Michel Gondry Essays

  • Breathless Movie Analysis

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    Films during this time were expected to follow a smooth way of editing, with every cut following a very logical pattern. However, Godard did the complete opposite and relied on unexpected, quick jumps in editing. Godard makes use of the jump cut when Michel passes numerous cars on the road. A point of view shot from Michel’s view on the street, quickly passing car after car, is shown. Here Godard is showing the same action over and over again, without a flow. This action not only gives the audience a

  • Zelig Film Analysis

    1943 Words  | 8 Pages

    Zelig (1983), featuring the main protagonist of the same name who can transform to any group he is with, is a mockumentary produced by Woody Allen. According to Stam, a commenter on Woody Allen’s production, describes Zelig as a film in which “artistic discourse is tested in its relationship to social reality” (196), which means that Allen attempts to use Zelig as a challenge to the media representation on what is reality. I would suggest that Zelig’s importance lies on three aspects: The challenge

  • Kill Bill Volume 1 Film Analysis

    860 Words  | 4 Pages

    Tarantino’s film narration: Non-linear storytelling Kill Bill is a revenge gangster film directed by Quentin Tarantino, the protagonist centred on a female called the bride. It is a saga of the bride’s vengeance narrative. In Kill Bill Volume 1, Quentin Tarantino’s non-classical approach made a remarkable influence, with formalist film theory, they both show strong affinities. (Peary 2013) Bill as an unseen character in the film, the sign of his presence in the whole film, it is considerable strong

  • The Suffering In Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

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    In the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Charlie Kaufman tells the story of Joel Barish and Clementine Kruczynski, a socially awkward man and a free-spirited girl, who fall in love despite their differences in personality. After going through a painful breakup, Clementine receives a surgery to have her memories of him erased, and shortly thereafter, Joel finds out and decides to erase his memories of her as well. While undergoing the memory-erasing process, Joel begins to regret his decision

  • The Importance Of Music To Film Music

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    Music as an artistic way to accompany people from their born to grow up, and it influences people to have their own analysis to art performance, no matter its musical or film music. As I start to take this course, I begin to pay more attention to the film music and realize how the importance of music in a film. Through the learning of unit 4, I got some important concepts of dramatic film score. The music change makes the film industry get into a new page, and directors begin to accept the existence

  • Midnight Film Analysis

    1922 Words  | 8 Pages

    A2. Midnight movies and trash Midnight or camp movies are movies exhibited at cinemas or air at the television screens after midnight. The reason for their late night screening is that midnight movies have sexual, violent content. According to Chute, even going in this event could be regarded as taboo, due to the fact that, midnight movies "appeal primarily to feelings of awkwardness and alienation” (p, 11). Their popularity is due to their "embrace (of) all those flagrant films, from splatter flicks

  • See You Again Analysis

    970 Words  | 4 Pages

    “See you soon” is a common phrase used by people as a form of saying goodbye; some use this phrase to make a goodbye less sad. Saying goodbye to a person is difficult, especially when he or she is a loved one. In the story of Destino by Walt Disney and Salvador Dali, a loved one is lost and the story is told in a way of flashbacks. In the song “See You Again” by Charlie Puth, a loved one is lost, but the story is told as a way to say “thank you for all of the good times” waiting for the day where

  • The Spotless Mind Sequence

    830 Words  | 4 Pages

    SEQUENCE ANALYSIS The sequence under analysis is 22:29 to 33:15 in the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. In this sequence the main character, Joel Barish, is trapped in his subconscious memory revisiting past events. While Joel is under there is a real time procedure taking place to erase Joel’s past memories involving one Clementine Kruczynski, an ex lover. This sequence’s audiovisual, plot, and story info is critical for understanding the film’s overall message. The sequence starts while

  • Free The Mind Story Structure

    1015 Words  | 5 Pages

    Story Structure: the Key to Effectiveness The documentary Free the Mind was directed by Phie Ambo and released on May 3, 2012. It is about a seven day experiment for veterans suffering from PTSD and children who suffer from ADHD. They use breathing exercises to try and help them deal with their symptoms. Throughout the week the participants see how well the exercises are working for them even within the short amount of time. The film was effective in showing that breathing can help to rewire the

  • Categorical Imperative

    798 Words  | 4 Pages

    Traditionally throughout history, human beings have followed very explicit moral codes derived from their respective religious beliefs. A commonality across most religions is a concept that reads something like “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. This particular quote is the Christian version of the idea known as “The Golden Rule”. However, the age of the enlightenment brought to the world a period of secularization at a scale not seen prior in human history. Immanuel Kant was a

  • How Did The Sit-In Movement Affect The Civil Rights Movement

    983 Words  | 4 Pages

    The civil rights movement was a movement that was started to go against segregation. During the civil rights movement there was multiple marches, protest, and many other things that individual or groups of people did to try and get equal rights for African Americans. One of the types of protest is called a sit-in. The sit-ins were mainly started by 4 african american students at a Greensboro lunch counter. At first the four students just wanted some lunch but when they went to go order they refused

  • Benefits Of Living In Prison

    1061 Words  | 5 Pages

    For a first time offender, being sentenced for years feels as if the world is crashing down on you. The feeling of dread at the separation from family, friends, and of being alone in a world with offenders creeps in. As you are led away, your spirit breaks. However, it is at this first step towards confinement when you need to adapt a positive attitude and keep your spirit up to survive. Keeping your spirit up may seem formidable. Nevertheless, the prime objective now is to survive at the Maryland

  • Importance Of Values In Education Essay

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    Values in education In any company, there are certain rules and regulations that can be followed and allow the company to function effectively. Companies are identified by their values and among those values, respect plays the major role. The ministry of education in Namibia has 6 core values which are respect and empathy, professionalism, accountability, integrity, teamwork and commitment, the strategic plan (2017). The values were implemented as the best values of accessible and equitable quality

  • Prison Guard In The Film, 2001: A Space Odyssey

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    it is replaced by a multiplicity that can be numbered and supervised; by the point of the inmates, by a sequestered and observed solitude. (Foucault 200) In extending this physical structure into a metaphor of social existence in relation to power, he writes: Power has its principle not so much in a person as in a certain concerted distribution of bodies, surfaces, lights, gazes; an arrangement whose internal mechanisms produce the relation in which individuals are caught up. (Foucault 200-202)

  • Panopticism And Foucault

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    experience of being seen affects our human behavior. Foucault has used Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon to explain this principle and it’s also important to heed that Panopticon doesn’t come to us directly from Bentham but mediated to us through the work of Michel Foucault. Panopticon

  • Foucalt's Discipline And Punish And The History Of

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    This essay will cover Michel Foucalt and his understanding of power and knowledge, and the relationship between them by looking at Foucalt’s works – Discipline and Punish and The History of Madness (or better known as Madness and Civilization), which is what the first part of this essay will describe. Further on, the second part covers Foucault’s pastoral diagram, the interests of the state and the inner workings of a police system, which will elaborate on the subject by going over a brief history

  • Panopticon By Foucault

    391 Words  | 2 Pages

    Foucault argues that truth is found through the view and observation of society. This is set up in the example of the Panopticon, which places a tower in the center of a structure. Those in the tower can be observed and watched by those around it, which Foucault suggests provides the observers with power causing those in the tower to “become the principal of his subjugation” (Foucault, 203). Through this, Foucault makes the claim this authority comes from examination and is controlled by discipline-mechanisms

  • Susan Bordo's 'The Body And The Reproduction Of Femininity'

    1665 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction “The Body and the Reproduction of Femininity” from Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture and the Body by Susan Bordo (1993) introduces the discourses around the female body, and the different perspectives that influence this body. She goes on to explain that the body is a medium for culture, from which contemporary societies can replicate itself. In addition, Bordo (1993) provides continuous insight on how women have changed throughout the years to be more within societies norms

  • Bernard Brave New World Analysis

    982 Words  | 4 Pages

    I submit to power when it’s easier than resisting. If I don’t feel inconvenienced by the power that is being pushed on me, I find it easier to not fight back because the effort of resisting would not be worth the outcome. I adopted this mindset during the time when rules were being enforced by my parents. Throughout my life my parents have enacted many rules for my brother and I, from eat your vegetables, bedtime at 9:00, get good grades. Having been repeated for years, these mantras have been

  • Comparing Foucault's 'Discipline And Punish'

    533 Words  | 3 Pages

    In Foucault’s “Discipline and Punish” he discusses the establishment of disciplinary society and how it relates to power. According to Foucalt power through the techniques of discipline and servalance exist everywhere in society. This is most evident where one exhibits their ablility to discipline or punish another individual. Foucault also believed that power restricts and alters someone’s will. Essentially there are everpresent constraints on how we as humans think and act. These abstract constraints