Living in a small town can be hard to find an enjoyable, good paying job if you don’t have a degree or special qualification. I work as a manager at a demanding retail store. Making $12 an hour is reasonable pay considering I only have a high school diploma. $12 an hour isn’t enough to satisfy me with all that I have to deal with. The angry customers, high sales goals, along with all the operational duties that come with being a store manager, can really start to wear you down. This is the main reason why I have been motivated to go back to school to get a degree. I don’t want to see myself 5 years still working in retail. I want to enjoy my career and not to mention better pay. Dealing with customers that are unappeasable no matter how above and beyond you go can be very exhausting. I have been yelled at, cursed at, and even have had product thrown at me, while most of time it’s an issue that is out of my control. Why do people think it’s all right to treat other people like this? Working in a retail store who advertises that they strive for the best customer service turns their customers into evil monsters. It feels as if nothing is ever good enough for customers and everyone wants everything for nothing. Customers don’t understand if I were to give things away, our store wouldn’t be here. Working …show more content…
Sure, these goals look reachable on paper, but in reality when you add everyday scenarios into play, not so much. I have to make budget, I have to meet and exceed last year’s sales. I have to sell so many of this, while making sure to sell that. Most of these high sales goals seem unreachable. It’s easy to start to feel overwhelmed with all of the goals that seem so impossible to meet. I understand we have high goals so we can strive to achieve the best results, but it seems like it’s always not good