Philip III of Macedon Essays

  • Alexander The Great Summary

    700 Words  | 3 Pages

    figuring out it was afraid of its own shadow. In July of 356 BCE Alexander III of Macedon was born into a world that had no idea that he was going to change everything. His father, King Philip II of Macedon fueled Alexander's interest of warfare and his mother, Olympias, fueled his love of learning. When he was young he was taught to fight, ride, read, write, and play the lyre. Alexander became king at the age of 20, after King Philip was murdered by his

  • Alexander The Great Biography

    1914 Words  | 8 Pages

    Alexander In 356 B.C. a young boy was born. His father, Philip the second, was the King of Macedonia and his mother, Olympias, was heard to descend from the Greek Hero, Achilles. The boy will be named Alexander and will be tutored by Aristotle until the age of 16. Alexander will be known for his great intelligence, leadership and tremendous physical ability. He will become a general of his father’s army at an extremely young age; 18. Even as a young adult Alexander leads an army into war and

  • Alexander The Great Research Paper

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    Alexander the Great was born July 356 BCE in Macedon. Alexander the Great’s given name was Alexander III of Macedon and is the son of Philip II of Macedon and Olympias of Epirus. Alexander the Great was the King of Macedon from 336-323 BCE and was a member of the Argead Dynasty. When Alexander was in his youth he was a pupil to Aristotle. Alexander the Great only spent three years as Aristotle student. In 336 BCE, Philip II of Macedon was assassinated by one of his bodyguards. That’s when Alexander

  • Alexander The Great Research Paper

    1764 Words  | 8 Pages

    Alexander the Great was born in Macedonia. Under his father’s rule, he grew up a privileged child and was taught many skills. He was the son of King Phillip II and Queen Olympia. He did not have any brothers, only a sister which meant he was the only child to inherit the throne. When he did become the king of Macedonia everyone rallied to his side including the Thracian states in Greece. Once united they would go on to rule more than just southern Europe but would dominate the Persian Empire and

  • Alexander The Great Research Paper

    708 Words  | 3 Pages

    The story of Alexander the Greta is one of power, courage and great accomplishment. According to Pearson Custom Library Connections: A world history, volume 1 “in the words of one scholar Alexander was self-confident, endlessly curious and reckless.” Alexander the Great was born to Phillip II of Macedonia and Olympias in 356 B.C. He was taught by a great philosopher by the name of Aristotle. He learned Rhetoric, Literature, and opened his interest to Science, Medicine and Philosophy. At the

  • Alexander The Great Dbq

    471 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alexander the Great was born in 356 BCE. He was born into royalty. A hired philosopher (Aristotle) taught Alexander about academic subjects, politics, sports, and warfare. Alexander the Great also made the Macedonian army into a deadly fighting machine. Alexander was not great for these reasons, his disrespect to others, how hungry he was for power, and his fearfulness of the world and people in it. Alexander the Great was not great because of his disrespect for others. His Greek officers left him

  • Alexander The Great: King Phillip Of Macedon In Ancient Greece

    909 Words  | 4 Pages

    King Phillip of Macedon and Queen Olympia. Macedon was a mountainous country north of Greece. Macedonians were believed to be brave, rugged, and hard-working people. The Greeks believed that the Macedonians were barbarians, but just like the Greeks, the Macedonians were a part of the Aryan race and considered themselves as Greeks (Biography). When Greek city-states in Greece were fighting, and heading for decline, Macedon became mighty under the control of a warrior named Philip. Philip earned position

  • How Did Alexander The Great Influence The Ancient World

    426 Words  | 2 Pages

    allowed much more trade and information for not only the people of ancient times but for the people of modern times. In the year of 356 BCE, Alexander III of Macedon, or as he is better known, Alexander the Great, was born to King Philip II and Queen Olympia (one of Philip’s many wives) in Pella, the capital of the ancient Greek city-state of Macedon. He died at the age of just thirty-two when he was overcome by malaria in As a young boy, he was tutored and educated by the ancient and famous philosopher

  • Alexander The Great Influence

    905 Words  | 4 Pages

    Born in 365 B.C.E in Pella, Macedonia, Alexander the Great accomplished more than most leaders have in history in just a brief time as ruler. As descendant of King Phillip of Macedonia, he acquired the skills of a ruler from a very young age. Slowly Alexander began to grow up fearless and strong which was put into action when he rode alongside his father into battles. King Phillip was undoubtedly an outstanding role model for Alexander. King Phillip re-enforced his power by creating one of the most

  • Alexander The Great Research Paper

    331 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alexander III, who went down in history as Alexander the Great, was the son and successor of Philip II. He was born in Pella on 20 or 21 July in 356 B.C. (R. L. Fox, Alexander The Great, 1973). For about three years, from 343 B.C. to 341 B.C., the Greek philosopher Aristotle was his teacher. He taught him natural sciences, art, medicine and the Greek language. Alexander was a good student. His skills in rhetoric and as musician were praised by Aeschines (389 - 314 B.C.) in a public speech when Alexander

  • Alexander The Great Research Paper

    623 Words  | 3 Pages

    Alexander the Great III of Macedon was born 356 BC to 322 BC. He was a king in the Ancient Greek Macedon. Alex was born in Pella an Ancient Greek city located in the Central Macedonia. He was raised by an nurse lanike. He was tortured by the best Aristotélēs. He taught Alexander and his about different things like religion, morals,philosophy and art. Aristotle saw that Alex was in to Humer,( a Greek author) so he gave Him some copies of Humor poems and Alexander used references to them in his speeches

  • Alexander The Great: History Report: Alexander The Great

    750 Words  | 3 Pages

    His parents were King Philip II of Macedon and Queen Olympia. Prince Alexander was raised in Pella’s royal court alongside his sister. Young Alexander was first taught by Leonidas, who taught him math, horsemanship, and archery. When Leonidas failed to control the rebellious Alexander, Lysimachus was hired in his place. Lysimachus used role-playing to keep the young prince’s attention, often letting Alexander impersonate Achilles (a legendary warrior). Next King Philip hired the philosopher Aristotle

  • Alexander III Of Macedon: A Military Genius

    898 Words  | 4 Pages

    Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great, was born in Pella in July 356 BCE and died in Babylon in June 323 BCE. He was the son of King Philip II of Macedon, and succeeded his father as king after his decease in 336 BCE. He then went on to conquer most of the known world of his day – subduing a realm which stretched from Macedonia and Greece, via Egypt to the Indus Valley – earning the name “Alexander the Great” for both being a military genius, and because of his diplomatic

  • Who Is Alexander The Great

    535 Words  | 3 Pages

    conqueror. He was very successful, he ruled over everyone. He was a very good leader, he was a good ruler, but he also had some ups and downs. Alexander was also born July 356 BC, so he can’t rule now. He died June 325 BC. Alexander the Great (Alexander III of Macedonia) was King of Macedonia, hegemon of Greece, and conqueror of the Persian Empire. He is one of the greatest military leaders of all time. Alexander was born in 356 BC in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia. Alexander the Great A great

  • Alexander The Great Research Paper

    460 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alexander III of Macedon served as king of Macedonia from 336 to 323 B.C. The history of Alexander is a mixture of facts and legends, but it is clear that from his earliest youth, Alexander was determined to be powerful and during his time of leadership, he united Greece, reestablished the coronation league and conquered the Persian Empire. Alexander was not only a military genius, but he was able to spread the Greek culture including his love of knowledge. These accomplishments, along with his

  • Alexander The Great Research Paper

    253 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alexander the Great was known for being one of the best leaders who ever lived. He was known for being the king of Macedonia from 336 to 323 BC. His father was King Philip II of Macedon. He also conquered the Persian Empire. The three major battles Alexander had against the Persian Empire were The Battles of Granicus, Issus, and Gaugamela. The Battle of Granicus River was fought in May 334 BC. This battle was the first major battle he fought. Alexander had an army that had 40,000 men. The Persians

  • Alexander III's Influence In Ancient Greece

    561 Words  | 3 Pages

    Born to King Philip II and Olympias of Macedon and revered as Alexander the Great, Alexander III was one of the greatest military leaders in history. Following the assassination of his father in 336 b.c.e., Alexander III came to inherit the crown and became King of Macedonia. During the course of his reign as king he conquered empires and spread his ideals and strength throughout the lands. Upon ascending to the throne, Alexander conquered Thebes forcing the Greeks to recognize him as successor to

  • How Great Was Alexander The Great?

    477 Words  | 2 Pages

    When Alexander was only 20, he received a full empire from his late father, King Philip of Macedonia. During 356 BCE, Alexander III of Macedon was born to father, King Philip of Macedonia, and mother, Olympia. Macedonia’s military continued to improve as a result of King Philip’s ruling. However in 336 BCE, Philip was unfortunately assassinated, and soon to be Alexander the Great, inherited Philip’s kingdom and army. At only 20, he set out to conquer Persia, eventually expanding his land all the

  • How Did Alexander The Great Influence Aristotle's Mentorship

    1182 Words  | 5 Pages

    For centuries historians have looked at Alexander of Macedon as a profound leader. However, without the insight from his childhood tutor, Alexander might not be so great. Alexander the Great's military leadership and political rulings were influenced by having Aristotle as his childhood tutor. Not only because of the original teacher student relationship they shared, but also because of the advisor relationship they held later on in Alexander's empire. Evidence of the impact of Aristotle's mentorship

  • Essay On King Alexander The Great

    1167 Words  | 5 Pages

    a horse and fight. Also, the inheritor of his father’s ,King Philip II of Macedon, massive army that he would use to conquer the known ancient world. Alexander achieve a feat as great as they say it to be, he would defeat the ever growing mighty Persian empire. He was the first person to win against Persia since 646 BC when king Ashurbanipal of Assyria raids the Elamite capital (Susa) in Persia. Alexander the Great, III, of Macedon was an important leader and left an inspiring legacy because he