Textbooks Essays

  • Cost Of College Textbooks

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    year on textbooks. (This figure is much higher for students at for-profit colleges and trade schools.) Between 2002 and 2013, the price of college textbooks rose 82% — nearly three times the rate of inflation, according to a recent study by the Government Accountability Office. This results to higher costs and expenses for college students, but what makes this idea difficult to accept is that resell prices on these textbooks will significantly drop due to newer editions of the same textbook being released

  • Controversy Over The Use Of Textbooks

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    Outline: Main Points 1. Textbooks can be a hassle for quite a few reasons. · They are big and bulky. · Carrying them to each class can be a hassle. · They are very expensive. 2. Textbooks also can be bad for the environment. · For the millions of college students in the U.S. that is a lot of paper used for the textbooks. · With the production of textbooks comes a lot of factories to produce the books which can release toxins into the air. · Another thing

  • Analysis Of Textbooks To Tablets By Dawn Reiss

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    of textbooks and switch to digital ebooks. Dawn Reiss shares her side of the dispute through an article she wrote from 2013, “Textbooks to Tablets,” which focuses on how having technology in the classroom will create a more efficient learning environment as well as decreased spending on physical books. Her article includes rhetorical appeals that persuasively communicate to the audience. In Reiss’ article, I argue that she successfully supports her claim that ebooks are superior to textbooks by presenting

  • What Is The Importance Of Textbook Exchange In College Essay

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    the average college student will spend $655 on textbooks each year, but with a single textbook easily costing as much as $200, that total can easily be much higher. In fact, the College Board puts the annual cost of books and materials at $1,168” (Kingkade, 2013). College textbooks have risen over 812% in the last 30 years. That is a staggering figure. As the cost continues to dramatically increase my social entrepreneurship business is a used textbook exchange among past, present and future students

  • Persuasive Essay: Colleges Should Stop Making Students Buy Textbooks

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    Topic: Colleges should stop making students buy textbooks. Opening/Attention: When you think of school, you think of a classroom, a teacher, students, and costly textbooks. Over the years, the internet has created an ease of access to information, eliminating the need for textbook use, therefore eliminating cost. In a city like Toronto, where expenses exceed minimum wages, education is key for a financially stable career. As students, expenses before, and after school have created obstacles to

  • Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Textbooks

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    Introduction I. A textbook is a collection of the knowledge, concepts and principles of selected topic or course. II. Usually written by one or more teachers, college professors or education experts who are authorities in a specific field III. Students can get benefit from using the textbook for learning purpose A. Ease the student to find the reliable information for their homework and assignments. B. Provide structure for student’s learning as each chapter has a logical flow. IV. As our technology

  • The Lies My Teacher Told Analysis

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    (Loewen 33). Christopher Columbus was not the only person portrayed inaccurately. Pilgrims were also portrayed as peaceful Europeans who came to the new world and got along nicely and “broke bread” with the natives without any violence. Pilgrims, who textbooks say “started from scratch” in a “wilderness”, really started with a fully functional American Indian village previously emptied by European plagues ( Loewen 85). Loewen then quotes primary sources that say after pilgrims settled, they then proceeded

  • Teaching Philosophy Statement

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    Using a textbook to its best advantage seems to be overlooked when we prepare for teaching. I believe there is a place for textbooks, facts, and even lectures in different subjects or level of students. I have noticed that many really don't know what to do with a textbook. They have learned a great deal about cooperative learning, using technology in the classroom, and designing rubrics. While those are good things to know, some traditional classroom techniques are also important. Selection of a

  • Rhetorical Analysis: Why Mcdonalds Frries Taste So Good

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    Rhetorical Analysis: “Why McDonald’s Fries Taste So Good” When it comes to writing, the hardest part is getting the audience interested in what you have to say. Four techniques writers use to attract readers are the use of ethos, logos, pathos and Kairos in their text. Ethos is a method used to gain trust in the author. Logos uses facts and statistics to add credibility to the author. Pathos is used in stories or experiences to connect the readers emotionally to the text. Kairos is used to determine

  • Pros And Cons Of Deforestation

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    The buzzing of the chainsaw blares throughout the Amazon Rainforest; birds flock to the sky, tigers dash away, scared for their safety and home as the chainsaw is destroying it. The chainsaw slices through the rough, brown exterior of the trees, one by one leaving none standing. Brazil used to have the highest deforestation rate, although the rate has gone down, it is still occurring in Brazil. As stated in the article “17 Important Pros and Cons of deforestation”, from Green Garage, it clarifies

  • How Does Technology Affect Our Society Today

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    Technology and Children in Our Society Today Technology has always been progressing thus it is rampant in our society today. We use technology; depend on technology in our daily life and our needs and demands for technology keep on rising (Ramey, 2012). Wherever you look, you will see people holding different kinds of technology like cell phone, laptop, tablets and etc. It appears to most of us that technology is a necessity to the point where we can no longer live without it. The current study

  • Why Philosophical Analysis Matters

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    Why Philosophical Analysis Matters? 1. Better comprehension and communication There are a vast amount of words and each of them may have a different explanation and it is determined by the person and in what way he or she is using it. Culture, location, and nationality may be some of the factors for the different meaning of the words. Some other factors could include age and sense of humour. This is one reason why philosophical analysis matters. Thru philosophical analysis, people would be able to

  • 2.2 Explain The Factors That Cause Exam-Related Stress

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    Question 2.1: Define stress Stress can be defined as the body’s way of reacting to both good and bad experiences. Stress is a mental, emotional and physical factor that causes mental tension. Stress can be external (from the environment, psychological, or social situations) or internal (illness, or from a medical procedure). And can initiate the ‘’fight or flight’’ response Question 2.2: Explain the factors that cause exam related stress 1 The Inability to handle academic pressure and expectations

  • Disadvantages Of Technology In Education Essay

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    Some people said that the technology may cause many problems in the education fields for many reasons. As it was stated in occupytheory.org and other websites under the title of “Disadvantages of technology in education” Laziness in Studying Computers are done to make things easier on human so it may cause laziness on some students since they could find what they want by a click without researches. Forgetting the Basic Way of Studying Some people claims that student would not be using books

  • Original Books Should Not Be Taught In Schools Essay

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    Should college students be obligated to buy original books for their class? Not always, there are exceptions, but in the event that a student is unable to lend an original book, that student is forced to buy an original. What is wrong is not allowing a student to work with a used book if the book lends itself to use it again, there are cases in which it is difficult to buy a book right away so it is often necessary to save in order to acquire it. Buying books is good for both parties, both for

  • Schools Should Be Allowed To Go To School Essay

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    One day two girls got on the bus to go to school, but when they got there they were sad. They could not afford to get all the materials and pay all the fees on time! On top of that, the had to be squished on the nasty gym floor for a 2 and a half hour assembly. All the students were hurting and distracted from being on the floor for so long. Once that was finally over the girls decided to go to the library. The library was small, and did not have any books the girls wanted to read. If my school received

  • The Cost Of College Textbooks

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    transfer to other four-year university. And most of class relate to a textbook and/or other supplies. Therefore, for a college student who takes class had to have at least one book in each semester. So today I’m going to what is happening about out textbooks. And why it’s happening. And what actions can help us. First of all, we all know the college text is very expensive. As U.S. PIRG Group in Feb 2, 2014 said, cost of college textbooks out of control. Here is a line graph we can know that from 1978 to

  • Textbook Analysis Essay

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    Textbook Analysis Essay When one thinks of Social Studies, they might think of important dates in time, key events in history, names of famous or influential people, and much more. The information covered in this academic subject is vast, and continuously expanding due to new information being learned by scholars in their field, as well as current events that are quickly becoming more and more relevant in the world today (Chapin, 2013). Though this information is expansive, and much of it is available

  • Open Textbook Benefits

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    through the store and waiting in the long line to buy her materials, she walked out with a four-pound Chemistry textbook, a bundled access code, a lab notebook, a lab manual and a bill of $320. Although she had hoped to buy used books, the class syllabus forced Kim to buy the newest edition of the store-exclusive Chemistry bundle, all of which would be mandatory for the coming quarter. Textbooks are a huge burden on college students, especially to those who take out loans or are financially insecure.

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Textbooks

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    electronic textbooks have become a popular reading standard. Electronic textbooks is an electronic version of a traditional print book that can be read by using a computer screen. In the world,electronic textbook at school is increasing steadily. While electronic textbooks sales continue to increase,some people say that electronic textbooks are becoming more popular, but printed textbook remains top choice but some people like to read electronic textbooks more than printed textbook. Is electronic