Richmond Hill, Ontario Essays

  • Mitchell Mill Historical Background

    590 Words  | 3 Pages

    Thomas' dad Thomas Sr. began the mill north of Second Lake and west of First Lake. The Mitchell's lived in Berkley Ontario a small town south of Owen Sound. Thomas Sr. (b 1855), an English immigrant, was an experienced mill operator and knew quite well that a mill by the planned CPR line could be lucrative. With the knowledge that CPR was expanding to Parry Sound he built the Mitchell Mill in 1898. When Thomas Jr. was ready, around 1920, the operations of the Foley mill would be his and he would

  • Vvu And Vmu Case Study

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    states capital Richmond, Virginia. Some of the top schools in Richmond are Virginia commonwealth university (VCU), Virginia Union University (VUU) and the University of Richmond. When trying to choose which of the three universities would be the better choice you must compare different variables such as the cost, the acceptance and graduation rate, and the overall population and size of the school. After researching this topic I have concluded that the best university to attend in Richmond is VCU. The

  • Unsatisfactory Case Study Essay

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    to give priority to my education by not allowing any circumstances to impact my career. Furthermore, I decided to join gym in order to feel self-motivated. I also started to apply for jobs and after a couple of months, I got a job at Winners in Richmond. Even though the store location is far and I do not drive or have a car, I decided to work there to gain experience and have a busy schedule. In addition, I met an academic counsellor at KPU to help me to get back to university. I was advised to

  • How Did The Colonists Live In Jamestown

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    As the colonists live in Jamestown, they question their survival. In 1607, they landed on Chesapeak Bay and built a colony called Jamestown. They had their hearts set on land and gold. But they didn’t get what they hoped for. The years they have lived in North America have not been easy. Hunger, lack of occupations, and Indian attacks got to be the main causes of the colonists’ deaths. This event changed history. Colonists suffered starvation due to the environment and lack

  • A Summary Of The British Colonization Of Canada

    800 Words  | 4 Pages

    answered by exploring and analyzing the First Nations’ and the British traders’ perspectives. The analysis will prove that different perspectives can help one understand the past. The First Nations were a group of Aboriginal Canadians that lived in Ontario and British Columbia during the British colonization. Upon the British arrival in 1763, the First Nations’ lives have changed drastically. The First Nations were treated as the “savages at the bottom of human society” (LaRocque). Their land was taken

  • John A. Macdonald: Responsible Government

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    “Let us be French, let us be english, but most importantly let us be Canadian.” This is a quote by John A. Macdonald from about 150 years ago and he was the first Prime Minister of Canada and had a political career which spanned for almost half a century. He also set a legacy that keeps our country together and united. One of the major events that happened that I will discuss is responsible government because it was a big part of history, was important to the people and it was an executive or Cabinet

  • I Lost My Talk Poem Analysis

    1812 Words  | 8 Pages

    CANADIAN LITERATURE ASSIGNMENT THE HISTORY OF CANADIAN LITERATURE   THE HISTORY OF CANADIAN LITERATURE Canadian literature refers to the body of writing authored by Canadians that include writings in the languages of aboriginals as well as the translations of such text. “Canadian literature in English” refers to all the Anglophone writings of Canada including the works of immigrant writers and temporary residents of Canada. The early writings of Canadian literature in English were written by explorers

  • Political System In Canada

    1344 Words  | 6 Pages

    Known as the second largest country in the world, Canada has a total area of 3.8 million square miles. Canada is located in North America above the United States and is surrounded by both the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. The population of Canada as of 2012 was 34.8 billion people ( The political system in Canada does not include the power of a president, which differs them from the United States. Instead, they have a Prime Minister and Stephen

  • Pierre Elliott Trudeau's Role In Canadian History

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    Pierre Elliott Trudeau was Canada’s 15th Prime Minister and a man that changed Canada. Trudeau was prime minister of Canada during 1968-79 and 1980–84, politician, writer and constitutional lawyer. He had accomplished many things throughout his years in office as he was responsible for introducing new laws and acts like the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Trudeau also brought in the Official Languages Act in 1969. This person is a significant impact towards Canadian history since some of his achievements

  • Characteristics Of National Honor Society

    884 Words  | 4 Pages

    An ideal member of the National Honor Society must demonstrate the following characteristics: Leadership, Service, and Character. To qualify for such a prestigious organization, one must qualify with a GPA of at least 3.5. Academically, I have been able to do so, maintaining a cumulative GPA of 4.11 and yet to receive an overall grade below A- in these past three semesters of High School. Moreover, I have been taking two languages, Malay and French, as well as juggling advanced classes such as Integrated

  • Sir Wilfrid Laurier: The Canadian Prime Minister

    1541 Words  | 7 Pages

    “These people do not understand Laurier; he has a governing mind; he wants to do things; he has plans. He will walk the great way of life with anyone of good intention who will join him.” - J. Israel Tarte to John Dafoe, July 1896. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the 7th Prime Minister of Canada is who I have chosen to do my study on. I have picked this because of my French ancestry and I would like to learn more about the influence he has had on the Canadian lifestyle. With this study I hope to learn what

  • Bernadine Hewitt: A Brief Biography

    1419 Words  | 6 Pages

    Bernadine Hewitt was born in 1967 in Newfoundland, Canada. She received an associate degree in nursing in 1988 and has been working in the nursing field ever since. In 1990, she welcomed her first child into the world, and by 1994 had three daughters and a husband living in a quaint house about a 2 minute walk from the ocean. Her husband, a construction worker named Jamie, had a small-town reputation of a troublemaker and the town was at first shocked by the marriage. Twenty two years and a couple

  • The Canadian Magazine Dispute Summary

    859 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Canadian Magazine Dispute Matthew J. S. Taylor University of the People Personally, I believe that there were genuine desires to protect Canadian culture in the U.S.-Canadian magazine dispute. It was considered important that Canadian authors and publishers be given the chance to write and distribute that written material to Canadians without being completely overshadowed by American publications. Without these desires at heart, American publications could be allowed to compete with

  • Toronto At Dreamer's Rock By Drew Hayden Taylor

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    Toronto at Dreamer’s Rock is a magical story showcasing the past, present, and future of Canadian First Nations people from Rusty, a teenager's perspective. The author Drew Hayden Taylor shows how quickly and drastically someone's life can change based on experiences and people who come into their lives. Rusty at first isn’t confident as a First Nations boy and has little care about his culture, but later on, is taught the importance of it which leads him to try to make his dreams of becoming Grand

  • To Kill A Mockingbird Response

    410 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mockingbird In the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, the author uses words and language that many people might find inappropriate. This book is not appropriate for the Ontario secondary school curriculum because of the language and words that the author uses. I disagree that the book should not be appropriate for the Ontario secondary school curriculum. I think the book should be appropriate despite the language and words used in the book. My first reason is that I do not think that the language

  • Us Canadian Magazine Dispute Case Study

    738 Words  | 3 Pages

    1.The US-Canadian magazine dispute arose due to the strong desire to protect the Canadian culture. Throughout history, Canada showed a strong sense of its identity and how different it is. We can see that in its preservative attitudes towards foreign cultures, especially towards the US culture. Being a bordering country to the US and the fact that the two countries have a lot in common has made the Canadian government has been worrying about the infiltration of some aspects of the US culture through

  • Us Canadian Magazine Dispute Case Study

    857 Words  | 4 Pages

    To what extent do you think the U.S.-Canadian magazine dispute was motivated by genuine desires to protect Canadian culture? Through reading the passage on the U.S.-Canadian magazine dispute, I find it hard to believe that the conflict truly revolved around protecting Canadian culture. For a country that produced a mere eleven percent of the magazine market domestically, it is evident that the force behind this dispute was financially motivated. I would have been more inclined to side on the cultural

  • Fernand Leger Bridge Of The Tug Analysis

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    In New York City the decade of the 1920s was a prosperous and carefree time for many people that featured an economic boom in regards to automobiles, radios, and telephones. It was a decade of change for many reasons and for Fernand Leger it was a decade of demobilization with the theme of the city. Leger used this time to focus on the city and make it the inspiration for his new line of paintings. He wanted people to embrace the industrial time and using it in his paintings gave the topic emphasis

  • The Crash Reel: Documentary Analysis

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    This is the most inspiring documentary I have ever seen. Kevin Pearce, his family, and his friends are inspiration to us all. I randomly turned it on, on net flex, and was immediately interested, even I don’t know about snowboarding. It was interesting to learn about snowboarding and how dangerous it is. The Crash Reel is a sports documentary directed by Lucy Walker which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2013. “Lucy Walker is an English film director. She is best known for directing

  • Buck Hill Case Study

    909 Words  | 4 Pages

    Top of the Hill With the Inn demolition imminent, we thought it would be worthwhile to revisit the journey getting there and the effort of three cottagers who were instrumental in that journey. As most of you know, the Inn closed in 1991 and remained under the ownership of The Buck Hill Inn Corporation. Subsequently, an investor group took control (though not ownership) via purchase of the mortgage secured by the Inn and the lands surrounding it. The investors were unable to begin any redevelopment