Historic preservation Essays

  • St. Albans Sanatorium Research Paper

    863 Words  | 4 Pages

    The staff of St. Albans Sanatorium is ingenious when it comes to fundraising for their cause. “We hold any number of events to raise money for St. Albans,” said Marcelle Hanauer, director of operations for the sanatorium. Over the years that has meant a dedicated cadre of volunteers was needed to man activities as diverse as zombie walks, history tours, and the wildly successful haunted house. “These events raise funds for renovations to St. Albans,” said Marcelle Hanauer, director of operations

  • The World Of Dreams In Algernon Charles Swinburne's A Ballad Of Dreamland

    1293 Words  | 6 Pages

    Algernon Charles Swinburne’s poem, “A Ballad of Dreamland” presents the world of dreams as an escape from the sadness of his real life. The poem begins with the speaker describing the lengths to which he would go to hide his heart from the world. The speaker goes on to show his appreciation for dreams as they allow him to avoid the pain of life and love, at least temporarily. The speaker acknowledges, at the end of every stanza, that something always manages to force him out of his dreams without

  • Astarte Essay

    3024 Words  | 13 Pages

    Shells of the bivalve genus Astarte are known for variable morphology and polymorphism within living and fossil species. Astarte borealis, the most common living species, is recognizable and common among mid-to-high latitude North Pacific, Arctic Ocean and North Atlantic, and has been previously subdivided into several subspecies and varieties based on variations in overall shell shape. A collection of 641 Recent specimens of A. borealis from Camden Bay, northern Alaska, with intact outlines was

  • Food Additives

    1704 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction Nowadays, with the modern technology development, there are more and more different chemistry uses in food industry, like food storage, transportation and many ways which will need food additives to keep food fresh and nutritious. The food additive’s main difference lies in whether it is naturally formed or artifically synthesized. Except from this, China divides food additives into 24 different food additives including flavoring agents, coloring agents, bleaching agent, texturizing

  • Refrigeration In America

    1159 Words  | 5 Pages

    Refrigeration, a key technology invention is a major factor influencing the current modern food system and has had both negative and positive impacts on the average American consumption of food. The ability to refrigerate foods has made it easier to store foods for longer time periods, increased food shelf life, lessened bacteria contamination upon entering stores, decreased food waste due to damage occurring in transportation, and increased customer food options. Before refrigerators there were

  • Pros And Cons Of Food Irradiation

    826 Words  | 4 Pages

    While food irradiation is widely approved for human use there are still skeptics that point to the issues when deciding whether or not to use alternatives. Food irradiation is approved by the WHO, FDA, and CDC (Fda.gov) and is used worldwide. However, there are many critics that point to the flaws in the process. The deciding factor for food irradiation is whether or not you see the downsides as outweighing the benefits or vice versa. The main use for food irradiation is to sterilize and extend the

  • Reflection Paper On Healthy Diet

    1441 Words  | 6 Pages

    Dietary Wisdom Reflection Paper During the past weeks, in health class, we have been learning about diet and what makes a diet a healthy diet where there is no danger of you getting some sort of sickness or health problem. In the process we had decided that what made a plate healthy was balance. You had to have a balance between macronutrients and micronutrients with what you ate and so we learned about the healthy eating plate. This plate gave us an idea of what a meal of the day should look like

  • Vacuum Sealer Analysis

    1357 Words  | 6 Pages

    Storing meat in a vacuum sealed bag is the best way to keep the meat fresh. You can just seal the meat up and store in a cooler or freezer. The great thing about a vacuum sealed bag is that the air seals up the meat without leaving any inside the bag. Ziplock bags have a tendency to not close properly, and the air inside the bag will cause meat to go bad faster. Meat may lose its flavor if you don’t properly seal the bag. Any meat that you buy from the store or you have hunted can store in a

  • Dye Synthesis Lab

    511 Words  | 3 Pages

    The purpose of this laboratory experiment was to identify the molarities of dye present in green Powerade and then create a solution that possessed the same concentrations. This experiment consisted of two parts of experimentation, the first part focused on identifying the dyes present and at what concentration, and the second part focused on the recreation of the stock solution. To successfully complete this experiment, a small cuvette, full of 2 mL of green Powerade, was placed into a UV spectrometer

  • Frozen Foods And How They Changed America

    709 Words  | 3 Pages

    Trey Rickabaugh Mrs. Smith CP English 9 3 March 2023 Frozen Foods Frozen foods are part of American life let's dive in to figure out more of the history. frozen foods have been around for a long time, it is mostly used for conserving foods so they will not have to produce more waste. Frozen foods also help with how much it is needed to survive because the production rates of crops would have to increase just to feed America, without being able to conserve food so it does not go bad. This Research

  • Conagra Company History

    924 Words  | 4 Pages

    In 1919, ConAgra started life under the name of Nebraska Consolidated Mills (NCM), when Alva Kinney collected four of that region’s diverse grain mills (ConAgra Foods advertising profile, 2014). So the business continued and endured for the next 30 years, notwithstanding a divergence into Alabama in the 1940s, when this firm launched a new mill. Early in the 1950s, NCM expanded their business to include an instantaneous cake mix and commenced to commercialize it beneath the brand name Duncan Hines

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Burger King

    1065 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction Burger King is a fast food chain that originated in the United States, serving hamburgers with a side of french fries. As well known as Burger King is, their marketing team is always trying new ways of advertising their burgers. In 2009 this Burger chain ran an advertisement throughout Singapore that created a lot of controversy, but not for the effectiveness. Rather, for the imagery used. It depicts a woman with mouth wide open, with Burger King’s new hamburger right in front of her

  • Organic Food Ethics

    962 Words  | 4 Pages

    There have not been many people that have gone on the opposition of organic foods and its production, but there is one that clearly states his disbelief and ethics in the organic foods idea, an American agronomist, Norman Borlaug. Borlaug was once asked about his opinion on organic foods and was very detailed in his response giving details and examples. He takes the route suggesting that organic foods will have no way of feeding the whole world and there is no way to live in a world without using

  • The Pros And Cons Of Food Coloring

    1148 Words  | 5 Pages

    Most food manufacturers use plenty of unhealthy and even suspicious ingredients in order to extend the shelf life of their food items. This means that you need to stay away from these toxic ingredients at all costs if you are to protect your health… Here are the top 10 offenders (not ranked according to the level of harm they cause): 1. Monosodium Glutamate ( MSG) MSG is an amino acid typically used to enhance the flavor of processed foods. It is well-known excitotoxin, which has been scientifically

  • Summary Of Hatchet By Gary Paulsen

    791 Words  | 4 Pages

    Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen, has 195 pages and 19 chapters. A thirteen year old boy named Brian Robeson was on a plane to see his father in Canada. The only other person on the plane was the pilot. Since he was the only other person on the plane, the pilot showed him how to use the controls. The pilot suddenly started to have a heart attack in the middle of the flight and soon died. Since the pilot taught him, Brian flew the plane. He also tried to call for help, until the plane ran out of fuel and

  • Inventions In The 1920's

    276 Words  | 2 Pages

    Without a doubt, the Roaring Twenties brought along easier ways to handle, prepare, and store food. Both new inventions and upgraded ones contributed to easing the hassle of preparing foods. One of the most significant upgrades came with the refrigerator which now had a built-in compartment for freezing food and ice (“Inventions in the 1920's"). People no longer had to waste uneaten food. Instead they could resort to wrapping and freezing it which helped it to last longer than it would in the fridge

  • Pros And Cons Of Food Irradiation

    1627 Words  | 7 Pages

    Preservation is based predominantly on delaying or preventing the growth of microorganism, and less commonly, with the exception of thermal processing, an outright killing that is more typical of disinfection (Russell et al, 1999). There are several forms of food preservation methods such as smoking, freezing, dehydration, pasteurisation and as referred to in this essay, irradiation. Foods are processed and preserved to provide the consumer with a higher standard of product over a longer period of

  • Controversies Of Using Sodium Nitrate In Processed Food

    1936 Words  | 8 Pages

    Most people can agree that processed food such as bacon is delicious for its taste and smell but what gives it those characteristics? A chemical preservative known as sodium nitrate is the substance that allows processed foods to have those specific qualities. At first, sodium nitrate may seem like a positive factor in those types of food but there have been many controversies about it concerning health issues. Based on some specific studies and organizations, the use of sodium nitrate as a preservative

  • An Essay On Cedar Vs Redwood Decking

    522 Words  | 3 Pages

    Wood Decking Materials In most of structure of the deck is made up of pressure treated lumber as well as steel beams. The real decking is the area you walk on. This is made up of wood, plastic, or a composite material that brings together plastic and wood fibers. In this article, I’m going to help you make good choices of different decking materials especially wood decks. Wood Materials When it’s about wood decks, there are three main choices. These are redwood, cedar as well as pressure treated

  • Food Irradiation Research Paper

    1780 Words  | 8 Pages

    Food irradiation is a technology that can be safely used to reduce food losses due to deterioration and to control contamination causing illness and death. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for regulating the sources of radiation that are used to irradiate food. Radiation is energy in transit either as electromagnetic waves or high-speed particles. These kinds of radiation are also referred as ionizing radiation because their energy levels are high enough to dislodge electrons