Orbis Pictus Award Essays

  • Annotated Bibliography On Raina Telemeier

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    reviews, appealing features, author profiles and interviews. This source is fit for reaching this author because it's a kids book website. Although the biography was short on this website readers with little knowledge are able to learn about her many awards. This article is not very in depth about her life, rather it gives a brief explanation on her genre and some of the books she has written. This may or may not help the researcher in a project.

  • Trophys Should Not Be Allowed In School

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    Standing there sweaty and tired after the last game of the season. You look over at the other team who did have tons of energy, not sweaty at all , and look like they did not try at all. They announce that your team got first but everyone still get a trophy. How would you feel to give a 100% and get the same trophy as a person who only gave 50%. There is a debate on should we give out participation trophies. Many people think everyone should get a trophy for going out there and trying. Others think

  • Pros And Cons Of Participation Trophiess

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    Participation Trophies the Good and the Bad Say you are in the last game of the season and you didn’t win any games this season but you still get a trophy, what do you do with it? This has been a large discussion that has spread it all started with a NFL linebacker James Harrison wouldn’t let his two sons take their participation as they ended their season. Participation trophies aren’t a good idea for many reasons. I don’t agree with handing out participation trophies for the following reasons…

  • Should Kids Get Participation Trophies For Trying?

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    A popular issue today, should kids get participation trophies for trying? One side says, “Yes they should get participation trophies”. While the other side declares “No they should not get trophies”. I believe that kids should not get the trophies. Not handing out trophies will help kids in many ways. I think that we should not hand out trophies for trying because it helps you realize that you are going to lose in life. It will teach you how to deal with losing so you don’t have to when you get older

  • Participation Awards Pros And Cons Essay

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    Should everyone in an event receive a participation award? In the text Pros and Cons: A Look At Participation Trophies For Youth Athletes by Travis Armideo, and In Defense of Participation Trophies: Why They Really Do Teach the Right Values by Lisa Hefferman both make similar points and help determine whether participation awards are necessary for young kids. They both explain the benefits of participation awards as well as acknowledging their flaws too such as how they affect kids and how they also

  • Persuasive Essay On Youth Sports

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    wrong kind of praise and undermines the success of the children, then they begin to believe they should be rewarded for insignificant tasks. Giving kid’s participation awards don’t benefit those who receive them. It gives the child the wrong kind of commendation when they receive the awards. Today kids in youth sports will acquire awards from any place first, last, and between. This sets an example for them getting that last place is satisfactory. However, people will say feelings won’t become hurt

  • Should Kids Get A Trophy Research Paper

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    The question is, “Should kids get a trophy for showing up?” I would have to say that they shouldn’t get a trophy for just showing up. What is the point of getting a trophy if you don’t actually do anything. I would agree that they ones that do show up and actually do something, should get a trophy, but to say if kids that show just show should get a trophy is something else. If someone were to play basketball and they didn’t do anything they shouldn’t be able participate in the sport, it is ridiculous

  • Persuasive Essay On Youth Sports

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    should achieve a medal or a trophy for participation. Some argue this can mend children’s expectations for the ‘real world.’ On the other hand, some believe this will affect the children positively if they do receive these awards. Children would benefit from receiving participation awards. This is because of self esteem, and equality. Kids would also be able to celebrate their achievements from an early age. Parker Abate, who wrote the article, In Youth Sports, Participation Trophies send

  • Why Trophies: Should Youth Athletes Be Paid?

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    awarded to youth athletes for simply showing up to practice and games. These awards loose their meaning when given to everyone. Trophies are used for extrinsic motivation. Awards given to youth athletes, when they don’t earn it, don’t prepare them for the real world. The "Trophies for All" policy makes it where all youth athletes receive participation trophies just for signing up to be on the team.            Participation awards loose their meaning. In Scope magazine's, "Should Everyone Get A Trophy

  • Analysis: Are Prepation Rewards Good To Give To Kids?

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    The question people are asking is, “Are participation trophies good to give to kids?.” Getting them trophies makes them feel like they are winning something and it is showing them to work hard to achieve greatness. People have been talking about how NFL Linebacker James Harrison and his Instagram post. In the post Harrison talks about how his sons got a participation trophies from their football coaches and how he decided to give the trophies that they earned back. This is wrong, the kids should

  • Carl Granic A Logical Candiadate For The Jefferson Award

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    Carl Granica: A Logical Candiadate for the Jefferson Award It is essential to have mentors or leaders for kids so that they find what they want to do. According to multiplyinggood.org, The Jefferson Award awards people for doing something good or being nice to people. It recognizes people working with young people who need help or adults who help them feel better about themselves. Someone who helps youth or is worth noticing is Carl Granica. Carl Granica helps young people with sports and wants

  • Persuasive Essay: Should Every Kid Get A Trophy?

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    Should Every Kid Get A Trophy? Congrats! You read this line you now receive a trophy. What? Isn't that how it works now a days? No matter if you do good or bad you still get a prize for “participation”. According to a recent poll more than 80 percent of people say that not every kid should receive a prize for participation. They say that if you win you deserve a trophy but if you just stand there and do nothing that you shouldn't receive one because that's not fair to the people who try their butts

  • Participation Backwards: Ruining Kids And Youth Sports

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    Do you get all A’s in school just for showing up? Do you make the team just for trying out? Well for the past couple of weeks social media has been blowing up with the debate on participation trophies. I feel that participation trophies and ruining kids and youth sports. There are many reasons why the dreadful participation trophy is ruining sports. For instance, if sports leagues got rid of participation trophies they could save money and buy better safety equipment. According to an article in

  • How Does Carrie Flesner Deserve The Jefferson Award Essay

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    Carrie Flesner: A Person Who Deserves the Jefferson Award The reason that youth need a good mentor is so today's citizens have a better chance of a safe and happy future. The Multiplying Good organization is an organization that looks at the positive side of people and awards them for it. Someone who deserves the Jefferson Award is Carrie Flesner. This person is a fourth-grade teacher who teaches In MilwaukeeThe subjects Carrie Flesner teaches mainly math but teaches all other lessons as well

  • Participation Backwards

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    A large debate about participation trophies is raging, whether kids should or shouldn’t receive participation trophies. I personally think they shouldn’t get participation trophies. Is it possible for participation trophies to help your kid in the real world? No. “Kids don’t get passed in class just for showing up,” says Kurt Warner. A news reporter from CNN named Kelly Wallace stated “I asked my kid if getting a participation trophy ever stopped her from participating and she told me “It didn’t

  • Why Do People Get Luxury?

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    Have you ever wondered why people randomly get trophies? Well i have and i think it is wrong to.i believe that kids should not receive participation trophies. I have found three reasons on why kids shouldn't receive perticiptipitation trophies. The first reason i have is that life isn't fair. In the article psychology today it states that “life isn't fair” which is true and i believe that kids need to learn that lesson early so it doesn't come as a shock to them when they get older.another reason

  • Persuasive Research Paper

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    I know winning and getting rewards is fun but does it make you feel better even if you didn’t win and still got a trophy..? What would you do if you were just rewarded for not doing anything? Did it really make you feel better? Recently there has been a debate on whether participation trophies should be given to anyone win or lose. My opinion I think not. Don’t you want your kids to grow up and know reality, soon enough they’re going to be a young adult. Giving trophies to kids is a bad idea, do

  • Persuasive Essay On Why You Shouldn T Get A Trophy

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    Why do you deserve to get a trophy just because you showed up some place? Its doesnt make you feel better about yourself. It doesn’t stand for the efforts that you showed. A popular issue today has been about should kids get a participation trophies or not. I believe that you shouldn’t get a trophy because you showed up. I believe that kids shouldn’t get participation trophies for the following reasons. First of all, they don’t try their best. According to US Today, the children already know

  • Personal Narrative-The World Cup Tournament

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    received an award whether it be onto a first or second team all tournament or the position player of the tournament. The overall best hitter award came around, now that was something I knew I could get, I was standing there adrenaline running through me thinking I had a good shot at this award, then I hear the hush of the crowd and the call of a name, it was a Dutch girls name, I have not ever been so dejected in my entire career. Trying to forget about the fact that the overall hitting award was my last

  • The Pros And Cons Of Participation Overwards

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    You’re playing a game of soccer, and you lose badly. But to your surprise you still get a trophy. You’re a little bit confused, but hey it’s a trophy. But now some of the parents are giving you bad looks, why is that? Recently the issue of athletes receiving participation trophies has sprung up and caused quite a ruckus. With the main question being, is it good to give out the trophies or not? Personally I am against the idea of giving participation trophies. Participation trophies should not be