
Persepolis is a graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi that was originally published in French. It tells the story of her life growing up during the Iranian Revolution and provides an intimate portrait of how she experienced this turbulent time. Through Satrapi's autobiographical narrative, readers gain insight into not only her own personal journey but also the broader history and culture of Iran at that time. The book has been praised for its frankness and accessibility; it does not shy away from complex topics such as religion, politics, family dynamics, identity formation, gender roles, war, and oppression. As well as being highly acclaimed by critics worldwide and winning numerous awards, including two Angouleme International Comics Festival Awards, Persepolis has become widely read in both schools and universities due to its educational value. By using satire to convey serious issues such as censorship or patriarchy with wit rather than didacticism, students are able to engage more deeply with these ideas without feeling overwhelmed or bored by them. This makes it an invaluable resource for literature classes at all levels who wish to explore themes of cultural identity within their curriculum.