
Alexander The Great Biography

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Alexander In 356 B.C. a young boy was born. His father, Philip the second, was the King of Macedonia and his mother, Olympias, was heard to descend from the Greek Hero, Achilles. The boy will be named Alexander and will be tutored by Aristotle until the age of 16. Alexander will be known for his great intelligence, leadership and tremendous physical ability. He will become a general of his father’s army at an extremely young age; 18. Even as a young adult Alexander leads an army into war and obtained great respect from his father and fellow soldiers in the Battle of Chaeronea. It will be his first victory but surely not his last. Alexander the Great will conquer most of the known world at this point in history. He conquered the perennial …show more content…

This meant he had nearly obtained the entire known world up to this point in time. Unfortunately, Alexander wanted more. Fighting for ten years was not enough for him. Some may say this displays a power-hungry individual. On the other hand, it can be seen as someone who displayed a great amount of passion and competitiveness. Qualities like drive and no fear of death is what made Alexander the greatest king of all time. Being gone for such a long period of time meant close contact with several of the same faces. He took time to get to know and just listen to his soldiers. He realized the sacrifice the Macedonian’s and others displayed. “This outward appearance of love and concern, allied with his courage and determination, evoked great affection from his soldiers” (Sui). Alexander’s goals were to unify Greece and defeat the Persians. He is able to rebuild Greece and spread his ideas and culture throughout the east (Sui). “Alexander envisioned an extensive monarchy fusing Greeks, Macedonians, and the Persians into one ruling class.”(Dave) It is remarkable how he was able to integrate so many different cultures together into one. He was seen highly by nearly everyone. “In the Old Persian Empire Alexander was an absolute monarch, in Egypt he was worshiped as a god, to the Greek he was merely a commander-in-chief. …show more content…

By taking care of those issues quickly, he was able to focus on his military campaigns. He made sure that the area he is in control of is supportive of him and his efforts to obtain the known world. “He treated royal and political prisoners well and saw the political advantages of unity between diverse peoples. He was an adept politician, skilled in the arts of intrigue and manipulation, fluent in many the languages” (Axelrod). He was able to commit most of his time to warfare due to his intelligence and discrete ways of people

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