Divergent is a young adult dystopian novel written by Veronica Roth and published in 2011. It follows the story of Beatrice Prior, who lives in a future Chicago that has been divided into five factions based on their personalities and values. Beatrice discovers she is "divergent," meaning she doesn't fit perfectly into any one faction but instead possesses traits from several different ones. She must make a choice between staying with her family or embracing her divergence by joining another faction, while also navigating dangerous secrets within each group's power structure. The novel was adapted for film in 2014, followed by two sequels: Insurgent (2015) and Allegiant (2016).
Themes of identity, free will, and morality are explored throughout the series as Beatrice struggles to find where she fits in this world where conformity is prized over individuality. These ideas reflect current debates about how much freedom we should have to express ourselves without fear of judgment or persecution. Divergent provides an exciting adventure story set against a backdrop of thoughtful philosophical musings about our place in society. This combination makes it both entertaining and thought-provoking for readers interested not only in escapism but also in meaningful conversations about what it means to be human today and tomorrow.