Tusk Essays

  • Natural Selection Research Paper

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    Today you see Elephants as large grayish- brown wrinkly skinned animals with a long trunk and two tusks pointing upwards. Elephant’s tusks and fur have evolved due to environmental changes. Living things that change to adapt to it’s environment then passing on their characteristics to their offspring which is called Natural Selection. Natural selection is one way evolution occurs and is also the reason why elephants change their traits to adapt to their environment. Over time the lineage of the Elephant

  • Animal Captivity

    1251 Words  | 6 Pages

    Ever since the creation of this first “zoo”, people have kept animals is captivity for many uses. Today, animals are kept captive through: circuses, zoos, marine parks, pseudo-sanctuaries, etc. Animals can be kept captive for entertainment, research, rehabilitation, and even companionship. Animal captivity can be an argumental subject for some people. There are many reasons why or why not animals should be kept in captivity. Some people believe all animals should have rights and are better off in

  • Why Is Harley Mac So Popular

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    Fleetwood Mac is, without a doubt, a band unlike any other, even to this day. Originating in the 1960s, Fleetwood Mac started out as a small blues band in England. They would go on to produce numerous hit albums and it would only take them a matter of years before becoming one of the most successful bands in the whole entire world. Perhaps their enormous success was due to the fact that their on stage performances and songs mirrored the struggles and difficulties that many of the members were facing

  • The Pros And Cons Of The Banning Of Elephants

    520 Words  | 3 Pages

    The meaning of Ban: means officially or legally prohibited elephant trophy trade was banned in the U.S now President Donald Trump wants the ban to be lifted which will also gain the attention from the people who are for and against. Lifting this ban will have a substantial impact on the elephants being hunted and used as trophies. The country would start bringing more revenue into the country. The money coming in will also go towards the elephants and their habitats. “In sum, these changes have the

  • Why Do An Elephant Never Forgets

    1939 Words  | 8 Pages

    An Elephant Never Forgets Have any species gone extinct in your lifetime? Imagine an animal you see every day, gone, forgotten. That is a real possibility for elephants over the next 15 years. It may not seem like a pressing issue, but elephants are dying at an alarming rate. According to Melissa Sciacca, Executive Director of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT), one elephant is killed approximately every 25 minutes. That comes to an astounding total of approximately 21 thousand per year.

  • Summary Of The Law Never Forgets By Emily Hutchens

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    In 2013, the Wisconsin International Law Journal published Emily Hutchens article, “The Law Never Forgets: An Analysis of the Elephant Poaching Crisis, Failed Policies, and Potential Solutions,” focuses on the threat of elephant populations, failure to ban illegal poaching and trading, and possible solutions. Hutchens is also points out the reason on why poaching is increasing so much recently. The author provides a background information of legal trading way back to 1970s and 1980s and how poaching

  • The Pros And Cons Of The Banning Of Elephants

    685 Words  | 3 Pages

    I think elephant body parts should be illegal to bring to the United States because it is harming the elephant and it is leaving the baby elephants along to die and not be able to be with the herd, another reason is that trump should lift the ban on elephants body parts from coming in to the United States, my third reason is that the endangered Species Act. And also people are also complaining about the populations of the elephants are dropping down in Africa. So put on your thinking caps and lets

  • Theme Of Bravery In The Tusks Of Wusterim

    279 Words  | 2 Pages

    until the last possible grmoment to take action. There are many topics, yet one exists as the centralized topic throughout the story. The Tusks of Wusterim conveys bravery throughout the entire story. The story shows many different sides of bravery through war times and hopeless situations. The Tusks of Wusterim reveals self-sacrifice as a major theme. In The Tusks of Wusterim two major forms of bravery occurs. War shows the bravery of the people fighting for a significant cause. The people fighting

  • The Tusk Of Wusterim Research Paper

    335 Words  | 2 Pages

    Though subtle, the short comic “The Tusk of Wusterim” touches on the idea of making sacrifice to achieve a greater cause. Sutch decided to face death and sacrificed his own life to motivate his enslaved people to defeat the empire for the sake of their freedom. Lord Viceroy, a high ranking person in an empire, threw away his pride as a lord and begged Sutch, a lowly slave, not to die for the sake of the empire he served. In order to achieve anything in life, sacrifices are always need to be make

  • Male Elephant Behavior Paper

    1345 Words  | 6 Pages

    function of musth (an intense, hormone-driven [increasing testosterone levels] stage of development of an adolescent male elephant; similar to what humans consider as puberty), body size, and tusks (an extended, pointed tooth) in relation to male-male competition. One would conceptualize that a male elephant’s tusks was used for fighting but this position does not necessarily prove to be true. At least what is known in African elephant

  • Commentary On The Film, Explorer: Warlords Of Ivory

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    crafted phony elephant tusks, and the help of many African natives. Christy hopes to put a face to the criminals behind the ivory trade and expose the cruelties that are inflicted upon wild elephants. Bryan Christy, with the help of taxidermist George Dant, designed several forged elephant tusks that were implanted with GPS tracking devices that would be used to track where the ivory travels after it has been forcefully taken from the elephants. The replica elephant tusks had to look, feel, and

  • Museum Assignment

    687 Words  | 3 Pages

    meters in height and ninety to one hundred and ten pounds in weight. It is an elephant that has tusks, a trunk, a lot of hair, smooth skin, and freckled, not pigmented, grayish skin. It’s skin is on the shiny side. The fossil shown in Geology Hall appears to be the elephas maximus’s ear or piece of its ear. Only the ear fossil seems to be shown so the rest of the body is missing – head, legs, back, tusks, trunk, bones of the rest of the body and

  • Asian Elephant Research Paper

    304 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Asian Elephants found in Bomeo, Papua New Guinea, faces threats of their transforming forest habitat due to agricultural use.The Asian elephants are slightly smaller than their cousins, the African Elephants. The Asian elephants have small, rounded ears while the African Elephants have ears in the shape of Africa.Their ears radiates heat to help keep the large animals cool, but sometimes they are interested of water and they enjoy showering by sucking water into their trunks then spraying the

  • The Characteristics Of Asian Elephants

    903 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the past three generations, the Asian elephant population has declined by 50%, leaving only around 20,000 to 40,000 left in the wild (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Staff). Despite Asian elephants unique characteristics, some people see them just as money. They’re willing to take away Asian elephants’ habitats and even their lives just for a profit. Many countries are working on changing this and hopefully conserving the Asian elephants we have left. Asian elephants have many different qualities

  • Ivory Trade In Africa

    1133 Words  | 5 Pages

    on the prowl, giraffes eating from tree tops, gazelles and zebras grazing in the grassland. Then suddenly the elegant elephant herd emerges. However, they suddenly start to disappear, one by one, as poachers take their life for the ivory in their tusks. Just as quickly as the elephants disappear, everything in the African grassland starts to disappear. The illegal ivory trade in China has a major impact on the rapid decline of the African elephant population. If poaching elephants continues, the

  • Mammoth Research Paper

    367 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mammoths Imagine walking down the street and finding a mammoths bone. As a fact, 2 people from DuPage county were hiking in the forest and found the mammoths bone. Mammoths were the woolly elephant like animals with long curved tusks. Mammoths were the biggest woolly animals on earth. Most of the mammoths used to leave in cold environment and they became extinct about 12,000 years ago. The mammoths became extinct because of Climate Change, Human Hunting and Hyper Disease. Over the years global temperature

  • Write An Essay On Poaching In Africa

    691 Words  | 3 Pages

    humans. Some other animals that get poached are tigers, gorillas, pangolins, and big-horned sheep (Munoz). When people poach animals that is mainly for the part of the animal that is valuable. For instance, elephants are poached for there ivory tusks and rhinos are

  • Elephant Poaching Research Paper

    1031 Words  | 5 Pages

    elephants play a key role in maintaining the balance of all other species in the community. They pull down trees and break up thorny bushes, which help to create grasslands for other animals to survive. During the dry seasons, elephants use their tusks to dig for water. This not only allows elephants to survive in dry environments, it also provides water for other animals that share harsh habitats. They create trails that act as fire breakers and water run offs. Other animals, including humans,

  • Elephant Masks In Cameroon

    1968 Words  | 8 Pages

    pulling them out of the ground. Fons get a prize, such as a female, for hunting elephants . Elephants are one of the idolized animals which is another reason why elephants are perfect for presenting fon since they are too . In some cases elephant tusks can even be placed on the burial site, or between the fon’s limbs as they are being laid to rest. By having these placed, they can have relations with ancestors . In Africa, funeral rituals are an important way to honor the deceased and the ancestors

  • Poaching Of Elephants

    348 Words  | 2 Pages

    try and prevent, but they don’t know how to. This is affected by the economy, society, and geography, and I’m here to inform you about these issues and how to prevent them. Poaching of elephants is economical because people sell the Ivory from the tusks of the elephants to make money. Because Ivory is so prized, it is very expensive, making people want the Ivory even more. In 1986, 75% of raw ivory was received from illegal poaching. Selling Ivory has become a hobby of many, and people are trying