. I thought about trying out for the school that year, but I had never played before and did not know much about the sport, so I chose to play for a county league instead. After playing softball for a year

  • High School Sports

    525 Words  | 3 Pages

    but unlike sports, they don’t get too much recognition if any. In “What’s in the Name of High School Football?”, the text stated “Each Friday before football games, the school is decorated with banners and streamers and mug shots of football players. And on autumn Mondays, the heroes (as defined by catching a TD pass or two) are again up on the walls as icons.” This quote shows the importance of football in high school, but the text goes on to state no other activity

  • High School Job

    632 Words  | 3 Pages

    enjoyable, good paying job if you don’t have a degree or special qualification. I work as a manager at a demanding retail store. Making $12 an hour is reasonable pay considering I only have a high school diploma. $12 an hour isn’t enough to satisfy me with all that I have to deal with. The angry customers, high sales goals, along with all the operational duties that come with being a store manager, can really start to wear you down. This is the main reason why I have been motivated to go back to school

  • Allowed In High Schools

    431 Words  | 2 Pages

    activities, such as girl scouts or being involved with soup kitchens. School is not well-liked by everyone, but it is something that everyone should have on their record. People who do not complete high school should at least try to accomplish their GED. Many people think that once you drop out of High school everything will be over, but it will not just because of the fact that we are able to take GED courses. GED is very important because it can get you further than many people think, who knows

  • Volunteering In High School

    506 Words  | 3 Pages

    School boards have been debating if high schools should require community service hours before graduation. The two main points of view on the issue have been supporting the issue, or protesting it. The ones who oppose the idea do so because forcing students may cause them to see it as homework. The ones supporting the idea think students should experience the important lesson before graduation. Volunteering can be an important experience for students, but depending on the reasoning behind it could

  • Cheating In High School

    938 Words  | 4 Pages

    “If I cheat and don’t get caught, the reward is an ‘A’ in the class”. Cheating is a getaway for everyone beginning from high school to college up to graduate and professional schools. Which leads to students participating to an academic dishonesty, a violation to any educational environment with any form of cheating or participating of any kind of sharing information to others for homework, tests, and papers. It has become so common for students that cheating has branched out to different type of

  • Volunteering In High School

    402 Words  | 2 Pages

    start planning for their future. Most students senior year is the busiest year they have had since they started high school. Seniors have to fill out college applications, apply for financial aid, take test such as: the ACT and SAT, and most of all, they have to manage their grades. I don 't feel students should be required to volunteer in their communities in order to receive their high school diploma.       Volunteering is a great way to experience the real world but its something that should be

  • Stereotypes In High School

    435 Words  | 2 Pages

    When in the course of human events, adolescents have different mindsets that acquire different types of interest. Many students in high school have different interests like sports, science, math, engineering, or performing arts. In school, there has been major problems because if students have different interests, it creates stereotypes. This implies to teachers and staff to end this problem, because in this case it can evolve to bullying and tormenting others. I should declare this because this

  • Moving To High School

    376 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sometimes high school seems like it will last forever but it is just a fleeting season, and in four years it is over. A lot of people also look forward to leaving high school and going to university. Some see it as an opportunity to get away from their parents and experience new freedoms. Others see it as the first step to being able to learn more about what they want to practice in their future career. Others look forward to impacting the new area in which they are moving to. However it is important

  • High School Volleyball

    1541 Words  | 7 Pages

    at my name engraved in the plate above my locker, and I glanced to the right where all of the volleyball records were posted. There, I saw my mom’s name written high on the leaderboard, and in seeing this, I couldn’t help but to think back to where this all began… I was born into a volleyball family. My dad had played volleyball

  • Moving To High School

    677 Words  | 3 Pages

    Others are exploring options regarding the military. Some are going to figure it out as life progresses. But right now. At this very moment, we are all, in some way or another, terrified of leaving high school. Perhaps we don’t enjoy coming to school everyday. The fact that you have to stay consistent with your workload, or increase it, to appease the admissions officers, and the employers, and the recruiters (Polysyndeton) doesn’t make you the happiest

  • High School Stereotypes

    970 Words  | 4 Pages

    improvements. If my community got the improvements that were needed we wouldn't get displayed negatively. These improvements need to be in a few important places such as high schools, parks, and shopping venues. Are you aware my local high school doesn't even have lights for its winning football team? For the past decade my former high school has had nearly a undefeated season every year but can even play home night games at our own school because we can’t afford lights. I feel as if that shouldn't

  • Running In High School

    940 Words  | 4 Pages

    prepare you mentally for the unfortunate tries ahead. Be first in every race kids challenge you to. Prove to them and yourself that you’re the best on the playground. After a couple of years of this you are ready. It’s the big leagues now; you’re in high school new kids on the playground. You have to prove that you are the best in the school. Talk big tryout for cross country. Show up to practice realizes you are not as fast as you thought. Quit, but not really. Contemplate other sports. Maybe wrestling

  • High School Narrative

    777 Words  | 4 Pages

    High School High school has been pretty good to me this far. I really have not had a problem with any of my teachers, and I’ve made a lot of new friends. A big reason on why I have liked it so much is because freshman year went by like a flash. All I can really remember is moments of me showing how immature I was at that point. A big memory was me not being able to shut my mouth in my english class. The teacher was Mrs. Peterson, and I had a bunch of my good friends in the class. After the first