Spotted Owl Essays

  • Essay On Spotted Owl

    1174 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction The Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis) is an endangered species that lives in the old growth forests of the Pacific Northwest. This species is declinging in numbers drastically and has been listed on the ESA since 1990. The spotted owl is native to the Pacific Northwest. They are found in Southern parts of Columbia, North Western America, and California. As a result of declining habitat, there are fewer than 100 pairs of Northern spotted owls in British Columbia, Canada, 1,200 pairs in

  • Northern Spotted Owl Assignment

    336 Words  | 2 Pages

    I chose the Northern Spotted Owl for this assignment as I find them mystical, and I would like to know more about the species. The species is listed as threatened and its habitat can been found in California, Oregon, and Washington. Northern Spotted Owls usually live in older forested habitats that contain structures and characteristics required for nesting, roosting, and foraging. They prefer forests with moderate to high canopy closure (60 to 90 percent), large over-story trees, and open space

  • Northern Spotted Owl Essay

    586 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Northern Spotted Owl is currently classified as threatened and is currently undergoing conservation efforts in order to bring its population numbers back up. The Northern Spotted owl is the largest of the three subspecies of spotted owls. They are medium sized, dark brown owls with barred tails and white spots on their head and breast. The males are slightly larger than the females and are often confused with the barred owl. They are primarily nocturnal but still forage opportunistically during

  • The Owls In Bless Me, Ultima

    711 Words  | 3 Pages

    Owls are represented uniquely in many cultures, contrasting from a boogeyman to a wise old owl. This is very similar to the portrayal of people like Ultima. Some consider them curanderas, or magical healers, while others believe they are evil brujas. Bless Me, Ultima is set in 1940s New Mexico, which is important to the plot as the mix of cultures combine to make a superstitious and unique belief system. In Bless Me, Ultima the owl appears in dangerous moments of Antonio’s life. Because the owl is

  • How Did Brutus And Achban Go After The Pomegranates?

    423 Words  | 2 Pages

    There once were two gazelles living on one side of a river in a desert, Brutus and Achban. Brutus and Achban were good friends of one another, but it was commonplace for them to bicker and disagree. On their side of the river grew radishes and turnips, which they could survive on by consuming but they hated the taste. On the other side of the river grew pomegranates, which the gazelles loved but unfortunately an older cheetah was on the other side of the river who would try to eat any animals going

  • How Does Rosekit Use Literary Devices In Contrast To Asterpaw

    1388 Words  | 6 Pages

    Redpaw and Asterpaw were just apprentices when they met, butting heads over certain hunting techniques and rivaling the other over who would be the best warrior in all of Thunderclan. It didn’t take long before the two had put aside their differences and became inseparable, begging their mentors to train together and eating almost every meal possible in each others’ company. Therefore it was no particular surprise to anyone when they made the next jump into mates as warriors, moving seamlessly from

  • A Terrible Sight Short Story

    1254 Words  | 6 Pages

    Well first, Bert was over at his friend Kurt 's tree, whose tree is very small unlike mine. Kurt is a northern pygmy owl that is nocturnal but stays awake a lot during the day to watch out for predators like foxes or cats. Bert and Kurt decided that they would spy on owls close by and scare other birds away. They were doing it all day, those rude, meany-feathers! By the time Bert came back home, it was about 11:00 p.m. Usually, he has his meals

  • Snowy Owls: A Narrative Fiction

    1043 Words  | 5 Pages

    In fact, I haven’t seen much before because I have never ventured far from the house. It was like there was a infarct around the cabin. The snowy owl drifted through the air, piercing the snow just like a sword piercing a piece of paper. Faith drove me to the side of the road where two dogs came up to me. I immediately sniffed them and they smelt strangely familiar. It took me a couple of seconds

  • Eglantine In The Guardians

    855 Words  | 4 Pages

    I would like to see good prevail and the owls that have had rough lives find some peace. I am surprised that Eglantine has become so consumed by her will to find her parents. Her character has changed from a mild mannered owl throughout the series. She seems to be more brave in this book than in the others. She is still a young owl but seems to be growing up quickly. I noticed that Kludd never appeared in this book. Kludd has been the most feared owl up until this point. His nickname is Metal

  • Adam Young Fireflies Poetic Techniques

    1072 Words  | 5 Pages

    Ready Player One - “Fireflies” The book Ready Player One is a sci-fi fiction novel set in the near future - 28 years in the future, to be exact, written by Ernest Cline. The song “Fireflies” is a song written by Adam Young, a synthpop with a medium tempo, three and a half minutes long and with lyrics throughout. “Fireflies” is a song that centers on a dream world - not being able to fall asleep at night, having very vivid dreams, and feeling as if they could come true; while Player is about a virtual

  • Case Study: Hi-Lighters

    1155 Words  | 5 Pages

    Hi-Lighters is a club devoted to spreading positivity and instilling healthy lifestyle habits into members of my school. All high school students, myself included, experience stress sometimes, whether from school or family matters. Our goal at Hi-Lighters is not merely to encourage an optimistic outlook, but to work with members of my community to recognize sources of stress and strive to find ways to properly handle this stress, whether it be by developing stronger study habits or finding small

  • Faulkner's Foreshadowing

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    The Role for Foreshadowing: “A Rose for Emily” Foreshadowing is a major element that serves as a key in story-telling specifically William Faulkner’s writing. Male author, William Faulkner, wrote “A Rose for Emily,” is one of many literary works that foreshadowing plays an instrumental role in. William Faulkner is effective in his numerous instances of foreshadowing that build suspense, create a dark and sinister theme, and emphasize irony. The first way Faulkner’s work displays the use of foreshadowing

  • Passage In The Secret History Of An Irish Countess Analysis

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    Joseph Sheridan LeFanu’s Passage in the Secret History of an Irish Countess: Through the lens of Sigmund Freud’s The Uncanny The emergence of the Gothic Literature in the 18th century set the stage for one of the most prolific Irish writers of the 19th century, Joseph Sheridan LeFanu, whose “work is squarely in the nineteenth-century Gothic tradition” (Begnal 27), and to whose name can be ascribed The Purcell Papers, titled so due to “being attributed to the Reverend Francis Purcell of Drumcoolagh”

  • Occurrence On Owl Creek Bridge Film Analysis

    1880 Words  | 8 Pages

    take away vital aspects of the story. Rod Sterling’s television program, “The Twilight Zone”, has recreated many famous literary works and became a popular in the living rooms of the 1960s. One episode recreates the short story, “The Occurrence on Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce. It tells the story of the man in the 1800s facing the final moments of his life before being hung on a bridge for a crime he committed. While he his awaiting his pending death, he fantasizes escaping and returning to

  • Hope In An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge

    1157 Words  | 5 Pages

    synonymous with determination. Farquhar's fantasy eventually ends, though, and with it, his life. However, what Farquhar's example teaches is that hope will fight until the very end, never quitting even when defeat is clearly inevitable. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge shows that even in the most impossible situation, when one is mere seconds before death that hope can still remain. (Graves) Although the story will horrify its viewer with its grim ending, it possesses the underlying lesson that hope

  • Imagery In An Occurrence At Owl Creek

    707 Words  | 3 Pages

    An Occurrence at Owl Creek is a prime example of the power of imagery. A story about the hanging of a man who supported the Confederate cause during the Civil War and acted against the North leading to his immediate execution. This story effectively uses imagery with consistency, appealing to all senses and types of imagery, Visual imagery pertains to the sense of sight, tactile to touch, olfactory to smell, aural to sounds, and gustatory to taste. The utilization of descriptive words, relatable

  • How Did Tree Ear Change In A Single Shard

    413 Words  | 2 Pages

    In A Single Shard, each character has traits that changed from the beginning to the end. Tree-ear is an orphaned boy who lives in a small village on the West Coast of Korea and had a care-taker, Crane-man, that passed away. Tree-ear’s traits and personality changed throughout the book. Tree-ear’s features changed gradually from the beginning to the end. In the beginning of the novel, Tree-ear was very independent. On page ten of A Single Shard it states, “Afterward, Tree-ear washed in

  • Peyton Farquhar In An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge

    819 Words  | 4 Pages

    “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” Plot- Peyton Farquhar is a plantation owner from Northern Alabama who is being hanged to death for aiding the Confederate cause during the Civil War. He is standing on a plank of the bridge with his hands bound and a noose around his neck. He thinks of his family and home during his final seconds. After the Captain gives the signal, the Sergeant moves from the plank and Farquhar is suspended from the bridge by the rope. Farquhar was unable to join the Confederate

  • An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge Mood Analysis

    361 Words  | 2 Pages

    Throughout “An Occurrence At Owl creek Bridge” there is a reoccurrence of him describing the main character, Peyton Farquhar’s memories in order to build the setting and a mood. When the author Ambrose Bierce uses these techniques in his writing, it makes the reader have certain emotions towards different things in each scene. Bierce creates these specific emotions to force the audience to have a second look. For example in the scene where Farquhar is in the woods, he describes his surroundings like

  • Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge Short Story

    464 Words  | 2 Pages

    3. Two stories in which the tables turned are “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” and “Ballad of Birmingham”. The tables are turned pretty drastically in these two stories because lives are taken because of it. In “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” Peyton Farquhar is caught for messing with Owl Creek Bridge and is going to be hanged for doing so. As he is falling with the noose around his neck the noose appears to break and Farquhar falls in to the Creek. He then makes it all the way downstream