University of Illinois at Chicago Essays

  • Jane Addams The Spirit Of Youth And The City Streets

    725 Words  | 3 Pages “The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets” is a book by Jane Addams who is a founder of Hull-House in Chicago. This book is digitalized by Google. This book contains many topics such as Youth in the city, the wrecked foundations of domesticity, the quest for adventure, the house of dream, youth in industry, and the thirst for righteousness. This book goes

  • A Very Brief History Of The Illinois Industrial University

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    the University of Illinois, but even though this chant has not changed the University has. The University of Illinois was not always called by that name, but originally was called the Illinois Industrial University. This university was built in between Champaign and Urbana as a result of the Morrill Land Grant Act in 1868 (Wiegmann). Throughout the history of the University many changes have taken place. Even with many obstacles in the early years of the University of Illinois, the University has

  • Welcome To Chicago Short Story

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    My story takes place in Chicago, IL. Melissa Martin was about to graduate from The University of Chicago in one month. William Mollard was in graduate school studying geography. He was going to propose to Melissa on her graduation day. He has been planning this for months, but has been held back by his work of studying places on the outskirts of Montana. He recently found an unmarked area on the border of Idaho and Montana. He told his professor and the professor stared at him and said “Leave it

  • Rugby Informative Speech

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    game of rugby. Central Idea Statement/Thesis: Three aspects of rugby that helps set it apart from other sports is a line-out, a maul, and a scrum. Introduction I. [Attention Getter] II. [Topic Justification] Rugby is a club sport at Idaho State University. A. Rugby and other club sports receive support from the Campus Recreation. 1. Campus Recreation receives funding directly from ISU student fees. a) In other words, students, or us in this room, are paying to help fund this sport, so they might

  • Past Events In The Great Gatsby

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    Numerous accounts of literature display the significance of past events to the details of the present or future. Many novels show certain behaviors or actions of characters that are directly related to things that have happened in the past. This literary technique is evident in the novel The Great Gatsby, a book written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In this story, the lavish life in the 1920s is personified by a diverse group of people living in New York. The main focus of the story is a mysteriously wealthy

  • Similes In The Odyssey

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    Feeling the need to learn more about yourself is something in which many of us have felt before, yet in what way do we approach trying to accomplish this? In both pieces, The Odyssey by Homer and The Journey by Mary Oliver, the main character undertakes a journey that teaches them about who they are, what they’re worth, and what they are capable of. In the Odyssey, Odysseus proved himself as a strong and great leader. Whilst on his journey back home, he comes across several different obstacles that

  • College Tuition Should Be Free Essay

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    “42% of college students in the United States fail to complete their degrees. Of those 42%, 15-25% will drop-out, and the remaining 17-27% will leave college, for reasons that are less clear.” There is obviously something wrong with our education system as a whole for so many students to drop out of college. Yet, individuals believe that college tuition should be free, and paid for by the government with taxpayer money. Secondary school should not be free because it should not replace the education

  • The Pros And Cons Of Prisons

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    A prison is a structure where people are being held legally for punishment because of the illegal crime(s) they have committed. Recent studies say about 200,000 people end up in jail each year in the United States. Children and teenagers have considered their school as if they were in jail. School can last for about 13 years of one’s childhood, but after all those years it is up to the person if they want to continue after that. Kids and teenagers use prison, as a metaphor, to compare them attending

  • College Pressures William Zinsser Summary

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    In “College Pressures” by William Zinsser, leader of one of the residential colleges at Yale University, the author describes the different amount of pressures that students struggle with in college. Because of his position at the university, he constantly noticed the students around him and the anxiety that was radiating off them. He believes that economic pressures cause students to feel anxious about paying back student loans after college. However, parental pressure leads students to make

  • Emmett Till Trial: The Plessy V. Ferguson Case

    1087 Words  | 5 Pages

    The year was 1955 when fourteen year old Emmett Till was murdered in cold blood by Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam. Emmett was born on July 25, 1941 in Chicago, Illinois to Mamie and Louis Till. He was spending the summer in Money, Mississippi with his extended family after relentlessly begging his mother for hours on end, until she finally agreed to the proposition. Mamie warned Emmett to be careful of the way he acted in Mississippi, because she knew how racially segregated it was due to the Jim Crow

  • Food Pantry Research Paper

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    Northeastern Illinois have a food pantry located in building E in room E50. The food pantry was founded by the student Advocacy Program. They have created an emergency relief system to support NEIU students experiencing food insecurity. The Student Food Pantry seeks donations of nonperishable items and personal hygiene products to help the students who is in need of them. These donations are a collaborative effort among NEIU faculty, staff, and students. The food pantry has many locations where items

  • Northern Illinois University Interview Essay

    523 Words  | 3 Pages

    Q&A: Cassandra Kamp on Northern Illinois University NIU student, Cassandra Kamp talks to Jack Hueckstaedt about her time at the University and how the campus provides a better learning environment. Written By Jack Hueckstaedt December 3, 2017 Most factual information about Northern Illinois University can be easily accessed on their website, but some information such as students’ opinions on the campus environment, and the quality of courses that can be taken in the college is a little more

  • Exemplification Essay: The Murder Of Emmett Till

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    On July 25, 1941, Mamie and Louis Till had a son, Emmett Louis Till. Emmett’s mother Mamie was from the South, but her family moved to Chicago because of the discrimination faced by African Americans. Mamie was an Honor Roll student and only the fourth black student to graduate from Argo Community High School. Emmett’s father Louis was from Missouri. He was an amateur boxer. On October 14, 1940 Mamie and Louis married, only to separate two years later. Louis Till died when Emmett was only

  • Exemplification Essay: The Murder Of Emmett Till

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    able to identify the body by the ring it was wearing, it was a ring with the inscribed initials of "L.T", the ring of Mamie Till's deceased husband that was given to Emmett the day before he had left (Emmett Till). The body was shipped backed to Chicago, Bryant and Milam were both tried for murder a few weeks later. The fourteen-year-old boy was murdered for flirting with a white woman. The death of Emmett Till was a trigger for African Americans to fight for their

  • The Murder Of Emmett Till

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    Emmett Till was a loving, fun fourteen year old boy who grew up on the Southside of Chicago. During 1955, classrooms were segregated yet Till found a way to cope with the changes that was happening in the world. Looking forward to a visit with his cousins, Emmett was ecstatic and was not prepared for the level of segregation that would occur in Money, Mississippi when he arrived. Emmett was a big prankster, but his mother reminded him of his race and how being black in the Deep South was dangerous

  • Emmett Till: Two White Men At The Age Of 14 In Mississippi

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    men hunted down Emmett Till, kidnapped him and then took him to a shed where they continued to beat him. They then took him to the Tallahatchie River, shot him in the head and left his body in the river. Emmett Till was born July 25, 1941 in Chicago, Illinois. Emmett Till had a father named Louis Till who was executed apparently for “willful misconduct”.

  • Summary Of The Emmett Till Trial

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    Summary: On August 20th 1955 the 14 year old from Chicago, Emmett Till went to Mississippi to visit some of his family for the summer. He arrived in Mississippi a day later (August 21st) and stayed with his uncle Moses Wright. After a long day of picking cotton Emmett and other kids went to Bryant's Grocery & Meat Market. The market was owned by a white couple named Roy and Carolyn Bryant. Some kids said they heard Emmett "wolf-whistle" at Carolyn Bryant. Word got back to Roy Bryant

  • Emmett Till Pros And Cons

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    Dominick Moore Mr.Stonebrink 2/26/16 6th period Emmett Till argument for a retrial Have you ever sent your baby boy away on vacation and then had his body shipped back to you in a maple crate? --Mamie Till. Emmett Till was from Chicago, Illinois, and visiting relatives in Money, a small town, Till whistled at Mrs.Bryant.Several nights later, Bryant's husband Roy and his half-brother J.W. Milam went to Till's great-uncle's house and abducted the boy. They took him away and beat and mutilated him

  • How Does Emmett Changed My Understanding Of The Civil War?

    3313 Words  | 14 Pages

    Daniel Decatur Emmett was born in Mount Vernon, Ohio in the fall of 1815. Emmett was a composer who worked as a drummer in a traveling circus, then a minstrel troupe after being discharged from the Army because he falsified his age to enlist. Emmett wrote many of what are now considered to be Confederate anthems, “…much to the chagrin of Emmett who was anything but a Southern sympathizer…” Emmett wrote these songs as walk-arounds, a dance number that was performed at the end of a show that featured

  • Emmett Till Thesis

    908 Words  | 4 Pages

    Emmett Till was like any other boy who helped his single mother with responsibilities. Mamie Till, was an exceptional mother who worked long hours for the Air Force as well as juggling to raise Emmett by herself. He grew up in Chicago where the neighborhood thrived in black-owned businesses. For schooling, he attended McCosh Grammar school, an all black school where his childhood friends described him as, “...a funny guy all the time. He had a suitcase of jokes that he liked to tell. He loved to