
13 Reasons Why Can Be Seen In A Negative Light

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I was very hesitant to write this story only because now I do realize how big of an impact social media can have. If this story was to be read I was scared of what people might say. People are always going to have something to say, good or bad. I've gotten to a point where you have to learn to let go of the past, and this is my way of letting go. After watching the second season of 13 Reasons Why it made me feel that there are so many people unaware of mental awareness issues. Yes, there are many people and many reasons why 13 Reasons Why can be seen in a negative light. That show also brings awareness to mental health and shows that what people say can really impact someone. I never realized how big of a platform social media could be and the effect that can have on a person, until my senior year of high school. I hate to use the word bullied. I hate to use it in context to myself. That word makes me feel small. Makes me feel like I couldn’t handle a certain situation and at the time I couldn’t. Throughout my many …show more content…

I was terrified of people being mad at me or losing that friends that I already had, so when they asked me to lie for them I did. I was caught in a spinning web of being lied to and lying for the people that were lying to me. There were so many times that I felt that were was no one on my side and looking back on it, there wasn't. It became a trend for people to dislike me. Two people started this trend, and in all honestly, I had done nothing to them. It was in the yearbook class that I saw everything happen in full force. People would just stop talking to me, people were distant. I was losing myself in the whirlwind of the drama. It got to a point that even teachers were noticing but my mindset was to just get to graduation and I would be free. I got there, unharmed free of any physical damage, maybe a little mental but that’s what therapy is

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