16 And Pregnant Doesn T Promote Teen Pregnancy

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’16 and pregnant’ doesn’t promote teen pregnancy
When it comes to the topic of teenage pregnancy, some of us will readily agree that TV shows like ’16 and Pregnant’ and ‘Teen Mom’ have helped reduce teen pregnancy worldwide. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether it promotes teenage pregnancy rather then helped reduce it. Whereas some are convinced that teen pregnancy rates have dropped due to the show’s high ratings, others maintain that the show promotes teenage girls into getting pregnant by showing the cast members in unrealistic financial success.
CNN reporter, Jacque Wilson, in her article, “Study: MTV's '16 and Pregnant' led to fewer teen births” quotes a National Bureau of Economic Research study …show more content…

Corrina Jean, a reporter for Examiner.com, in her article, “New ’16 and pregnant’ scripting claims really aren’t that new” states, “One of Sarah Roberts (season four cast member) claims suggest that the girls who live by themselves are only able to do so because they are getting paid. Now, this claim is tricky for several reasons. On one hand, it isn’t exactly false. It is true that the girls who appear on ’16 and pregnant’ and shows like ‘teen mom’ are paid money that they would not be getting if they were not on the show. There is no doubt that this extra cash helps them support themselves are their kids. Being a reality television show star is technically a job, though, and if the girls use that money to better themselves (like moving out), then this is a positive thing” (Jean). In other words, Jean believes that with the money the teenage cast star members get they will better themselves and the money will help them. MTV does pay the co-star member’s, but by doing so they are helping out the teenage mothers get on their own feet and to take care of their child. Being a parent at a young age with no income, living at their parents’ house and having to care of their child would defiantly be a difficult