Nematode Essays

  • Roundworm Landforms

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    The nematode or roundworm is a parasitic multicellular organism which inhabits a diverse range of environments including mountains, deserts and oceans. This ecology based seminar was about nematodes predominantly inhabiting bio crusts and desert landscapes and the research that was done by a grad student in the Mohave desert. Topics that were covered were the introduction of the love triangle (aka the study system), the landscape side of the relationship, bio crust side of the relationship, and finally

  • Worm Dna Lab Report

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    Nematode Worm Gene Amplification Jennifer White Biology 1050 - Section 003 Worm DNA Extraction, Analysis and Comparison with Human DNA 9/25/2017 Introduction: In this lab experiment students replicated the exercises as dictated in the lab manual with few exceptions as prescribed by the professor. The genetic material of three varieties of C. elegans worms were examined as a model for genetic human disease in this study via Polymerase Chain Reaction technique. An agarose

  • C. Elegans Lab Report

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    Introduction C. elegans are 1mm transparent worms used in many experiments as a model organism, since they are creatures that are easy to use and take care of in a laboratory setting. These organisms are small in size, have a short three-day life cycle, and reproduce efficiently in the lab. The C. elegans only have two sexes, male and hermaphrodite and these sexes make the organism convenient for breeding and reproduction in the laboratory environment (Hope IA, 2005). One reason the C. elegans

  • The Pros And Cons Of Worm Therapy

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    shown that living nematodes have become an alternative therapy [22-24], but this method has disadvantages, because patients must be infected by living nematodes into the body [24-26], thus, a large number of the parasites to implement these therapies. The specific mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of gastrointestinal nematodes are not clearly understood. It has been studied about the inflammatory response is caused by a parasite and the consequences resulting from the nematode

  • Comparison: Abe Lincoln And Solar Fire

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    desired allele was always going to be dominant to the other. However, the traits could very well be the opposite. For instance, Abe Lincoln has nematode-resistance, but Solar Fire does not. Previous crosses entailed nematode resistance being dominant over no nematode-resistance. On the contrary, no nematode-resistance could be dominant over having the nematode-resistance trait. As a result, potential offspring would have opposite traits, where the least desired trait prioritized over the desired trait

  • Anisakid Roundworm Research Paper

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    generally infect people. One species of parasites are the anisakid roundworm, they affect people mainly through sea food. Parasites are not a concern in well cooked fish. The three types of parasites that may affect humans are tapeworms, roundworms (nematodes), and protozoa. Some parasites remain in the intestines, others travel through the intestines to obtrude upon other organs. Tapeworms and roundworms grow in host’s body and lay their eggs there; the eggs are then passed out of the body through fecal

  • H2o2 Reaction Lab Report

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    2.9. Estimation of Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) 10 213 The concentration of H2O2 was determined by the method of Okuda et al (38). Fresh leaf 214 sample (0.5 g) was grounded in ice-cold 200 mM HClO4 and was then centrifuged at 215 1200 g for 10 min followed by neutralization of HClO4 of the supernatant with 4M KOH. 216 The insoluble KClO4 was eliminated by further centrifugation at 500g for 3 min. In a 217 total volume of 1.5 mL, the reaction mixture contained 1 mL of the eluate, 400 mL of 218 12.5 mM

  • Walbachia Case Study

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    and since they need to be adults to transmit the sickness they don’t live enough to able to do that and the virus can’t be reproduced as well because they can’t carry it. But insects are not the only arthropods that are infected by Wolbachia. Nematodes is another example that has been studied by scientists that are also looking for answers and to know more about this relationship. In this case, it’s a mutualistic relation and it is obligated as well. They both benefit from it and they can’t live

  • Tannin Research Paper

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    Tannins Tannins are polyphenolic compounds that are broadly categorized into two major groups: 1. Condensed tannins, or proanthocyanidins, consisting of oligomers of two or more flavan-3-ols, such as catechin, epicatechin, or the corresponding gallocatechin. 2. Hydrolysable tannins, consisting of a central core of carbohydrate to which phenolic carboxylic acids are bound by ester linkage. Tannins have a very high affinity for proteins and form protein-tannin complexes. The ingestion of a plant

  • Essay On Sexual Reproduction

    1000 Words  | 4 Pages

    Sexual reproduction is most common type of reproduction among the plants and animals. They are of following types; 1) Syngamy: The fusion of gametes takes place completely, if male and female gametes are produced by same cell or organism and both gametes fuse together to form a zygote, this is called as Autogamy, paramecium is its example. Another is Anisogamy in which some organisms produce two types of gametes. Both types of gametes differ from each other in their shape and size and are known

  • Caenorhabditis Elegans

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    The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) is a widely used model organism. C. elegans is often used as a model organism to study aging and longevity, because of its small size (adult 1.5mm) and have a short lifespan (around 3 weeks) (Kaletsky and Murphy

  • Roundworm Research Paper

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    The helminth worms group involving nematodes (roundworms), cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flatworms) which are widely reported with mixed infection also common (Permin et al., 1997; Poulsen, 2000). Nematodes or roundworms are the most important group of helminth parasites of poultry, worms are elongated, cylindrical and unsegmented, and most roundworms affect the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract), with an occasional parasite affecting the trachea or eye. Round worms are directely life cycle

  • Charles Darwin Research Paper

    1251 Words  | 6 Pages

    Charles Darwin was a British researcher who first explored the advanced transformative hypothesis with his idea of improvement of all periods of life through the moderate working procedure of common determination. His work was of significant impact on the life and earth sciences and on creative thought. From his hypotheses of a variety of species to his record of regular choice, Charles Darwin has stunned the universe by demonstrating the world is older than already suspected and animals are evolving

  • Toxocariasis Research Paper

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    Toxocariasis, also known as the dog and cat roundworm is a zoonotic disease which means it is spread through animal to human without having to have direct contact. Toxocariasis is a part of the ascaridida family, the genus toxocara, the nematode class, the canis or cati species, and the phylum nemathelminths. The first incidence of the disease toxocariasis was reported in 1824 the 18th century technology did not allow for such research in toxocariasis. In 1908 an English scientist discovered that

  • Hook Worm Research Paper

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    Hook worm is an infection by a type of intestinal parasite. In the roundworm group. Two species of hookworms that commonly infect humans. Are ancylostoma duodenal and necator Americanos hookworm eggs occur in the stool of infected people. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: Egg passed in stool hatch 1 to 2 days. (If they are deposited in a warm, moist place on loose soil) and release rhabditiform larvae, which molt once to become slender filariform larvae in 5 to 10 days. MOA: By binding to colchicine-sensitive site

  • Alcaligenes Faecalis Case Study

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    to produce an alkaline reaction in certain media. Microscopic analyses revealed that the bacteria are located in the esophagus and intestine of the nematodes Steinernema feltiae, S. carpocapsae, and H. bacteriophora. Nematodes are microscopic organisms that are naturally occurring and present in the soil. According to encyclopedia Britannica Nematodes, also called roundworms are among the most abundant animals on Earth. They occur as parasites in animals and

  • The Importance Of Bioluminescence

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    Introduction Bioluminescence is the emission of light by living organisms arising by exergonic chemical reactions. The term ‘bioluminescence’ originates from the Greek bios for "living" and the Latin lumen for “cold light" emission as less than 20% of the light generates thermal radiation. This has been reported in many terrestrial and aquatic organisms including bacteria, fungi, insects, algae, squid etc. Some of the bioluminescent organisms occur in symbiotic relationship with the higher organisms

  • Did Charles Darwin's Advanced Transformative Hypothesis?

    1543 Words  | 7 Pages

    Charles Darwin was a British researcher who first explored the advanced transformative hypothesis with his idea of improvement of all periods of life through the moderate working procedure of common determination. His work was of significant impact on the life and earth sciences and on creative thought. From his hypotheses of a variety of species to his record of regular choice, Charles Darwin has stunned the universe by demonstrating the world is older than already suspected and animals are evolving

  • Cestode Infection Paper

    959 Words  | 4 Pages

    Fecal flotation segregates the fecal debris and the eggs which float to the top when emulsified in liquids with high specific gravity through standing or centrifugation (Kaufmann, 1996). Flotation principle is generally useful in finding cestode and nematode eggs, as well as protozoan cysts (Roberts & Janovy, 1996). This test can see the eggs when viewed under the microscope; however, this test is not definitive (Schoenian, 2013). Determination of parasitic eggs are possible by the examination of

  • Flatworm Research Paper

    349 Words  | 2 Pages

    cavity is a pseudocoel (fluid filled). Because they are pseudocoelomates, they do not go through embryonic development. Major evolutionary advancement, the digestive system, at one end of the body is the mouth and at the other extreme is the anus. Nematodes have sexual reproduction, with dioecious sexes. Roundworms are known to be free-living but also parasitic to plants and animals. Trichenella one of the most parasitic nematodans, live inside pigs’ intestine creating cysts that are later consumed