Slime mold Essays

  • Slime Mold Essay

    906 Words  | 4 Pages

    introduction According to the oxford dictionary the definition of Slime mold is a simple organism of an acellular mass of creeping jelly like protoplasm containing nuclei or mass of amoeboid cells. When it reaches a certain size it forms a large number of spore cases and was formally considered in the kingdom of fungi, however it is now classified in the Protista kingdom because, like other protists, they really don 't fit in with other kingdoms. They are motile like animals but some are unicellular

  • What Is Slime Molds?

    381 Words  | 2 Pages

    Slime Molds are among the most dynamic and incredible organisms in the world. There are two distinct types of Slime Molds (Cellular and Plasmodial), the type which forms the basis of this experiment is Plasmodial Slime Molds “Myxogastria” ("Introduction to the "Slime Molds"", n.d.). Plasmodial Slime Molds in a nutshell, are giant single cells abundant in nuclei, which are created when single flagellated cells swarm together and fuse. As a result, one large mass of cytoplasm is formed, which contains

  • Aspergillus Research Paper

    1157 Words  | 5 Pages

    Aspergillus is common mold that can live indoors and outdoors. There are about two hundred species of mold, but only sixteen of them are dangerous to one’s health. Everyone in our country has been exposed to one or more types of Aspergillus during their lives. Most people can live with it and never really get sick. The exception to that are people who have weakened immune systems that cannot fight off the infection without help. For immune compromised people breathing in Aspergillus is deadly

  • Black Mold Research Paper

    567 Words  | 3 Pages

    toxic molds and mildews to grow inside domestic places causing various health issues. To stop mold growth and protect your home from black molds, you should know some basic things about them. As an informed person you can choose better remediation and fight the battle cleverly. Molds are significant for ecosystem. By degrading complex organic matter molds complete the food chain. However, black mold and mildew when grow inside building environment cause health problems. Exposure to molds often results

  • Mold Remold

    500 Words  | 2 Pages

    How To Remove Mold From Your Shower It happens to the best of us. Despite your best efforts and a rigorous cleaning routine, those insidious little spots appear on your otherwise immaculate shower tiles. Suddenly you’re looking at mold, one of the most frustrating health hazards a homeowner can deal with. It’s enough to make anyone groan. Mold is not just a serious health issue, it’s also a pest. Thankfully there are a few guaranteed ways to send mold packing in no time. It’s All Fun and Games

  • Mold Research Papers

    520 Words  | 3 Pages

    Molds can still be there in your home when there is no prominent signal of their presence. Mildews are so small that you cannot see them. And they make full use of their size; they float in air and spread around. Mold inspection or mold testing is done to confirm whether molds are present in indoor environment or not. Mold testing yields many useful information like the type of mold infection, extent of mold growth inside your home, spore count or density of mold spores in indoor air and the exact

  • Allergenic Molds: What Makes Black Mold Dangerous?

    376 Words  | 2 Pages

    in your home, it is not surprising to see mold. After all, mold is a microorganism that loves to take shelter in damp, humid, and dark places. Most of the time, you’d brush off the existence of mold on your wall, floor, or ceiling. But we, at Dreyer’s DKI, strongly suggest that you address mold issues with great concern. What Makes Black Mold Dangerous? There are three types of molds that commonly grow in your home. First, there are the allergenic molds, which cause discomfort for people with allergies

  • White Blotch Research Paper

    600 Words  | 3 Pages

    long-term consequences are mold damage and possibly foundation damage. The white blotches themselves are either white mold or basement efflorescence. Either could indicate a need to seal basement walls. White Mold White mold is a fungus that feeds off a wide range of organic materials which include many construction materials such as wood. It is a potential health hazard when present in large quantities, especially among people with allergies and respiratory problems. Although mold cannot feed off concrete

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Research Paper

    1457 Words  | 6 Pages

    Russell Westbrook once said, “Messy stuff irritates me. I don't like messiness. If you leave something around my house, I'll tell you to move it back, clean it up, throw it in the trash - don't matter, just get rid of it. I need stuff neat, organized. And once I start cleaning stuff, I don't stop until it's done. Otherwise I'm irritated all day.” This quotation means one may does not like a disorganized room, if one feels that everything is not in placed then he or she will clean until it satisfies

  • Stoemonitis Research Paper

    493 Words  | 2 Pages

    Long ago, there lived a slime mold named Stemonitis Fusca who lived in Scotland. Stemonitis was new to his home in the Caledonian Forest. He found a nice, cozy spot in a deciduous tree’s trunk. Slime molds usually live on forest floors or tree trunks just like Stemonitis. Anyways, when our furry slime mold friend moved into his new tree trunk home he was in his haploid state of the slime mold cycle. The haploid state is the first stage of the life cycle and it is the name for many unicellular amoebas

  • Polycephalum Sclerotium Research Paper

    559 Words  | 3 Pages

    Physarum polycephalum sclerotium is commonly referred to as plasmodial, or true slime molds. They have been classified in the Myxomycophyta as part of the Fungi slime molds, but they are now known to be quite unrelated to the fungi. Plasmodial slime molds are basically huge single cells with thousands of nuclei. They are formed when individual flagellated cells come together and fuse. The result is one large bag of cytoplasm with many diploid nuclei. The vegetative stage is a large, single cell containing

  • What Are The Negative Effects Of Food In To Kill A Mockingbird

    303 Words  | 2 Pages

    From chapter 3 of To Kill A Mockingbird and “Where the Food is Both Scarce and Risky,” both texts states about the negative effects of poverty involving with food. Jem invites Walter Cunningham over for lunch when he finds out that the boy doesn 't have any food. Walter asks for some molasses and proceeds to pour it all over his plate of food. Scout rudely ask him what the sam hill he was doing. Calpurnia gives her a lecture in the kitchen about how to treat their guests. She whispered fiercely,

  • An Argumentative Essay About School Lunches

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    Afterwards, my stomach was extremely upset. It is common for children to find mold in their food or slime somewhere there should not be slime. It is probably not normal for the cheese on lasagna to be hardened and cool like a sheet of plastic. It is difficult to differentiate between chicken nuggets and fish bites. Is it fish? Is it chicken? It is probably neither

  • Group Therapy Paper

    1001 Words  | 5 Pages

    group project. Second order change can be seen through the deeper relationship between group members. John Bonner’s slime mold video is a great representation of self-organization. The slime groups together and even when it is separated, they pull themselves back into a group, self-organizing themselves. Self-organizing is another important aspect within groups. John Bonners slime mold relates more heavily to group work in college. For example, groups will often meet up and organize but at the end

  • Copper Ore Research Paper

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    heated in a refining furnace, which is similar to a converter described above. Air is blown into the molten blister to oxidize some impurities. A sodium carbonate flux may be added to remove traces • Then the purified copper in then poured into the molds to form large electric

  • Pros And Cons Of Biodiversity

    773 Words  | 4 Pages

    Biodiversity is the differences of life on earth or in a specific location. There are three domains that consist of life in the world: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Bacteria and Archaea are both prokaryotes. Prokaryotes are single cell organisms that lack a nucleus in the membrane nor other specialized organelles. For Eukarya it consists of four kingdoms: Protists, Plants, Fungi, and Animalia. The domain consists of organisms with a cell nucleus and other organelles inside a membrane. With these

  • Lurk Fish Research Paper

    1461 Words  | 6 Pages

    stop for this report will be 200 million years in the future. During that time, the earth would have not yet fully recovered from the mass extinction that occurred 100 million years before, which resulted in the extinction of mollusks, insects, slime molds, plants, and the remaining fish and crustaceans to fill the evacuated environmental niches. At that point of time, a second Pangea will occur, meaning that all the Earth's continents will once again meet up in order to form one unified gigantic

  • Genesis Exegetical Essay

    1770 Words  | 8 Pages

    Writing 5 Rachna Shah An Exegetical Analysis of Genesis 2:7 … “Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being” (Gen. 2:7 NIV). … Is the meaning of life the same for animals and humans? What, if any, is the unique justification for our existence? The Book of Genesis provides one explanation to these questions in its narrative of divine providence. The text conveys man’s primeval history

  • Argumentative Essay On Tough Students

    804 Words  | 4 Pages

    Tough teachers have a lot of responsibility along with a small group of supporters and a vast group of haters. A tough teacher is beneficial to students behavior and test scores but harmful to their opinion. Most students do not like very strict teachers and put facts aside and let biasi’s shine. Although the majority of students hate strict teachers there are a few students who embrace there strict teachings and wish to follow their example. Tough teachers get good results due to strict discipline

  • Why Does An Organism's Ancestry Follow A Pattern?

    1099 Words  | 5 Pages

    These slideshows helped me understand the four questions I asked during them. The first question was what do all life forms have in common?. The second question I am asking myself while I watch the presentations is why does Earth contain such diverse life forms?. Third question is what does tracing an organism’s ancestry tell us about it?. My fourth and final question is does evolution follow a pattern?. These questions will be answered in each slideshow in their own way. The first presentation