1918 Influenza Pandemic

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Influenza Pandemic 0f 1918-19 The influenza pandemic killed more people than World War I. “According to Taber 's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, influenza is “an acute, contagious respiratory infection characterized by sudden onset, fever, chills, headache, myalgia(muscle pain), and sometimes prostration”. Due to the lack of doctors knowledge, The influenza pandemic( Spanish Flu) spread fast.

Conversely, military historians have paid little attention to a deadly disease which underlines the reciprocal relationship between battlefield and homefront.¨ Lack of doctors not knowing about influenza. People not knowing how to deal with it. How quickly influenza spread. The biological properties that confer virulence to pandemic influenza …show more content…

People smelt death, they saw people’s dead bodies, They had chills, fevers, headaches, myalgia. ¨The origin site for the 1918 influenza pandemic which killed more than 50 million people worldwide has been hotly debated. While the mid-western United States, France, and China have all been identified as potential candidates by medical researchers, the military context for the pandemic has been all but ignored. Conversely, military historians have paid little attention to a deadly disease which underlines the reciprocal relationship between battlefield and homefront.¨

How the disaster could have been prevented, if the doctors knew more. If not prevented, discuss how could the disaster been handled differently, if people would of stayed in there house and had precautions. Influenza, acute, infectious, contagious viral disease of the respiratory tract, especially the trachea, colloquially called flu or, less often, grippe.

The influenza pandemic killed more than the World War 1(WW1) did. The influenza “Spanish Flu”killed around 20-40 million people. This horrible global disaster left people in fear and knowing that it would most likely be here once again (The 1918 Influenza Pandemic 1). The flu took a heavy human toll, wiping out entire families and leaving countless widows and orphans in its wake. Funeral parlors were overwhelmed and bodies piled up. Some people even had to dig graves for their own family

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