San Francisco Board of Supervisors Essays

  • Harvey Milk And The Board Of Supervisors In San Francisco

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    James White became famous for shooting and killing elected official, and coworker, Harvey Milk, and San Francisco’s Mayor, George Moscone. In 1977, Dan White joined the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco. He was against homosexuality and lived in predominantly middle class area that was particularly hostile to the homosexual community, because it was growing so rapidly. He often opposed his supervisor Harvey Milk, who was the first ever openly gay elected official. Harvey was nicknamed “The Mayor

  • Dan White And Harvey Milk: Argumentative Or First-Degree Murder?

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    Harvey Milk are both elected onto the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Harvey Milk was openly gay and fully supported gay rights, while Dan White was the opposite. He was socially conservative; which means he was against gay rights. At first, Dan White and Harvey Milk got along, they talked about each other fondly and collaborated together. After Diane Feinstein is elected, Milk and White start having some arguments. On June 25, 1978, it was the event of San Francisco's Gay Freedom Day Parade. Milk

  • The Movie Milk Essay

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    story of Harvey Milk, an openly gay politician who became the first openly gay person elected official in California. The movie follows his career from the 1970’s when he first moved to California till his assassination in 1978. Harvey moves to San Francisco and starts a small business with his partner Scott in the Castro district. He sees and experiences discrimination against the LGBTQ community and decides to act and become involved in local politics. He became a vocal supporter of the LGBTQ community

  • Is Ed Lee's Unorthodox Path To Becoming Mayor Of San Francisco?

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    Mayor Ed Lee’s somewhat unorthodox path to becoming mayor of San Francisco is an interesting case study into the convoluted politics of the city, and how the factors of race and wealth play into determining who runs San Francisco. The first item that stands out in Mayor Lee’s bio, is that he had never won (or participated) in an election until his re-election until 2011. Mayor Lee’s image among the San Francisco voters is somewhat of a bureaucrat, which becomes clear with even a glance at his biography

  • International Hotel And Political Activism

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    and the 1970’s, International Hotel, or commonly referred as I-Hotel, was and is a very crucial part of San Francisco political activism. It’s served as a banner for Asian American activism, for the improvement of poor housing conditions. During this place and time, the fuel for student political activism was high with the Third World Liberation Front social movement happening at San Francisco State College and at UC Berkeley, both fighting for the establishment of an Ethnic Studies Department. Hence

  • Essay On California Gold Rush

    920 Words  | 4 Pages

    The California Gold Rush The California Gold Rush; an era of hope, greed, destruction, and growth. The California Gold Rush was, in the 1800s, a direct pathway to the American Dream. In January 1848 James Wilson Marshall found gold in the American River. This new discovery spread throughout the United States and eventually throughout the world. After President Polk confirmed the rumors of gold in California in 1848 (Oakland Museum Staff), around 250,000 people came to California in seek of the soft

  • Negative Effects Of The California Gold Rush

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    Mexico, Hawaii, and China. b. People came from all of the other U.S. states as well. c. The people that traveled to California and left everything behind were called the 49ers. C. The gold rush affected many other things in California as well. a. San Francisco’s newspaper was closed due to all the employees quitting their jobs to gold mine. b. California became a state of the U.S. after the California Gold Rush occurred. c. Because California was so new to the U.S., there was no governing rule

  • Awkward Analysis

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    ‘Awkward…’ Has this ever happened to you while communicating with people from different cultures and countries? This ‘awkward moment’ can be described in a theory called the stumbling blocks, designed by a lady named Barna. Her theory describes the relationship between intercultural people. There are mainly six points she focuses on: Assumption of similarities, Language difference, Nonverbal Misinterpretations, Tendency to evaluate, Stress, and Culture shock. I would be explaining about these stumbling

  • How Did The Gold Rush Change People's Lives In Good Or Bad

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    Sam Brannan created the hype for gold, so he can sell his mining supplies to the miners, he made more than for panning for gold. The gold rush also created the levi’s pants. Also the growth of many cities in the california region grew including San Francisco.

  • Weather Underground Bombing Research Paper

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    The Weather Underground Organization (WUO) went on to claim credit for some 25 bombings over the next several years like the Haymarket statue, a bathroom at the Pentagon, the Capitol barber shop, the New York City police headquarters, and a variety of other targets. The WUO also (for a fee of $25,000) helped psychedelic drug guru Timothy Leary break out of a California prison and arranged for his transport to Algiers. However, these bombings didn’t have any mass mobilization effect and the fact that

  • John Sutter's Gold In California

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    Sacramento is one of the oldest cities in the western region of the United States and Sacramento is filled with rich history. The city and the capital of the great state of California dates back to 1839 when a man named John Sutter created a small rugged town that he would use for farming and business opportunities. John Sutter’s intentions and thoughts were to be given a Mexican land grant, however, as his small town grew, more opportunities started to rise. Due to the large amount of gold in California

  • How Did Frank Morris Try To Escape Alcatraz

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    and hard work to pull this escape off, but they made it happen. There were many escapes attempted, but the only one that may have been successful took place in 1962 and was known as “The Great Escape.” Alcatraz was a federal prison located in San Francisco Bay, California. The prison was in operation from 1934-1963, and it held some of America’s most dangerous felons. It was known as an inescapable prison and “the prison system’s prison.” Alcatraz typically held around 260-275 prisoners. During the

  • George Marston Role In The Preservation Of Presidio Hill

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    The arrival of George Marston in San Diego in 1902 during American settlement and his sighting of Presidio Hill is what led him to preserve the site to showcase its historical significance to future generations. According to the San Diego History Center, “George Marston was one of the great community servants in the history of San Diego” (George White Marston). Marston was a leading advocate in San Diego for his contributions he made to city planning and constructions of city park. Marston contributed

  • James W. Marshall At The California Gold Rush

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    a cheap rate from early miners with money he stole from the church (In Ohio, 1884)and resold it for a large price.(AllenJ52, 2013) Brannan was releasing the news in northern California. Brannan waved a quinine bottle filled with glittering dust at San Franciscans shouting, “brandishing a small bottle of gold dust shouting: “Gold! Gold! Gold on the American river!”(Davenport, 2012) Brannan published news about the finding of the gold in his paper, The California Star. Brannan became the first millionaire

  • History Of How The Gold Rush Reshaped California

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    How The Gold Rush Reshaped California Before the gold rush, California was only a territory. ln 1850 gold was found in California. In effect, California’s population exploded. By 1851 California had applied for statehood and became the thirty first state. News traveled fast and far, prospectors came from around the world to try their hand in panning gold. Gold mining had reached its peak by 1852. More than $80 million in gold had been pulled from mines (, 2015). Even though

  • Was There Violence At The California Missions?

    2027 Words  | 9 Pages

    The California Missions have a dark history that is not covered in classrooms or at the Missions themselves. As such, questions arise. Was there violence at the California Missions? Was there corporal punishment, sexual assault, violent assault, rebellious violence, etc? How did this violence play out in mission life? Why and how did it occur? Fourth graders in California’s public school system are taught a very cleaned up version of history regarding the California missions. The brutality of the

  • Gentrification Essay

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    The impact of gentrification on the older generation of adults in Oakland, California has been profound and multifaceted. Gentrification refers to the process of urban revitalization, typically accompanied by an influx of wealthier residents and an increase in property values. While it brings certain benefits to neighborhoods, such as improved infrastructure and economic growth, it also presents challenges for older adults, especially those on fixed incomes. One of the most significant ways gentrification

  • The Count Of Monte Cristo Research Paper

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    Has anyone ever wondered about what the smaller and lesser known version of Alcatraz would be like? In The Count of Monte Cristo, the Chateau was described as a dreaded prison, with centuries-old tradition of terror, producing the same effect on Dantes as the sight of the gallows would be like to a man condemned to death (Dumas 26). If someone would visit the Chateau today, they would be able to go through the interior of the prison and see various cells (Axelrod). The Chateau is one of the lesser

  • San Mexican Culture Analysis

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    A lot of people come to the city of San Francisco because of its diverse and cultural community. The Mission is the neighborhood where you can see a lot of culture rising within the Latino community. Throughout many years, I have seen the Mission changing and actually being gentrified. That is not the only problem on these streets but also, the new raids of police. You can see so many arrests happening to people of color. A lot of those who are immigrants to this country. We also see a lot of violence

  • Frank Lee Morris: The Escape Of Alcatraz

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    Lee Morris, Clarence Anglin, John William Anglin, and Allen West. One theory, which is the easiest answer, says that they all either drowned in the bay or got pulled under by the tides and froze to death. It’s true that people have swam from San Francisco to Alcatraz island, but they were trained to handle the tides and were very strong swimmers. The inmates had neither of these skills to the point where they did, so they had a very low chance of succeeding. In a later search for the inmates, 2