Laboratory equipment Essays

  • Argumentative Essay On The Crucible

    388 Words  | 2 Pages

    To purify metal you have to melt the ore in a crucible, or a container that can resist great heat. A crucible, such as a steel container, clay, and some ceramics can withstand great heat. Crucifixion, the SAT’s and Mr.Maloney's class are all examples of a crucible. Where everyone who enters or gets chosen is severely tested. The Romans placed gladiators in a crucible, a container called a coliseum to fight to the death. I was very contentious with my parents as they wouldn’t let me go to a friends

  • Lab Report Chemistry Lab

    728 Words  | 3 Pages

    The lab started off by measuring critical materials for the lab: the mass of an an empty 100 mL beaker, mass of beaker and copper chloride together(52.30 g), and the mass of three iron nails(2.73 g). The goal of this experiment is to determine the number of moles of copper and iron that would be produced in the reaction of iron and copper(II) chloride, the ratio of moles of iron to moles of copper, and the percent yield of copper produced. 2.00 grams of copper(II) chloride was added in the beaker

  • The Crucible: Three Boiling Chips

    292 Words  | 2 Pages

    Students first prepped for the lab by cleaning out the crucible. Three boiling chips were added in the crucible once it was wiped out with a paper towel. The crucible was then placed on a clay triangle two finger widths above the Fischer burner. After 10 minutes of the crucible being directly under the flame, the it was clean and students allowed time for it to cool down. Next, the students from then on used tongs to transport the crucible from weighing it and back to the clay triangle. Now, they

  • Earthworm Dissection Lab

    304 Words  | 2 Pages

    when dissecting as it holds the earthworm`s body in to place. • Gloves, lap apron, and safety goggle protect the hands, body, and eyes from any exposure to bacteria and chemicals while dissecting. - These equipments are not mandatory but are optional when dissection. By using these equipment, you are protecting yourself from any exposure to chemicals and bacteria. • A scalpel is a small sharp knife used to cut the earthworm`s

  • Year 9 MYP Science: An Experiment On Metals

    452 Words  | 2 Pages

    Year 9 MYP Science Metals Experiment Task Method: 1. Record the number or letter on the container of the unknown metal 2. Use the flame test to find out the metal that is present 3. Note the flame colour 4. If there is no change of colour from the flame, make the substance into a solution by adding deionized water to the unknown metal to make a solution 5. Note the solution colour 6. If the solution is colourless perform the hydroxide test 7. Record your results 8. Now use carbonate test to find

  • Separation Lab Procedure

    1646 Words  | 7 Pages

    (1) The purpose of the separation lab procedure was to help my group members and I successfully formulate our own plan before completing the experiment, handling multiple materials and substances, etc. It acted as a step-by-step plan that guided us throughout the experiment and ensured that we were well prepared ahead of time (ie. knowing what kind of materials were necessary and gathering the correct measurements of each substance); this made the experiment day much less hectic for all of us. It

  • How Sodium Decompose Into When Heated Lab Report

    798 Words  | 4 Pages

    Evan garner Chemistry March 14th Question: what will sodium decompose into when heated? Materials: Sodium bicarbonate Bunsen burner Crucible and lid Tongs scale Ceramic fiber pad Striker Stop watch Pipe stem triangle Ring stand Ring clamp Procedure: First The crucible was weighed and recorded for mass. Then you add 2.32 grams of sodium bicarbonate that was measured using a balance and placed in the crucible. The lid was placed on top of the crucible. The crucible was placed above the burner

  • Hydrates Lab

    737 Words  | 3 Pages

    molecules as part of their crystalline structure. Some can be removed by heating (resulting in evaporation) and some remain mostly unchanged. In this lab the answer will be found. Procedure and Observations To begin the lab, first all the correct equipment and materials had to be collected

  • Lab Report: The Synthesis Of Alum

    475 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lab report Experiment 6 The synthesis of Alum Lingrui Ge Oct 18th 2015 Purpose: discover the synthesis of alum. Materials: two 250 mL beakers, 400 mL beaker, 25 mL or 50 Ml GRADUATED cylinder, Buchner funnel and filter flask, watch glass, glass stirring rod, lab burner, ring stand, ring, wire gauze, hot plate, wash acetone, Aluminum foil, 3 M sulfuric acid solution, KOH, 50% enamel solution, ice bath, balance, boiling chips, gloves, pipe cleaner. Process: get and wear goggles, set up a Buchner

  • Wear Safety Lab Report

    288 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wear safety goggles, apron and latex gloves. To start, mix 2g (weighed using a massing tray) of Nutrient Broth powder with 250 mL of deionized water. Using a pipette, fill each of the 50 test tubes with 5 mL of Nutrient Broth solution. Split the test tubes into two groups and two test tube racks. Label 25 test tubes as ‘2.4 GHz’, and label the second set of test tubes as ‘Control’ using a roll of tape and a permanent marker. Put all 50 test tubes in an autoclave and sterilize for 47 minutes. Inoculate

  • Classroom Settings Report

    924 Words  | 4 Pages

    Comparison of Laboratory Protocols of Classroom Settings to those Practiced on a Commercial Setting Brittany Weishuhn 24 October, 2015 Texas A&M University at Galveston, Galveston, Texas INTRODUCTION The purpose of the report is to compare and contrast classroom laboratory procedures, safety, and storage to those practiced on a commercial level as seen at the Texas City Oil Refineries. COMPARISON OF STORING CHEMICALS Storage of Chemicals on a Commercial level as seen at the Texas City Refineries

  • Negligence In The Medical Profession

    2537 Words  | 11 Pages

    Every act or omission by a healthcare professional can have dire results on his patient. Medical negligence is mainly the application of the general law of negligence on to the medical profession. The elements of negligence are the duty of care, breach of that duty of care, causation and actual damage to that person or property1. The same principles applies in medical negligence, however specific to this area, more attention is paid in the areas of causation and the level of standard of care that

  • Kangaroo Lab Report

    822 Words  | 4 Pages

    It was hopping around the lab and kangaroo kicking Caleb into the next room. It was kicking all the science equipment and experiments and destroying everything. When we got the kangaroo calmed down, we called animal control and they came and got the Giraffaroo. The Giraffaroo now lives in Australia in the savannas with all of the kangaroos and it fits right in

  • Cover Letter For Research Assistant Position

    512 Words  | 3 Pages

    Dear Dr. Hein, I wish to apply my skills and knowledge in synthetic organic chemistry to the Research Assistant position in the Hein Lab at the University of British Columbia for the Summer of 2023. My career goal is to conduct exploratory research while educating and instilling passion in young individuals as a research professor of organic chemistry. Presently, I am completing my Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Life Science, and Environmental Science at the University of British Columbia. I

  • Being A Redhair Essay

    848 Words  | 4 Pages

    Living As A Fiery Redhead Have you ever wondered why people have redhair? Or what makes someone’s hair red? That’s the part that can be tricky to understand, even to someone who was born with redhair. Redhair is a distinct feature that often stands out in a crowd. People with red hair, commonly referred to as redheads or gingers, have a unique and recognizable personality that impacts their lives in many different ways. There are many things associated with being a redhead. Such as, certain traits

  • Potato Catalase Lab Report

    866 Words  | 4 Pages

    This lab consists of four main parts, all relating to the main purpose of observing and measuring the effects that changes in temperature, pH, and enzyme concentration can have on reaction rates of an enzyme catalyzed reaction, as mentioned previously. In the first part we observe a normal catalase reaction and rate its reaction rate. In the second part we learned which tissues, of the ones tested, contained catalase. In the third part we saw how temperature can leave an effect on catalase activity

  • 1-2 Anatomical Observation

    851 Words  | 4 Pages

    . Results 3.1 Appearance, behavior observation statistics and the number of deaths in mice Blank group white light color and coat is compact, light red tail. Mice binocular rotating flexible and quick act freely. Normal diet in mice, defecate appears necessarily easy to disperse state of particles. The model of group of colour and lustre is dim, is mixed and disorderly dispersed hair. Mental state is poor, diet are greatly reduced, behavior, dull eyes and without god. Liquor after lavage lethargy

  • Chemical Reaction Lab Report

    1433 Words  | 6 Pages

    Tanay Bapna –The focus of our 4th quarter in 9th Grade Science was chemistry. We spent a lot of time in the lab seeing first hand how chemical reactions occur, and practiced writing descriptive designs for the labs we did. Our lab and projects included a melting point lab, flame test lab, an atomic theory essay, a carbon dioxide lab, a pennies to gold lab, and a hydrogen lab. Next year students in 10th grade at HIS will study biology. Tanay is an excellent chemistry student. In the lab he was

  • Purification Of 4-Dibromobenzene

    1445 Words  | 6 Pages

    Experiment Title: A Separation and Purification Scheme. Kunal Patel T.A: Justin Maxwell 2460-008 November 8, 2016 Introduction: This experiments main purpose was to separate and purify the components of the unknown substance given. The unknown had been allotted in the lab according to the initials of the last name. The three unknown components were 50% o-toluic acid, 40% fluorene and 1,4-dibromobenzene. This lab was essential because each student had to create the lab protocol for the lab

  • Persuasive Speech On Animal Behavior

    1024 Words  | 5 Pages

    Wondering why animals act a certain way is possibly a question that can never be answered correctly. Asking why animals act a certain way in an environment though, now that may be a question that can be answered! It has become a proven fact that animals act differently in every different environment and around every different animal or person. For instance, take a lion that is being taken from his home environment to a zoo. Of course, that lion is going to act up before he gets used to his environment