Sarin Essays

  • Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack Research Paper

    535 Words  | 3 Pages

    Tokyo subway sarin attack was a act of domestic terrorism on March 20th, 1995 in Tokyo, japan by members of the cult Amu Shinrikyo. The cult members released sarin on three lines of the present-day Tokyo Metro during rush hour, killing 12 people, injuring 50 people and causing temporarily creating vision problems for nearly 5,000 others. (Foundation) The attack was directed against trains passing through the Kasumigaseki and Nagatacho lines, which is home to the Japanese government. Sarin also called

  • Catcher In The Rye By J. D. Salinger: An Analysis

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    Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words in books can kill. The influence of literature is overlooked when it comes to violence. Movies and video games are usually blamed for this type of aggressiveness, but rarely does one point their finger towards a compilation of words on paper. It is forgotten that books hold an incredible power over the mind. Whether it is the power of imagination, the key to new thoughts and ideas, or the development of new emotions, reading can change a person. While

  • Violence In V For Vendetta

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    “I was there. I saw it all. Immigrants, Muslims... Homosexuals, terrorists. Disease-ridden degenerates. They had to go.” As quoted from the dystopian political movie V for Vendetta directed by James McTeique, V believes he is not a terrorist and is a freedom fighter by referring the terrorists as degenerates. With a pursuit of dominant ideology along with government treating him as a huge threat, V is a heroic terrorist in view of his motivation and political affiliation, acts of violence, strategies

  • Desert Sky Mall Research Paper

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    intended target. Terrorist acts are often done to a large heavily populated area where terror and casualties could be noticed to attract attention. Sarin is a manmade chemical warfare agent categorized as a nerve agent. Nerve agents are the most effectively toxic and rapid acting chemical warfare agents. Once the agent is released into the air Sarin gas can be extremely harmful to one and even lead to death. When this agent has been unleashed into a highly populated area with personnel it can lead

  • Logos And Pathos

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    appeals, which are common among all writers. In Engineering Happiness by Manel Braucells and Rakesh Sarin and in Graham Martin’s “On Mindfulness and Mental Health”, the three appeals are utilized to help the reader understand the authors main goal of happiness. The similarities and differences of the works can be compared and contrasted when looking at how the appeals are portrayed. Martin, Braucells, and Sarin target the audience of college students through ethos, logos, and pathos appeals to make their

  • Mohandas Gandhi: India's Peaceful Leader

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    Indian jails”(Furbee 42). The British were not liking the protesters fighting back, because they knew that they could win Independence if they gained too much power. “In 1947 when India won Independence, the countries split into India and Pakistan”(Sarin 26). Lots of things were happening in the world in the time of Gandhi’s leadership. During Mohandas Gandhi’s early

  • Chemical Warfare History

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    horrific pictures of Halabja victims shocked the world at the time of the negotiations in Geneva on the Chemical Weapons Convention. The two most recent examples of the use of chemical weapons were the sarin poisoning incident in Matsumoto, a Japanese residential community, in 1994, and the sarin attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995, both perpetrated by the Aum Shinrikyu doomsday cult. These two attacks re-focussed international attention on the potential use of chemical weapons by terrorists, and

  • Shouta Attack Summary

    430 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the article " Ghouta Attack: Dad Recalls Sarin Strike That Killed 34 Relatives" the author discussed how the Syrian 's have suffered because of the Ghouta Attack that happened in Syria and how the Syrians are not getting enough protection. Within hours, 34 members of Tukhie 's family have been killed by the lethal vapors. Thirty members of Tukhie 's extended family also died in the attack on their rebel-held Damascus suburb, widely believed to have been carried out by forces loyal to Syrian President

  • Aum Shinrikyo Analysis

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    Aum Shinrikyo began in 1984 as a religious group combining both the Buddhist and Hindu beliefs and is also obsessed with the apocalypse. It was founded by Shoko Asahara, who professed himself to be both the first “enlightened one” and Christ. Aum, as it was often referred to, was officially recognized in Japan as a religious organization in 1989. Asahara chose a sizable universal following through writing books and speaking at universities. Most of his followers were from Japanese universities as

  • The Lottery Shirley Jackson Hypocrisy Analysis

    277 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hypocrisy Shirley Jackson, the author of “The Lottery,” shows hypocrisy Mrs. Hutchinson the protagonist. Ms. Jackson explains this hypocrisy as people in society are will be glad to support and follow laws blindlessly but when it the same law impacts them in a negative way they says it's unjust and should not be a law. In the story this relates to Mrs. Hutchinson who happily plays the lottery acting all joyful and calm about the entire situation not expecting to be picked. However the moment the

  • New Pioneer Argumentative Essay

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    In 1971, some young people from Iowa City like organic food so much, because it not only naturally growing without added preservatives but also satisfy human needs and make them healthy. These group of people founded the New pioneer Food Co-op, shortened to New Pi, as an all-natural foods store. There are two locations in Iowa City. Both of them sell local food, organic produce, meat, hormone-free seafood, and poultry as well as packaged foods that do not contain any artificial additives and which

  • A & M Personal Statement

    587 Words  | 3 Pages

    I am seeking to transfer into the Computer Science Department at Texas A&M University as an Indian immigrant. To begin this process, I have been meeting with Dr. Vivek Sarin and Dr. Richard Furuta, advisors in the Computer Science & Engineering Department at Texas A&M; they recommend that I take core classes at Blinn College. My future career goals are to graduate from Texas A&M with a Master of Science in Computer Science and to obtain a job at a company such as Norton or Microsoft. Being an effective

  • The Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research

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    toxic compounds and biochemical weapons; several were compulsory recruited, while the others volunteered for payment. They succeeded in creating numbers of neurotoxins, and one of the most infamous project codes is GB, which involves creation of ‘Sarin gas’. This gas doesn’t have any taste, color, or smell; however, poisoning of this gas will cause symptoms like entire muscle paralysis, pupil contraction, extreme nausea or vomit, and eventually suffocation from vomitus. This gas was, and is being

  • Unit 731: Medical Experimentation On People

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    Medical Experimentation on Humans Medical Experimentation on humans is Extremely controversial for some people. Many people believe that Medical experimentation is extremely unethical. Unit 731 was an Extreme Experiment,” Around 14,000 victims, referred to as ‘logs’ by their captors and including at least eight Allied prisoners of war, were murdered in unit 731 between 1936 to 1945 ” (Hill).There was no exact number of how many people died when Unit 731 happened. During the 1950s to the 1960s, “the

  • CBRN Weapon Threats

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    This research topic explores the threat of terrorism through the use of weapons of mass destruction facing the United States, as well as the United States military, and it's ability to deal with chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear hazards. CBRN weapons have been manufactured and utilized in almost every major conflict involving the U.S. since World War 1, and have caused serious injury or death to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, combatants and civilians alike (Gosden

  • Arson And Threats

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    destruction. Chemical Terrorism. Terrorists could use chemical agents to cause mass casualties. Although the technicalities involved in some of the chemical process would be quite complicated, the intensity of the purpose makes it possible. The use of Sarin gas by Aum Shinrinko in Japan demonstrates the capability of the new

  • How Does Inter-Religious Conflict Hurt People Over Time

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    How inter-religious conflict has hurt people over time. As discussed earlier, while organized religions followers have provided some individual followers, they have also caused numerous and devastating losses for mankind over history and continuing today: benefits for many 1. Religions have shamelessly obstructed scientific truth while promoting despicable behavior (i.e. that genocide is acceptable, and little girls should not learn how to read, that an eye for an eye vengeance is acceptable, etc

  • Key Elements Of Suicide Terrorism Essay

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    The fear element is what makes terrorism difficult to tackle. Once a community has been victimized by an attack, people become afraid that terrorism will repeat itself. Societies that fall prey to numerous terrorist attacks often develop a sense of resignation, going about their daily business despite any potential danger. For a community that experiences terrorism for the first time, or isolated incidents of terrorism, fear comes from another key element which is surprise. The various ways used

  • Domestic Terrorism Research Paper

    1259 Words  | 6 Pages

    BANG! BANG! BANG! Gunshots echo out a terrifying noise heard by far too many Americans in the growing epidemic of mass shootings. When people think of terrorism, some of the worst events in history come to mind, such as September 11th, or the sarin attack on the subways of Tokyo. Still far too many people seem to overlook the most common type of terrorism, the type of terror that anyone could cause, your parents, your siblings, your neighbor, or even a classmate. Domestic terror is a growing trend

  • Computer Science Purpose Statement

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    My purpose of applying to Masters in Computer Science at Arizona State University is to gain skills and knowledge to accelerate the innovative research and development happening in the field of computer science. Ever since I was a child, I have always dreamed of advancements in science and technology that would make humans a truly multi-planetary species in the near future. I have been keenly following the novel developments in the field of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence and strongly