1920's Entertainment Essay

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1920’s Entertainment After World War 1, America was going through an economic boom which led to the creation of new ideas, new inventions, and the rapid growth of the entertainment industry. Americans were making more money and were enjoyed spending it on the new forms of entertainment during their free time. Due to the rapid growth of the entertainment industry radios became cheaper, the film industry became large, people began to watch sports, and dance clubs became popular. On October 27th, 1920 the first radio station called the KDKA was created and since then the radio has become an extremely popular source of entertainment. The prices of radios dropped in the 20s allowing them to be more affordable. Sales of radios went from $60 million in 1922 to $426 million in 1929. By 1922 there were …show more content…

Many Americans enjoyed the new films because they provided joy and laughter after the recent war. Most of the films during this time were silent with some background music like a piano accompanying them, but it wasn’t until 1923 when the first movie with an actual soundtrack was produced (“1920s films”). Movie ticket sales went from 50 weekly in 1920 to 90 million weekly in 1929 (“digital history”). New movies were coming out and each was more advanced than the last with new movie stars and ideas influencing the fashion and culture of America. The American people became obsessed with movies and attending the theater became a regular weekend thing to do (Hanson). Theaters were originally called Nickelodeons, they were very cheap to get in but were usually run down and small. In the 20’s Nickelodeons evolved in to elaborate theaters that could seat many people because of the popularity of the film industry. Like the radio, movies became very influential in the lives of Americans and were a new fun source of entertainment (“digital

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