Wastewater Essays

  • Yonkers Waste Water Treatment Plant Essay

    1996 Words  | 8 Pages

    Discussion of Treatment Plant: The Yonkers Wastewater Treatment Plant or Yonkers WWTP was constructed in the late 1920s and began its operation in the 1930s. Yonkers WWTP is top 5% in plant size. It consist of 9 pumping stations, processing 80 million gallons of raw sewage daily and up to 120 million gallons daily. Furthermore, the plant services 500 thousand people or half the population in Westchester County. The electricity bill of Yonkers WWTP is enormous, it currently cost them $1 million a

  • Devices To Eliminate Solids And Suspended Materials Out Of Contaminated Water

    787 Words  | 4 Pages

    The purpose of this lab was to create a device with the materials provided for us to remove solids and suspended materials out of the contaminated water. By creating this device we will be able to simulate the first stage of wastewater removal additionally, depending on how we build our device it will determine the turbidity of the contaminated water. With that we believed that our device will be able to remove most of the suspended materials, the gravel will filter out the bigger particles, the

  • Essay On Thermal Desalination

    2198 Words  | 9 Pages

    CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION In the contemporary world, economic purposes on ships led to the need for a process such as desalination. At the beginning, ships used distillation, in which heat aids in removing salt from water, providing clean water throughout their trips. Later on, thermal desalination started to be used since it was more efficient in providing a continuous supply of fresh water along the sailing. In 1881, the first desalination mills started to be built in Tigne, Malta and in Jeddah,

  • Safe Drinking Water In The Elizabethan Age

    747 Words  | 3 Pages

    1 billion people live without access to safe drinking water. In the Elizabethan Age, the concept of treating wastewater had not yet crossed the minds of a society that was dangerously unaware of the potential for the diseases and ill health they faced by exposing themselves to household and personal wastes. With the growth of world population nature cannot always treat all the wastewater created. Each person uses up to 100 gallons of water every day for drinking, cooking, bathing, flushing toilets

  • Pros And Cons Of Greywater

    740 Words  | 3 Pages

    Contrary to those that oppose the implementation of greywater recycling into society, there are many that believe it is a cost-efficient and feasible process which has many beneficial effects. By reusing greywater, one is able to reduce the amount of freshwater needed to supply a household as well as reduce the volume of waste water that enters sewer systems. Contrary to the beliefs of those that oppose greywater, “the recycling of greywater can save one a lot of money” ("Pros and Cons of Popular

  • Chlorine Disinfection Lab Report

    1525 Words  | 7 Pages

    Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Disinfection is applied in water as well as wastewater treatment as a finishing step so as to destroy pathogens but the cause of concern regarding the disinfection process is the formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs). Natural organic matter (NOM) in water has been considered as the predominant DBP precursors. Disinfectants are powerful oxidants that oxidize the organic matter present in water forming

  • Wastewater In The 1800s

    360 Words  | 2 Pages

    Treating wastewater is extremely vital to the health and well-being of eco-systems all around the world. The treatment of wastewater is a fairly modern concept, though collection systems to remove foul-smelling water were common in ancient Rome, it was not until the 19th century that urbanized areas began to realize that removing the pollutants from the water that they were discharging into the environment was extremely important. (1) The reason that this became so relevant was a direct result

  • Water And Sewage Microbiology Exam

    445 Words  | 2 Pages

    involves the removal of any other contaminate present in the waste. 3. Describe a septic tank and explain its function. A septic tank is large water tight tank that allows the removal of wastewater from a building and begins the primary treatment process by separating solids and organic materials before the wastewater is disposed. Food and Dairy Microbiology: 1. Define pasteurization and describe its use in the dairy industry. a. Pasteurization is using a high temperature for a short period of time

  • Causes Of Water Pollution

    900 Words  | 4 Pages

    SURFACE WATER POLLUTION: FACTORS AND IMPLICATIONS Surface water includes water bodies on the earth 's crust such as well, river, lake, pond, stream, ocean. The water we use for our daily purposes and supplied by the municipalities mostly includes surface water primarily from river catchments. Water for agriculture is taken from rivers; it used to be taken from wells also but now it has shifted to bore wells mostly. Pollution refers to the presence of foreign matter in the resource which degrades

  • Louisiana Floodplain Management Association Case Study

    384 Words  | 2 Pages

    In 1983, representatives from regional planning commissions, parishes, municipalities, state agencies, and the private sector met in Lafayette, Louisiana. There they discussed the need for an organization focusing on flood damage reduction issues, the potential for success, and the goals of an association. As a result of this meeting, the first conference of the Louisiana Floodplain Management Association was held in Lake Charles, LA in 1984. After voting to formally organize; the participants established

  • Persuasive Essay On Pressure Washer

    780 Words  | 4 Pages

    When you are working in a dirty industry, you need a perfect piece of equipment to clean up the mess that remains. If you are engaged in fishing or marine industry, you need a high energy machine to keep the docks and boats clean. If you are working in construction, you need to constantly clean dirt and heat of the corridors and equipment. And if you work in an industrial warehouse, you need durable machines that can scrub high traffic areas. Facilities need to be cleaned of tracks, buildings, writings

  • Superior Pump 91250 Case Study

    1010 Words  | 5 Pages

    Superior Pump 91250 Review Superior Pump 91250 is a light-duty utility pump suitable for common household requirements for lifting excess water from pools. It also works excellently as a sump pump upon some nominal modifications. This pump is suitable for removing water spills from basements and is effective at helping you during handling emergencies. Compact design and low consumption makes this pump highly user-friendly and application oriented. It is portable and fits in a bucket in case you want

  • Personal Narrative: My Brigade Trip To Nicaragua

    935 Words  | 4 Pages

    As I entered the sky bridge, walking towards the plane, it finally occurred to me what I was about to embark on. In all honesty, I had no idea what to expect. Sure, I had seen the itinerary and talked to veteran brigaders, but schedules and words do not compare to the actual experience. My brigade trip to Nicaragua was incredible from beginning to end and I am very fortunate to have been able to contribute to the Global Brigades cause. Our schedule consisted of 3 medical clinic days, 2 public health

  • Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Antibiotics

    974 Words  | 4 Pages

    Every individual wishes to be healthy and disease free. Occasionally, the human health gets negatively affected due to pathogenic, disease causing microorganisms. In such cases, one takes antibiotics to cure themselves from this condition. Another mechanism to deal with this problem is vaccination which a prevention mechanism. Let us take a look at both these methods to fight diseases. Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by some organisms, and can kill or inhibit the growth of other microorganisms

  • Littleton/Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant Case Study

    1852 Words  | 8 Pages

    sanitary sewer without the aid of a gravity grease interceptor (GGI) and/or best management practices (BMPs) within the City of Littleton and the City of Englewood districts of the Littleton/Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant (LEWWTP) service area. II. History The Littleton/Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant (L/E WWTP) has been operating since April of 1977; the third largest publicly owned treatment works (POTW) in Colorado. In 1972 the City of Englewood and the City of Littleton had two separate

  • Waste Water Lab Report

    1440 Words  | 6 Pages

    The purpose of this experiment is to analyze the P content in a wastewater sample and to test the efficiency of 2 different methods for P removal from wastewater. To analyze the P content in a wastewater sample, standard P solution is made and calibration curve is generated and phosphate concentration in wastewater is determined by using calibration curve that is generated. To determine the concentration of P, vanadomolybdophosphoric acid spectrophotometric method is used. The predominating form

  • Hopi Tribe Vs Snowbowl Case Study

    1376 Words  | 6 Pages

    Hopi Tribe v Snowbowl Resort LTD. Issue: The issue is whether the tribe has sufficient standing to bring a common law public nuisance claim against the defendants. Rule: The use of reclaimed wastewater causes tribal members a special injury, different in kind from that suffered by the general public by interfering with places of special cultural and religious significance. Discussion: Gravity of the harm: The tribe argues that Snowball’s approved upgrades violate the Free Exercise of Religion

  • Research Paper On Sewage

    1525 Words  | 7 Pages

    Sewage is a blend of squanders, both residential and modern as arrangement or suspension. It is additionally called city water or wastewater. It comprises of almost 99% water alongside pathogenic microbes, suspended solids and particles. It is discharged in water bodies like lakes or streams and there is a need to guarantee the best possible treatment of these squanders so as to avert water contamination and related infections. Sewage is derieved from the latin word "exaquare" signifying 'to deplete

  • Refinery Effluents Research Paper

    1575 Words  | 7 Pages

    As a consequence, significant volumes of wastewater are generated, subsequently running into rivers. The volume of PRE generated during processing is 0.4–1.6 times the amount of the crude oil processed (Coelho A. et al., 2006). Based on the current yield of 13355 litres per day of crude oil, the

  • Synthetic Waste Water Lab Report

    844 Words  | 4 Pages

    Executive Summary Jar tests were performed to consider the most effective conditions for maximum precipitation from synthetic wastewater. The samples were used to simulate industrial wastewater containing copper. Increasing dosages of NaOH were added to the samples in order to raise the pH level and cause precipitate formation. Copper concentration levels of 30, 3.45, 1.32, 0.98, 0.45, and 0.22 mg/L were observed when given 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 mL 1 M NaOH dosages, respectively. It was observed