Indian Springs School Essays

  • Bob Lee Swagger Character Analysis

    736 Words  | 3 Pages

    Bob Lee Swagger is the chief protagonist in the Bob Lee Swagger series of novels by American author of thriller novels, Stephen Hunter. We first get introduced to Bob Lee Swagger otherwise known as “Bob the Nailer” in the first novel of the series, the 1993 published Point of Impact. Bob Lee Swagger was in the military where he served as a sniper until his retirement, having attained the rank of Marine sergeant. The book series begins immediately after his retirement after a Soviet sniper in Vietnam

  • John Green Research Paper

    1054 Words  | 5 Pages

    John Green attended Indian spring school, and also went to Kenyon college. In 2014 John Green was included in Time magazines 100 most influential people. Most of his work was nominated as the best selling novels. John Green is a well known writer, who is ardent about people. His

  • I Amethyster-Personal Narrative

    426 Words  | 2 Pages

    I will never part with my bracelet. Given to me by my Grandmother, the silver metal bands laced together hold five amethyst stones that have retained their glamor and smooth texture for almost 68 years. Almost gladiator-like in appearance, this piece of jewelry is my favorite because it was my grandmothers and it reminds me of my past relatives. At age 13, around 1947, my grandmother and her brother and parents took a road trip on Route 66 in a 41 Cheverly to see the western states. Her father, Lamar

  • Before The Flood Analysis

    1785 Words  | 8 Pages

    Introduction The movie “Before the Flood (2016) “ lead by Leonardo DiCaprio has been a big impact on me and hopefully the entire world.” Leonardo DiCaprio is an influential celebrity who has devoted much of his private life to help combat an increasing threat to humanity – climate change. In order to successfully advocate for a certain issue a celebrity needs credibility and public approval. DiCaprio’s stardom gives him a unique ability to be influential, different from a “regular” politician or

  • Big Fish Research Paper

    873 Words  | 4 Pages

    Fish Animations Science: Biodiversity, Adaptation & The Role of Water Technology: Creative Communication Math: Geometry 60 Minute Lesson White paper (1 piece per student) Pencil (1 per student) Crayons and markers Introduction (5 min) Fishnet (10 min) Food Chain Discussion (5 minutes) Big Fish (30 minutes) Clean Up & Wrap Up: (10 minutes) Swim in the rivers, lakes, streams and every other freshwater habitat of the world to discover nature’s buffet: food chains! NGSS 2-LS4-1 Make observations

  • Spring By Edna St. Vincent Millay Literary Devices

    542 Words  | 3 Pages

    Time after time, spring arrives just like the previous year beforehand. Although this signifies the time of rebirth, it seems as if nothing obtained a new life with the passage of time. This yearly process normally holds a special place with many due to the positive feelings towards new life. Flowers still germinate at the same time as past loved ones rot away in the ground, without a thought. In Edna St. Vincent Millay's "Spring," the reader of the poem can easily identify the speaker's dissatisfied

  • Conodoguinet Creek Field Observation Report

    842 Words  | 4 Pages

    On October 8th, 2015 our class took a field trip to the Conodoguinet Creek to test the water quality. We did 3 experiments to help us conclude the quality. During the first experiment we observed the different types of organisms in the creek. We also took tests for eutrophication in the water. Another experiment we performed were acidity tests. The trip was very informational and educational. The first experiment we did was critter count. We got into groups of 4 or 5 and one person from each

  • Spring By Edna St. Vincent Millay

    695 Words  | 3 Pages

    The spring is a time of rebirth and signifying the beginning of a new year. However, what is the purpose of the spring's return? This question develops what Edna St. Vincent Millay in her poem, "Spring", asks to the month of April as this time of year is approaching. She brings up the fact that April's beauty is not enough and is determined to find why the spring season is viewed as bright and lively, when the people experiencing the season continue to act the same. Throughout the poem, Millay incorporates

  • Reflective Essay About The Environment

    1111 Words  | 5 Pages

    As the result of my experience this semester I can conclude that this experience was a life changing experience. The way I viewed things in the past about the environment has changed. In the past I was not aware of the importance of living a more sustainable life. Also, how protecting our environment is one of the today’s most serious issues. Some of issues and information that I learned throughout this semester was the web life, food web, overpopulation, mutualism & commensalism, climate change

  • Coming Of Spring In Louise Gluck's For Jane Meyers

    275 Words  | 2 Pages

    Spring is a time of year that many consider the time of birth. The snow thaws and the flowers and plants regrow. Though some do not consider this to be the case, some consider it to be the coming of yard work and the minimalistic beauty of winter fades. Such is the case with William Carlos Williams and Louise Gluck. In William Carlos Williams Spring and All, he presents spring in the more traditional birth period. In contrast, Louise Gluck’s For Jane Meyers sees spring as the coming of spring as

  • St. Louis Nuclear History

    1236 Words  | 5 Pages

    Located in North St. Louis, Coldwater Creek was once a natural beauty. Children would explore its wonders, reveling in the innocence of their childhood games. From catching frogs and tadpoles to playing games of hide and go seek, the children were completely unaware that the waters and sediment they waded through contained a danger that, come adulthood, could likely end their lives. In 1942, for roughly six months, a mass amount of uranium oxide for the use in nuclear reactions was produced in downtown

  • Year Round Schedule Essay

    750 Words  | 3 Pages

    It has come to my attention that our school is considering changing to a year-round schedule. I understand that this schedule involves having three-week breaks in between each nine weeks as opposed to having a long summer break. I robustly agree with the new year round schedule, because not only does it aid students, it also aids our flourishing minds. First and Foremost, summer with our current schedule is about three months. Three months without worries, stress, tests, and learning. Every student

  • Compare And Contrast Tuck Everlasting

    737 Words  | 3 Pages

    Tuck Everlasting Some people have difficulty deciding which is better: the book or the film. Natalie Babbitt wrote the story Tuck Everlasting and Disney made a version of Tuck Everlasting. Natalie Babbitt’s Tuck Everlasting is a book about a 10 year old girl, Winnie Foster, who meets a family, the Tuck’s, who are immortal. They have some happy and sad experiences with each other. I believe that Natalie Babbitt’s text Tuck Everlasting is better than Disney’s film Tuck Everlasting because it puts

  • Assabet River Lab Report

    734 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction: The Assabet river is a well known river that runs through Westborough, Northborough, Marlborough, Berlin, Hudson, Stow, Maynard, Acton, and Concord, MA. The river is about 34 miles long and is home to many aquatic animals and plants. The plants range from Chiliensis to Anubias, and they grow around the borders of the river. The Assabet river has different water temperatures, depending on the location. The purpose of this lab is to determine whether or not the Assabet river temperature

  • Antonio Lucio Vivaldi: Most Renown Baroque Composer

    775 Words  | 4 Pages

    Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, an italian composer born in Venice, one of the most renown Baroque composers over in history. Mostly known for his many instrumental concertos composed mainly for the violin. Vivaldi was born on March 4, 1678 to Giovanni Battista Vivaldi and Camilla Calicchio. His father was originally a barber and became a professional violinist. Of the nine children in the family, Vivaldi was the only one who became a musician. Vivaldi was taught the violin by his father. Becoming a priest

  • Essay On Water Potential

    1980 Words  | 8 Pages

    Water potential is often represented by the Greek letter, psi ψ .The higher the rate of collisions of the water molecules with the membrane, the greater the pressure on it. This pressure is called water potential. Water always moves from higher water potential to lower water potential. The standard unit for water potential is kilopascals (kPa), which is also the unit pressure. Pure water is designated a water potential of zero which has the highest water potential under atmospheric pressure at 25°C

  • Stickleback Fish Research Paper

    532 Words  | 3 Pages

    The stickleback fish have gained much attention from evolutionary biologists because of their historic ability to adapt to conditions that were not favorable and to survive successfully in them. They are also able to give researchers insight into how evolution occurs in other organisms. The stickleback normally spawns in freshwater but lives in the salt-water ocean. Long ago when ice melted and receded, the fish were given new possible places to inhabit and they did, expanding their spawning locations

  • Maestro: A Short Story

    707 Words  | 3 Pages

    Maestro Frank loaded his clippers, rake and hoe into his old red wheelbarrow. Today was the day to tackle the spring cleanup around the lake. Winter brought a lot of trash and deadfall to the lakeshore and Frank figured it would take all day to get it cleaned up. Frank pushed the wheelbarrow out of the barn into the spring sunshine, and headed down the path towards the lake. As he crested the hill, he took in the view of the lake nestled in the valley. It was surrounded by budding willow and oak

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Burger King

    1065 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction Burger King is a fast food chain that originated in the United States, serving hamburgers with a side of french fries. As well known as Burger King is, their marketing team is always trying new ways of advertising their burgers. In 2009 this Burger chain ran an advertisement throughout Singapore that created a lot of controversy, but not for the effectiveness. Rather, for the imagery used. It depicts a woman with mouth wide open, with Burger King’s new hamburger right in front of her

  • The Legend Poem Analysis

    727 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Legend was written by a Japanese American poet name Garrett Hongo. Hongo was famous for his use of rich imagery. Most of Hongo’s poems describe the experience of Asian Americans in the society. The Legend is part of Hongo’s famous book, The River of Heaven. The poem was written during a difficult period in Hongo’s life, where he struggled to find his future path. One day, Hongo was watching television in the hotel in Chicago. He saw an Asian man shot and killed in the street. The Asian men triggered